With Me

By Oriana



The end is here...Well, sort of. As you see, this is only part one. Still, "With Me" is indeed the last bit in a very long storyline, stretching all the way back to "Paper Snowflakes." *sniff, sniff* It's like the end of a legacy...Sorry. Anyhow, enjoy.


Disclaimer: I don't own "The Pretender" or any of its characters. Thanx for not suing!  ~Oriana





                   I carry your heart with me, I carry it in my heart. Where ever I go you go and

                          whatever is done by only me is also your doing, my darling...

                                          ~E.E. Cummings




Complete silence. Neither man dared to speak, they only sat, staring expectantly at the door. On the other side, inside the kitchen, was like a scene from Dr. Frankenstein's lab, only this was no work of fiction. Jarod stood near a counter covered in bunsen burners, vials, tubes and flasks. From some openings, steam and smoke of a few shades of yellow were appearing, while others only hissed and bubbled. He glanced down at his watch, and exactly when the second hand hit 12, he poured the contents of one vial into a boiling flask. There was a crackling sound as the two met, then slowly the entire mixture darkened to a deep orange.


Broots glanced at his watch, and began to fidget. Eight minutes, according to Jarod's calculations. Eight minutes, and a cure that had seemed impossible only hours ago would be completed, and ready to be injected into Parker.


At the thought of her, Broots dared a look through another doorway, to the cot in the middle of the bedroom, and felt his heart skip a beat. She was as still as ever. It was as if nothing had happened, yet he knew that if he listened closely to the beeps of the heart monitor, there would be the tell-tale sign of her seizure earlier. The event had weakened her heart, it didn't pulse nearly as strongly now, and it had gone without saying that if Jarod's CPR hadn't worked, she would've been gone in a few more seconds.


Feeling his nerves tighten at the idea, Broots turned his eyes to Sydney, and shook his head uncertainly. This had to work, he thought to himself. It had to. Her body was growing weak, tired of struggling under the pressure of the induced coma and LS49. If what Jarod was creating wasn't the cure, there would be no second chance. Their bought time was at an end.


Sydney shifted in his seat, catching his attention. He wasn't doing well, Broots noted with concern. The dark circles under his eyes were nearly as dark as Jarod's, and the lines around his eyes seemed deeper, almost chiseled into his face. He wasn't handling this well. None of them were, really, but it was different for Syd. Jarod and Parker were like his children, he'd watched them grow up. Every time she was shot or he was caught, there was a helpless anger that would reflect in his eyes.


"How you holdin' up, Syd?"


Sydney woke from his reverie, and attempted to give a comforting smile, but quickly failed. He rubbed his forehead wearily before replying, "As well as can be expected, I suppose. It's been a long week."


A thought hit Broots as he nodded. "It has been a while, actually, since we last spoke to Lyle. Do you think he suspects anything?"


"Mr. Lyle can burn in hell for all I care," Sydney replied sharply.






For a split-second, all Jarod could do was stare at the tiny vial in its metal stand, completely awestruck. The cure. Parker's cure...


Snapping to, he took a sterile syringe from the counter, and began to fill it with the greatest of precision. Then, wrapping the syringe in a towel for protection, Jarod slowly backed to the swinging door, pushing it open with his back. At the sight, Broots and Sydney jumped to their feet, but were careful not to crowd him. Walking slowly into the bedroom, he stopped at Parker's bedside, and unwrapped the syringe. The other two were just as awestruck, somehow unable to tear their eyes from it. Such a little amount, Sydney thought, looking at the thick yellow fluid. How could it possibly fight the strong poison pulsing through Parker's body?


In the moment that Jarod injected her, it was if every ounce of air in the room had vanished. No one breathed, no one tore their eyes from the woman on the bed, and the tiny needle entering her arm.


Then, it was over, as quickly as it had begun. Jarod gently rubbed the skin on the inside of her elbow, on the spot where he'd broken the skin, with a finger, then finally put down the needle. The two looked at each other, not completely sure what to do.


"What now?" Broots asked.


"We wait," Jarod replied simply, sitting down in the chair next to her. "All there's left to do, is wait."


"How long?" Syd managed from the foot of the bed.


