The Shadowlands

Part 4

By the lurker

The office was in shambles; the two of them had torn it apart, looking for any clue that would tell them what had happened to Sydney, but they had found nothing. Broots looked at his watch, the morning shift would be coming on any moment now.

He watched as Parker paced back and forth in front of Sydney’s desk. He wished that there was something he could do to calm her, but he knew if he tried, she would resent him for it. Miss Parker had never been one to accept comfort from anyone except her father, and occasionally she tolerated it from Sydney; but it extended no further.

“Miss Parker, why don’t you sit down for awhile?”

“That won’t help, Broots. There has to be something here; we must have missed it.” Her voice was sounding slightly desperate, “There has to be something.”

A whimpering noise shot out at them from the air duct. The two of them turned sharply toward the sound, then to each other. Parker ran to the grate and looked inside; Angelo was rolled up in a ball, crying.

“ me get this grate off.”

Broots and Parker pried the grate off the wall, and they tried to coax Angelo out, but it was as if he couldn’t hear them. Her frustration mounting, Parker grabbed Angelo by the shirt collar, yanking him from the air duct. He screamed and curled into a ball on the floor of Sydney’s office. She started to grab him again, but Broots held her back.

“Miss Parker.....don’t. That won’t help.”

She glared at him, and Broots flinched away from her. She let out an uneven sigh of air, and in the low light he saw the shine in her eyes; they were filled with barely contained tears. Broots took her hand in his.

“I’m scared for him too, Miss Parker.”

“I know.”

Angelo began wailing at the top of his lungs, and they knelt down next to him.

“Angelo,” Broots soothed, “take it easy. Tell us what happened.”

Parker leaned into the sobbing man, “Angelo.....Sydney. Tell us what happened to Sydney.”

Tears of agony were streaming down Angelo’s face, “It’s so cold.... and pain, so much pain.”

Miss Parker swallowed hard. She had been right. Something dire had transpired, and Sydney was right in the middle of it.

She tried to keep her voice calm and even, “Angelo, we want to help Sydney. Can you tell us where he is?”

“Cold. So cold. Hard. Concrete. Wet water. Dripping. Darkness. Pain.”

Parker turned to Broots, “This isn’t helping....maybe if we put him in Syd’s chair.”

Broots and Parker lifted the empath up and carefully put him in the desk chair. Angelo slammed his fists on the desktop, causing both Parker and Broots to jump.

“No.....Sydney will not give in. Must protect the daughter.”

Parker looked at Angelo in confusion, “Daughter? Sydney doesn’t have a daughter, Angelo.”

“The daughter.....He must protect you.”

Parker sighed and turned to Broots, “This is one flew over the rubber room. He’s not making any sense.”

Angelo moved out of the chair, and knelt on the floor by the desk. He reached under it, and pulled out the DSA that Sydney had taped there the night before. He handed it to Miss Parker.

“Sydney protects the daughter.”

Parker snatched the DSA from Angelo’s hands and practically threw it at Broots, who quickly played it on Sydney’s computer.

The Centre June 14, 1967

“I’m not threatening you. I’m asking you to desist with your silly notions regarding our test subjects here at the Centre,” Raines smiled.

Catherine Parker’s voice held solid determination, “I don’t think so.”

Catherine turned on her heel and started out of the office, but Raines grabbed her arm, hard.

“Let go of me.”

Raines pulled her closer to his face, “Before you go, I want you to have the complete picture of what could happen. I need you on board with me for this.”


“That’s too bad. I will have to tell Mr. Parker the truth then.”

“What truth?”

“Why, Miss Parker, of course.”

Catherine stared at him, horrified.

“I thought that might get your attention, Catherine.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Catherine moved away from him, but he closed the distance again, coming to stand right behind her shoulder.

“Mr. Parker isn’t her biological father.”

Catherine turned around, glaring into his eyes, “You stay away from my husband, and my daughter.”

Raines smiled broadly, holding up a file folder, “Ah, ah, ah, Catherine. I have proof. I not only know that Mr. Parker isn’t her father...I know who is.” Raines paused for effect, “Now, unless you want this file to wind up in both of their hands, I suggest you cooperate with me.”

The Centre, present

Miss Parker stood frozen in place. Tears flowed down her cheeks. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t breathe. Yet another secret to her past that Sydney had kept to himself; and how long had he known? Broots was unsure what to do, so he waited. After a few long minutes, Parker pulled her gun out, cocking it.

