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This page created 1/9/04 last updated 1/9/04

Rocky The Mountain Goat

Welcome to my cubicle

Rocky the Mountain Goat greets everyone as they arrive.
Sometimes he likes to sit on my work shrine.

He's very friendly!

Sometimes he likes to sit on the front table...
...with Spike, my dragon.

Several months ago at the monthly staff meeting at work it was suggested that we needed a scapegoat.
So I bought one. It arrived on Tuesday, January 6, 2004.
And I presented it to everyone at the staff meeting on Thursday.
Rocky is very popular so far.

[Our word "scapegoat" comes from the Biblical reference to the ancient ceremony for Yom Kippur
where the sins of the people were symbolically placed upon the head of a goat after which he was sent into the wilderness.
In conversation with Kaaren I confused the ancient Jewish ritual with the Greek "tragoidia" (tragedy) which means "goat song".
The Greeks did sacrifice goats but apparenty not for the attonement of the community.]