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Restaurants Instead of Kindergartens

Due to the government's job cuts policy, 1,654 kindergartens had been closed in Georgia by now. Most of them were replaced by restaurants and saunas. "Resonance" No. 299, October 31, pp. 1, 2

ARGENT In Moscow was detained and 6 March 1999 extradited to Georgia Mr.Valeri Gabelia member of exiled Parliament, Prefect of Marneuli Region, Chairman of "Ckondideli Society". 

In Moscow was detained Mr.Givi Taktakishvili member of exiled Parliament. There is danger of extradition to Georgia. After G.Absandze, it is second time, when prominent member of the Legal Government is persecuted in Russia (Dec 18, 1998).

Mr. Guram Absandze, the prominent figure of Georgian political opposition, was taken into the custody on March 17 1998, on the territory of the Smolensk Region of Russia. Arrest was conducted in order to grant the request of the Georgian authorities and with an intent to extradite him to Georgia [was extradited, now under trial]

Significant part of the members of the legal government and the parliament, in order to avoid an imprisonment on the basis of the fabricated evidence and the political settling of scores, have been forced to hide abroad.

The fact of arrest of Mr. Absandze in Russia and his possible extradition to Georgia - extremely alarming itself - demonstrates also the new stage of collaboration between the Russian authorities and the illegal Georgian regime, which has made the torture and the human rights abuses the corner-stone of its policy. Once allowed to happen, this dangerous precedent might have an unpredictable scale and character, especially when taking into account that Mr. Absandze, who lately was forced to hide on the territory of Russian Federation has applied for the Russian citizenship and has got it.

Mr. Guram Absandze has already experienced personally the "advantages" of the penitentiary of the existing Georgian regime: On January 6,1992, then the vice-premier and the finance minister of the government of President Gamsakhurdia, with several bullet wounds inflicted by the attackers of the Government House, he was arrested immediately after the military coup. After 9 months of the vain attempts to fabricate the case, he was finally released from custody because of the extremely poor condition of health.

On September 5, 1997 in Moscow was detained Georgian political emigrant Gela Kvaratskelia b. 1964 in Sukhumi, officer of Georgian National Guard loyal to President Gamsakhurdia. Earlier he was twice arrested in Georgia and tortured.

On September 8, 1997 in Moscow was detained Georgian political emigrant Vladimer Abralava, Tsalendzhikha town Prefecture official.

Georgian Procuracy claims for extradition of tens of supporters of Legal Government of president Gamsakhurdia living in Russia.

(+) Political prisoner David LOLADZE: sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment. Arrested: 1 September 1992. Tortured. Born in 1966. Academic. CASE No. 7792809 - Died recently as a result of inhuman, brutal treatment in the prison camp.

(+) Vakhtang GOKSADZE, same case No. 7792809: Died as a result of torture in the police station of the town of Kvareli on 3 September 1992. No one has been charged for his death. Born in 1936. Teacher of mathematics.

(+) Malkhaz GVINIASHVILI, case No. (83)238: sentenced to 14 years' imprisonment. Arrested: 9 July 1993. Tortured. Born in 1954. Died of tuberculosis on 18 January 1997 in Tbilisi prison hospital.

DEATH PENALTY THREATENS THE MP, October 7, 1996. Georgia: political persecution goes on. Prosecutor demands death penalty for Zviad Dzidziguri - the member of the persecuted legal Parliament of Georgia - as well as for Vakhtang Kobalia and Jambul Bokuchava - officers of the Guard, loyal to the legal authorities of Georgia. 13 years of imprisonment has been demanded for Nugzar Molodinashvili - another member of the legal Parliament. Dozens of prisoners who have been already convicted on the political grounds since Kremlin masterminded military coup in January 1992 and Russian invasion in October 1993 have been held in inhuman conditions, among them three - Petre Gelbakhiani, Irakli Dokvadze and Badri Zarandia - under constant threat of execution, another three - Viktor Domukhovski, Valter Shurgaia and Zaur Kobalia are the members of the overthrown Parliament

On the 19th November, 1996, the Supreme Court of Georgia sentenced Mr.Vakhtang Kobalia to death penalty; Mr.Jambul Bokuchava - to 15 years of imprisonment; Mr.Zviad Dzidziguri - to 13 years of imprisonment; Mr.Nugzar Molodinashvili - to 7 years of imprisonment. 

On this URGENT, see: 
Georgia Systematically Violates Basic Human Rights*V*
International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (26 February 1997) 

The Russian Frontier Guards Will Stay in Georgia for Some More Years: At their negotiations in Tbilisi on June 6-9, General Valeri Chkheidze, the c-in-c of the Georgian frontier troops, and General Alexander Manilov, deputy chairman of the federal frontier service of Russia, agreed to continue the two countries' co-operation in frontier defense. The Russian frontier guards in Georgia will be financed by both parties: 60% of the expenses will cover Russia, while 40% Georgia. "Kavkasioni" No. 99, June 11, p. 3

...Recession, hyper inflation and civil war have beset the Caucasian nations. Welfare indicators, such as employment and school enrolments, are at their lowest. These three countries have also witnessed a considerable collapse of State institutions and the cancellation in 1994 of the only social safety-net, i.e. access to 400 grammes of subsidized bread per day. In Azerbaijan, there was a seven fold increase in the number of homicides between 1989 and 1994. In Georgia, the crude marriage rate have fallen by half in six years, to a dismal 3.8 per thousand...(UNICEF PROPOSALS TO CURB ONGOING SOCIAL CRISIS IN EASTERN EUROPE) 

According the data from Ministry of Health -- Georgia is at the first place in the world by means of tuberculosis: 1% of population is ill, every year 2000 die. ('Lasharis Gori', N 38, 22-27 Nov. 1996) 

According the data from Jewish Society of Georgia, during first 8 months of 1996, 936 Jews emigrated from Georgia to Israel. In second large Georgian city Kutaisi in 1991 were 1100 Jewish families, in 1996 - only 280. In Kulashi, Vani and Sachkhere at which place Jews were living for 2 thousand years there are not Jewish families at all. ('Menora', N 11, 1996; 'Lasharis Gori', N 38, 22-27 Nov. 1996) 

Three Georgian Soldiers Have Hung Themselves Report about a press-conference of the organisation for protection of soldiers' rights, October 22. Among the problems of the army there is a rather low-caloric diet: 1500 calories instead of needed 4000. Worse still, the rate of mortality in the army has increased in recent times: 7 soldiers have been lost since the beginning of the year, 3 of them hanged themselves because of extremely hard conditions. ("Resonansi" No. 203, October 1997, 23, pp. 1.3) 

After Losing His Job, Math Teacher Throws Himself Out of the Window "Komsomol'skaja Pravda" (circulation 1.6 million, Moscow) published a picture taken in Tbilisi (Georgia) as Victor Setashko, 39, jumped to his death because he could not find a job after the shevardnadze's regime 'closed all its Russian schools'. Average monthly payment for school teacher in Georgia is 7,3 US$. 



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