“I’m going to kill him, Broots.” Parker’s voice was shaking with emotion, “If he’s not dead already, when we find him, I’m going to splatter his Flemish brains all over the wall.”

“Miss Parker.....we don’t know all the--”

She pointed the gun into his face, “--Just keep talking Broots, and I’ll take you out first.”

Broots closed his eyes in fear, but in his heart, he knew he had to keep going, “No, Miss Parker, I’m not going to keep quiet. I don’t care if you do kill me.” He opened one eye and realized he was still alive, so he kept talking, “Everything Sydney has done, has always proved out in one way or another, as having been either to protect you, or Jarod. And in some cases, he was protecting the memory of your mother.” He swallowed hard, and for a moment, watched the tears fall down her face. “Miss Parker, whatever the reasons Sydney had for keeping this from you, he must have thought he was shielding you somehow.”

Parker blinked the tears from her eyes, moved away from Broots and slammed her gun down on the desk.

Her voice shook with an emotion that emanated from deep within her, “I don’t need his protection. I don’t want his protection. I’m sick of the secrets, I am sick of the lies. I just want the truth......”

Miss Parker leaned on the desk, her head falling to her chest. She tried to hold back the sobs, but she couldn’t. Broots took a move toward her, but then stopped himself, knowing she wouldn’t accept any comfort from him anyway. It was Angelo who finally stood up and went to Parker, taking her hand in his. She looked into his face, and he smiled gently at her.

“Sydney guards you......loves you. Mr. Parker guards you.... loves you. Two....not one.”

“Two, not one? Angelo.....”


Miss Parker touched the pearl necklace she was wearing, “Oh my mother....”

“Miss Parker?” Broots stood next to her, confusion in his eyes.

“When she wrote that my father gave these to her, I assumed she meant......”

“Mr. Parker....”

“Yes. And that’s why Sydney reacted yesterday when I said the pearls had been a gift from my father to my mother; Broots, he didn’t know. Or at least he wasn’t sure until that moment.”

“You’ve lost me, Miss Parker....”

“Broots, you stupid moron, Sydney gave the pearls to my mother.”

“But that would make Sydney...”

“ biological father, yes.” Parker wiped the tears from her eyes, “It explains why Raines took him out of play. He must have known that Sydney was close to finding out the truth, and Nosferatu wanted to keep a lid on it.”

“But Miss Parker, that kind of order could only come from--”

“My father--...Mr. Parker, yes.”

Broots’ heart was pounding in his chest, “Miss Parker, what do we do? I mean, if they find out we know, we’re dead.”

“I guess we’ll just have to keep it to ourselves then, Broots.” Parker turned to Angelo, “We’re going to need your help, Angelo. I doubt Dr. Death killed Sydney outright; it would be more his style to try and make it look like some kind of accident. Which means that Syd has to be somewhere.”

Angelo looked at her, frowning, “Cold. Dark. Water. Sydney, frightened.”

Parker closed her eyes.

Broots gently touched her elbow, “Miss Parker, you okay?”

After a steadying breath, she refocused on Broots, “Yeah. Let’s go find him.”


He came to, lying on his back. He could taste the foul bile in his mouth, and knew that he was lucky he hadn’t choked on his own vomit in his unconsciousness. With all the effort he had left, he rolled onto his side. His reward was a coughing spasm the likes of which he thought would end him. He could taste the blood in his mouth. Whatever he had been injected with, it was going to kill him, and in a fairly short amount of time. He closed his eyes and thought of Miss Parker and Jarod: He would never be able to tell them how sorry he was. How sorry he was, for everything. The last thing he felt as darkness claimed him, was sadness; they would never know the depth of love he held for them in his heart.



Sioux City, Iowa

Jarod listened to the recording again. It wasn’t a mistake. Sydney’s cell phone had been disconnected; so had his home number, and his extension at the Centre was being rerouted to Raines’ office. Jarod could taste his own fear. He quickly entered another phone number and waited....


The Centre

Parker stood behind Broots’ shoulder, as he typed commands into his keyboard. Neither had slept, nor had they found a thing. Parker’s cell phone rang, making both of them jump.

She answered it, completely annoyed, “What?”

“Miss Parker.”

She didn’t even try to hold back the sound of relief in her voice, “Jarod, thank god.”

