
Shai-Cats Colorpoints

Lynx Point Kittens
Seal-Lynx and Chocolate-Lynx Point kittens

What are Colorpoints? Most cat registries around the world consider them to be Siamese. However, The Cat Fancier's Association along with a few other registries have separated these cats of non-traditional Siamese point colors and patterns. They have catagorized the Lynx, Red, Cream and Tortie Points into a breed of their own called the Colorpoint Shorthair. These variations initially came about from breeding Siamese to other domestic shorthaired breeds in effort to develop the first Red Point Siamese. These out-crosses also brought forth the Cream, Tortie and Lynx (Tabby) Points, and lead to the development of the Oriental breed.

Red-Lynx Point


Seal-Tortie Point

Blue-Cream Point (Dilute Tortie)

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