"Awhile. Another few hours, and she would've waken up from the coma. But it takes time, for the mixture to work its way through her system, and to begin fighting the poison, and as long as there's LS49 in her body, the cure's designed to keep her unconscious. Cuts down on the pain, if only a little."


"When she wakes up, how will we know if it's...worked?"


He gestured towards the heart monitor. "Symptom of the poison, after the comatose state is relieved, is an irregular, stressed heart beat. If it's slow and steady when she wakes up, it's worked. If not..."


Jarod turned his attention back to Parker, brushing her forehead and cheek gently, while Sydney and Broots quietly walked back, collected their chairs, and drew them near to her bedside. They sat, watching silently. Jarod held her hand, continued to brush her skin, and whispered stories of their times together into her ear.








Thirteen hours is a long time to wait. It seems even longer, when you're going on little or no sleep, and the objection of your attention is the eternal beeping of a heart monitor, and a woman just clinging to life. You soon absorb every detail. And the first motion, no matter how slight, grabs your attention immediately.


Such was the case with the three men holding their vigil over Parker. Slowly, painstakingly slowly, her delicate fingers began to bend and move. All Sydney and Broots could do was stare in disbelief. Jarod, looking at the hand he held in his own, used every bit of restraint he had not to shout with joy then and there.


Then came the first sound, a slight moan just barely escaping her lips. To the men, it was like the singing of angels. Sydney and Broots got up from their chairs and moved nearer to her, while Jarod leaned even closer to her ear.


"Parker?" he whispered. "Parker, can you hear me?" No reply, but more movements. Her hands and legs, but best of all her head, slowly turning to face him. "That's it," he encouraged, taking just a second to look at the monitor before looking back to her, "time to wake up." The heart monitor showed a strong and steady beat, no signs of irregularities. Jarod gestured to the bedroom light switch. "Turn the lights off. We don't need her eyes to be shocked by the brightness." Broots did so, then quickly headed back. They were bathed in the soft, dim light of a lamp from the living room, just enough for their faces to be visible to each other.


Her eyelids began to gradually separate. The dark eyelashes were the last to move, finally parting to reveal twin blue seas. Her brow bunched, and rapidly blinking, her eyes finally focused on the concerned face and chocolate eyes of Jarod.


"Hi," he smiled.


"Hi," she whispered.


He brushed a strand of wavy dark hair from her face, and worried, asked, "How do you feel?"


"Soar," she replied, somewhat hoarsely. Between the screaming before, and five days of no speaking at all, her voice had been through a harsh work-out. "And tired."


He nodded understandingly. "I bet. We'll talk later. Right now, I want you to rest."


"Stay with me?"


"Of course." Her eyes slid shut again.


Broots collapsed back in his chair with a huff of relief. "It's over," he grinned to Syd, "it's really over."


"I'm going to keep her hooked up to the monitor a bit longer, just in case. But barring any new surprises, she should be fine." Jarod looked to the others, really seeing them for the first time in a long while. "You both look like hell. Go upstairs, get some sleep."


"You need rest too," Syd pointed out.


Jarod shook his head. "She asked me to stay."


Broots looked to Sydney for confirmation, and said, "Then we're staying too."


Jarod looked to the floor uncomfortably for a moment, then gave them an uncertain glance. "Actually, I was hoping...I know you don't want to leave either, but..."


Sydney finally understood. "You'd like to be alone with her."


"If you don't mind."


"Of course not, we understand." Clearly Broots didn't, but he followed suit anyhow, trailing Syd out the door and out of the apartment.


Jarod didn't move from Parker's side. He was exhausted, though, and it wasn't long before he fell asleep holding her again, just as Syd had found him before.








She was getting stronger, thank god. Obviously not up to par just yet, but still there was that incredible relief he felt every time she sat up or laughed, hell, every time she spoke. He'd picked a nightgown from her clothes upstairs, and while he didn't quite understand why she'd smiled as she'd fingered the dark blue silk, he'd been grateful to see it all the same.


She was asleep now. Still drained, and no wonder, he realized, looking over the past few days. Just two days ago, she'd awakened from a coma he himself had induced. He frowned. Some choices are necessary, but that didn't make them any easier.