Jarod knew that he was right, “What’s happened to Sydney?”

Miss Parker choked back tears, “I don’t know. I was hoping maybe you--”

“--I haven’t heard from him. What can I do?”

“Nothing yet, Jarod. As soon as I know something, I’ll send you an email through Refuge.”

“Miss Parker.....don’t let anything happen to him. Please.”


Mr. Parker was pacing the length of his office, when Miss Parker burst in on him, “You’re back. Why wasn’t I informed?”

He looked at her with surprised, “No ‘hello daddy’? No hug? No kiss?”

She frowned slightly but walked over to him and greeted him. He could feel her hesitation, and her stiffness around him.

“Angel? What’s the matter?”


His eyes narrowed as he looked her over, “I know my daughter better than that. You can tell me. What is it?”

“I told you.....daddy, nothing. Look, I’m worried about Sydney.”

“Sydney? Why?”

“He disappeared with no word. Raines says Syd went on vacation, but I don’t ever remember him taking one in all the years he’s worked here.”

“Angel.....I’m sure if Mr. Raines says that Sydney is on vacation, then, that’s where he is.”

Miss Parker looked at him sharply; he was in on it. Whatever had happened to Sydney, he knew about it. She smiled at him sweetly.

“Well, if you say so, then I’ll accept it.”

He kissed her forehead, “That’s my girl.” He walked over to his desk, “I hear we have another lead on Jarod.”

“We do?”

“Yes, it just came in. There is reason to believe that he’s in Fargo.”

Miss Parker was barely able to cover her agitation; he was trying to get her out of the way. There could only be one reason for it; Sydney was still at the Centre. Somewhere.

Once again she smiled sweetly, “Fine. Broots and I can leave tomorrow.”

“No. You’ll leave today. In half an hour as a matter of fact.”

“Very well.”

Miss Parker smiled at him and sauntered out of his office; once clear she bolted for the stairs.


Parker entered Broots’ area at a dead run, “Come on Broots, we’ve got trouble.”

“What do you mean, trouble?”

“I mean they’re trying to get us out of here.”


“Sydney must be here at the Centre, you dolt, and they need to move him.”

Angelo appeared behind them, startling both of them.

“What is it, monkey-boy?”


Parker’s irritation crept into her voice, “What about it?”

“Cold. Dark. Water.”

“Cold, dark...Sydney? Is Sydney on SL-27, Angelo?”

Angelo smiled at Parker. As she ran past him, she touched his face with her hand, “Thank you.”

“Come on Broots, grab some flashlights...”


SL-27 always creeped Broots out. He and Parker quickly made their way through the opening rooms of the level, and were shining their lights into every corner.

Broots called for him, “Sydney?.....Syd?”

“Come on Freud....where the hell are you.....”

Parker could hear the dripping of a leaky pipe. It was making her nuts. She shined her light into yet another corner of the floor; nothing. She sighed. Maybe monkey-boy had it all wrong.

Broots yelled in panic, “Miss Parker!”

Parker ran toward his voice as quickly as she could navigate the darkness. As she shined her light into the corner where Broots was standing, her heart dropped and she felt sick. There was a heap on the floor, in tattered clothes, surrounded by blood, vomit, and lying in muddy water. She didn’t have to look closely to know who it was. Please god, let him be alive.

She closed the remaining yards at a dead run, and slid on her knees in the last five feet. Broots was already kneeling next to Sydney, checking for a pulse. It was weak, but it was there. Parker lifted his upper body into her lap. He felt like ice, and he was completely wet.

“Broots, go for help.”

“ I go to? Who can we trust?”

“Sam. Get Sam and his crew down here, tell them I’ve been in an accident, and keep it quiet.”


None to sure of it, Broots took off as quickly as he could. Sydney moaned, and Parker pulled him further into her arms, cradling him.

“Easy Syd. I’m here, I’ve got you.”

She felt his forehead, and it was on fire. He groaned in pain, but his eyes fluttered open, and fought to focus on her.

His voice sounded like gravel, “Miss Parker...”

“Shhh, don’t try to talk. You’re going to be okay.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You should have come to me, Sydney.”

“No, you don’t understand.”

“Yes, I’ve seen the DSA....and I know that you gave the pearls to my mother.”

“Oh god....”

“What I don’t understand is why my father--I mean, why--”

Sydney grabbed her hand, his voice barely a whisper, “You must always think of him as your father. He raised you. He does love you. And I’m not sure that he knows the entire truth.”

“How...I don’t understand.”

“Your mother broke it off with Mr. Parker, and a few weeks later, your mother and I, we......”

“Yeah, I think I have that part, Sydney.”

“Right after her twenty-fifth birthday, she came to me and told me that she had to marry Mr. Parker. I always assumed it was because she discovered that she was pregnant with his child. We never spoke of it again.”


He swallowed hard, his mouth so dry he could barely speak, “The truth was that Mr. Parker went to Catherine and told her that if she did not end it with me and marry him, that he would kill me. Knowing that he could protect you from the Centre, she never told him that the child she was carrying wasn’t his, nor did she tell me that I had a beautiful daughter. I didn’t know I was your father until--”

“--Until I told you what she wrote about the pearls.”


Sydney’s eyes filled with tears, “I’m so sorry, my little one.”

Parker lightly kissed his forehead, “I know me, Syd. I’ve always known.”

Exhausted, his eyes closed and he leaned into the comfort of her arms.


St. Joseph Hospital, Delaware

His eyes fluttered open, and he was staring into the worried faces of Miss Parker and Broots. He swallowed and his throat hurt; he realized that he must have been hooked up to a respirator. He tried to make sound, but couldn’t.

“Shhh, Syd, don’t try to talk. Just relax.”

He tried again, “Water.”

Parker reached for the glass by the hospital bed, and gently lifting his head, poured some water into his mouth.


He nodded.

Broots smiled at him, “I’m glad you’re gonna be okay, Sydney. You sure gave us one hell of a scare.”

Sydney looked into Miss Parker’s eyes, and grabbed her hand. Parker looked slightly confused by the demonstrative gesture.

“I’m so sorry.....”

Parker smiled at him but removed her hand from under his, “Relax, Freud, you didn’t do it on purpose. And you didn’t scare me. I knew you’d be fine.”

A slight frown creased Sydney’s face, “You’re not angry with me?”

“Sydney, why the hell would I be pissed at you?”

“The DSA, the file, I kept them from you....”

Miss Parker leaned closer to him, concern now etching her features, “What the hell are you talking about Syd? You didn’t have any DSA on you at the time of the accident, nor any files.” She put a hand on his forehead, “Fever’s down, but, better safe than sorry.......Broots, go get the doctor, let’s make sure he’s okay.” Broots nodded and left the room, Parker looked back at Sydney, “Relax.”


Sydney’s voice sounded apprehensive, “I’m.....confused. What accident?”

Parker ran a soothing hand over his brow, “Syd, don’t you remember? There was an accident in the Sim Lab, a biochem got loose, and you’ve been in the hospital for over a week.”

“I....don’t remember that.”

“What do you remember?”

Sydney felt tears beginning to sting his eyes; none of it was real. It had all been the fabrication of a fevered mind; the DSA, the pearls, Miss Parker...... The last, was the one which hurt the most. He couldn’t keep the tears from falling, so he closed his eyes and felt them roll down his cheeks. He didn’t see the sorrow that flickered in Parker’s eyes as she watched him tormenting himself with something that she did not understand.

He felt her hand caress his, and he looked at her once again.

She sat down on the bed, “Syd, what’s wrong? Where does it hurt?”

He took her hand in his, and brought it to his chest, “In here.”

Parker frowned, “Your chest hurts?”

Sydney shook his head, “No, my heart.”

“Syd, you’re not making any sense to me.”

He gripped her hand harder, and despite her normal aversion to strong displays of affection, she returned the pressure of it.

His voice was almost a whisper, “Just stay here with me.”

Miss Parker did not understand, but it was a simple enough request from the man who had been there for her, for as long as she could remember.

“I’m right here, Syd. You just rest.”

He closed his eyes again, and let the moisture fall. He clutched the hand holding his, and a moment later, he felt the soft strokes on his face, trying to brush away his sadness. He knew she would never understand what he was going through, nor would he ever explain it. In his mind, he had lost his daughter, and his heart was breaking.

Miss Parker continued to hold his hand in hers long after he fell into a troubled sleep. She didn’t know what torturous tricks his fevered mind had played on him; but she knew that it had distressed him greatly. She wanted him to find some measure of peace. She reached up with her free hand, and absently fingered the strand of pearls around her neck.


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