"Jarod?" Sydney called from the apartment door.


He turned. "Yeah?"


"Ready to move her?"


He nodded. "Out in a sec."


Sydney headed back down the hall to the elevator. In the apartment, he stood watching her for a moment more, then reached down and gently picked her up. He was taking her up to the top penthouse, where she'd be more comfortable, and he could stay close to her. She hadn't minded, but had fallen asleep before they could help her walk that far. Even that wasn't a thought Jarod liked. What was the point in having her drain her energy, when he could just as easily carry her?


Broots was holding the elevator for them; the ride was done in silence, but it was a peaceful silence. For the first time in a long while, things actually seemed to be looking up.


Stepping into the penthouse, Jarod carried her into the master bedroom without thinking, then walked back out into the living room, joining the other two. "Let's order Italian for tonight."






As she slowly woke up, Parker's first thought was relief that the pain wasn't so bad. Her body was finally healing. Her second thought was that she'd kill for some pasta. A third thought, following a split-second behind the last, was more of a smiling realization as she sniffed the wonderful aroma of food from another room.


The bedroom door opened, and Jarod appeared, carrying a steaming plate of fettuccine and French bread.


"You read my mind," she grinned, taking the plate from him.


"Of course. Never expect anything less from a pretender."


She'd felt strong enough, so she'd taken the plate and walked out to the dining room, and actually eaten dinner with the guys. Afterwards, however, she realized how drained the effort had left her, and immediately headed back to bed.


A little after eleven that night, Jarod was curled up on the sofa in black boxers and a gray t-shirt, reading, when muffled calls caught his attention. Concerned, he made a beeline for the master bedroom. He paused at the door, listened; sure enough, the sounds were coming from Parker. He opened the door and peered inside, and Parker, who had been tossing and calling out, soon stilled. Just as he reached the bed, her eyes fluttered open.


"Hi," she whispered sleepily, frowning at the last images of her nightmare.


"Hi yourself," he said with worry. "You okay?"


"Oh, yeah, just a dream." She sat up, and rubbed her throat. Weak as she was, even that small amount of loud speaking was enough to make her soar.


"I'll get you a drink," he offered, heading into the master bathroom. He filled a glass, and brought it back to her. She thanked him, took a few sips, then set the glass down next to the lamp. "I should have left some water for you," he added apologetically. "Sorry."


She smiled. "Don't be. Besides, I'm the one that's sorry--you shouldn't have to go through all this trouble."


Stern-faced, he sat down on the bed beside her, and took hold of her hands. "Hey, listen to me, okay? You have nothing to apologize for. And taking care of you is not a burden."


"Thank you," she murmured earnestly.


Jarod nodded, then pointed to her pillow. "Sleep." He gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "You need the rest."


Parker slid back under the covers, and nestled her head in the pillow. Jarod walked to the door, and was about to leave when she called out, "Wait." He turned to look at her. "Stay."


He closed the door, bathing them in semi-darkness, barely illuminated from the city lights outside. He came back to the bed, and drew a chair near, but she stopped him from sitting. Sliding over, she pulled back the covers. "Lie down." And he did so, without hesitation. He wrapped an arm around her waist, and they laced theirs fingers together. Jarod's warm breath tickled her cheek.


They lie in silence, neither that tired anymore. Parker, amazed at just how comforting this was, squeezed his hand and whispered, "You have no idea how much this means to me."


"Oh, I do." And he meant it. After everything they'd survived together, to nearly lose her again last week...


He turned his attention back to her. His wandering thoughts had obviously taken up some time; Parker had already fallen asleep. He remained motionless for a long time, just listening to her slow steady breaths. Then, an urge came over him that he just couldn't ignore. Carefully, so as not to wake her, Jarod pulled back her hair and placed a gentle kiss on the back of her neck. A small smile played across Parker's lips, she gave a happy murmur, but didn't wake up.


Suddenly, Jarod found himself marveling at every detail of her face. And it was that moment, at he was studying her closed eyes, that the truth hit him.


"Wow," he whispered in awe. And Parker, unbeknownst to what was happening in the real world, shifted slightly in her sleep, and held his hand a little tighter.






Sydney was unable to find Jarod anywhere else the next morning, and so headed into Parker's bedroom, thinking that maybe he'd spent yet another night at her bedside. He opened the door quietly, and froze at what he saw: Parker and Jarod in bed together, in the same spoon position that they'd curled up into the night before.


His face at that moment was an absolute study, as his mind attempted to sort out a hundred feelings and thoughts. Jarod would never take advantage of Parker, he knew that, and it wasn't as if she was even strong enough for them to actually do anything. Still, his fatherly instinct gave him the strong desire to yank Jarod out of that bed and deck him with whatever object was nearby, preferably something large and hard. And besides that was the knowledge that Jarod really cared for her, that she really cared for him, even if they hadn't admitted or realized it yet. And yet more thoughts came, until Syd's mind was far too muddled to actually think of anything useful. So, shaking his head, he closed the door silently and went to the kitchen to see to breakfast.


With a small sigh, Parker began to wake up, her movements waking Jarod as well. She turned to look at him, and smiled. "Hey there."




"Sleep well?"


"I feel well rested." Truth was, he hadn't gotten a wink of sleep before an hour or so earlier, but the time he'd spent absorbing what he'd realized had left him peculiarly energized.


"I haven't felt this good since...God, since before the ball." She saw his eyes darken, and hastily continued, "I bet it's gonna be a great day."


He smiled gratefully at her attempt at distraction, and agreed. "It certainly promises to be a new experience." She gave him a questioning look, which he ignored. Jarod got up from the bed and walked to the door. "I'll go get some coffee."


"Sounds great." He grinned, and left, if not a little reluctantly.


In the kitchen, that same grin was still plastered on his face as he poured two steaming cups. Sydney reappeared, and Jarod greeted him cheerfully.


"Sleep well?" Syd ventured.


Jarod paused momentarily, then continued to add sugar to his mug. "Fine, thanks."


"So you actually slept, then."


He turned to face Syd. "Nothing happened."


"I disagree." Jarod opened his mouth to reply sharply, so he hurried on, "Not that you actually did anything inappropriate, but I find it hard to believe that grin is there just for the hell of it."


Jarod briefly considered denying everything, but one look told him that Syd wouldn't fall for it. Instead, he just said, "Sometimes situations just force you into realizing things. When I first came to the Centre, I was this scared young boy, completely alone; then, she'd befriended me. I lost her once, when her father sent her away, and one of the most painful moments of my life was learning that she was to be my hunter. Then, I finally get her back, regain that precious friendship, in that cabin last Christmas, and our experiences in England only confirmed our strength together. If events had turned out differently this week, if...I had lost her. God, Syd, I don't even want to think about it."


"So that's what it took for you to see the light, hmm?"


"You know, we've all of us loved her, in our own way. We've been best friends, on and off, you've been closer to a father than Mr. Parker could ever be, and Broots depends on her controlled manner." Not to mention those sex dreams he's been having of her, Syd thought to himself. "But lately..."


Syd nodded. "I know, Jarod."


The grin reappeared. "You've always known, haven't you, Sydney?"




"Always what?" came a curious voice behind them. Both men spun around, their faces reddening guiltily. "What?"


"Nothing. Just something Syd here noticed before I did. You know, even Sam--" Jarod stopped mid-sentence, then nearly tripped Syd in his attempt to quickly set the hot mugs down on the counter.


"Whoa, where's the fire?" Parker asked.


"The airport--" He glanced at the clock. "Shit! I've only got half an hour to get there."




"I cannot believe I forgot!" Jarod was chiding himself as he ran into his bedroom -now Parker's- and grabbed pants and a shirt from the dresser. He reappeared a moment later, fully dressing, throwing on his jacket.


"What are you talking about?" Parker demanded.


"I'd completely forgotten," he explained, pausing in the penthouse doorway. "The airplane--it's supposed to land at 10:35. I've gotta go, I can't keep her waiting in that huge place."


"Who?!" the two shouted in unison.


Jarod looked back at them in surprise, as if that was a ridiculous question. "Samantha, of course."




Part 2