les bottes de sabineLa page des Femmes qui aiment les bottes ...

trois amies osent s'afficher succinctement sur le web pour partager leur passion pour les bottes...

si vous aussi, Mesdames, Mesdemoiselles vous souhaitez élargir ce débat qui suscite tant de passion, écrivez nous et envoyez nous vos commentaires ou photos. PAS DE PHOTOS A CONTENU "LIMITE" SVP (mode et passion pour les belles chaussures seulement - le lecteur intelligent fera la différence entre "mode sexy" et "sites à contenu adulte")

Sabine, Marie et Ariane

La botte est hautement recommandée aux aficionadas du talon aiguille. Mais, attention, à elles seulement... Quels talons ? 12 centimètres, c’est le minimum, en dessous on frise le ridicule !


Mes préférées ce sont les bottes à talons aiguilles à bouts pointus devant. Il arrive que les premiers jours je souffre quelque peu car j'ose parfois des talons vertigineux, mais je ne regrette jamais ! Ca fait de trèss longues jambes notamment quand on les portent avec un jean ou un pantalon noir. Avec une mini jupe ou une jupe fendue c'est extra !

Ce que j'aime particulièrement, c'est la cambrure de la botte, c'est bien pour ça que je prends toujours des talons d'au moins 10 à 11 cm.

En plus la démarche est sublimée, on se tient droite, le dos se cambre, ça met en valeur les fesses. Que désirer de plus ?

Joliment bottée je me surprends parfois à me sentir dans la peu d'une bombe ! Je me fais infiniment plus aborder et solliciter lorsque que je porte des bottes. Une sensation très agréable à la portée de toutes les femmes qui prennent un minimum soin d'elles.

Et même les filles vous regardent !  pas méchamment, plutôt admiratives, parfois envieuses d'essayer sans oser. J'adore les mettre avec une mini jupe (qui arrive au dessus du genou) mais il faut savoir doser ce qui est susceptible d'être considéré comme provocant. A adapter selon les circonstances.

micro mini-jupe et bottes pour un look raffiné et piquant !

Oser la cuissarde ! (Marie)

Beautés BottéesLes bottes de cuir à très hauts talons sont vraiment la préoccupation des fashion addicts. La gent masculine le crie haut et fort et beaucoup de femmes le pensent (même parfois tout bas) : "Il n'y a rien de tel que de voir se promener une belle dame habillée d'une jupe et campée sur des cuissardes qui dessinent la forme exquise de ses belles jambes..."

En fait, les bottes à talons aiguilles se portent avec tout, pourvu qu'on sache les porter avec distinction et raffinement.

Histoire de la botte féminine dans la mode

Ce site à vocation de présenter des articles tant sur l'histoire de la botte féminine au cours des temps (de l'objet utilitaire vers celui des fantasmes, du concret au virtuel en quelque sorte!), des éléments de mode et d'actualité ainsi que des échanges sous forme de forum qui seront disponible quelque temps après l'ouverture du site. Merci de nous faire part de vos réaction et souhaits. Longue vie nous espérons à cette initiative

Ariane, Marie et Sabine

FAQ : Une question nous est déjà parvenue deux fois quelques heures à peine après l'ouverture de ce site : pourquoi trois dames sérieuses de plus de quarante ans, mères de familles rangées que l'on pourrait même affubler du qualificatif un peu péjoratif de "bourgeoises", pourquoi ces trois dames ont elles délibérément offert leur image sur un support aussi public qu'internet ? Trois raisons : d'abord un pari et défi avec nos maris et amis. Cela les aura assez impressionné (peut-être même excité quelque peu) ! ensuite par goût d'essayer nous aussi ce nouvel outil de communication de masse. Enfin pour qu'un retour avec autant que possible d'autres passionnées de mode telles que nous s'instaure. A très bientôt donc sur un forum que nous encourageons notre webmestre à mettre en place ...

Quelques liens...

Si vous souhaitez échanger vous aussi un lien en relation avec le contenu de notre site, écrivez-nous et utilisez notre bannière ci-dessous pour le lien réciproque (envoyez nous une bannière et l'URL de votre site - Sites à connotation adulte s'abstenir)

La page des Femmes qui aiment les bottes ...

Décennie Cuissardes - Thigh Boots Decade

Tout d'abord un grand merci à des sites qui nous ont largement inspiré dans notre démarche "d'oser se montrer sur la toile". C'est à dire à d'autres fashionistas (comme elles aiment à se nommer). Merci aussi et surtout pour avoir accepté un échange de lien avec notre page encore si pauvre en quantité et qualité d'information mais aux ambitions certaines.

Tout d'abord Alexandra, cette très belle Allemande dont qui à mis en scène sur le web d'une manière très originale sa formidable collection de bottes.

Auf dieser Seite sehen Sie Fotos von Alexandra in Stiefeln und hohen Schuhen in allen erdenklich Stilrichtungen und Farben

Alexandra's Boots & Heels ABC - l'ABC d'une fashionista...

Nous sommes très reconnaissante à cette élégante Parisienne pour nous avoir non seulement inspirées, mais surtout avoir accepter un lien sur son fabuleux site et ses articles tellement originaux. Nous serions d'ailleurs ravies de vous rencontrer Madame !

Parisian Fashionistas & Co - Fashion Trends & High Class Fashion Modeling

The Fashion Blog

Nous ne sommes pas du tout des spécialistes du web, aussi nous remercions Vincent notre jeune et gentil webmaster d'avoir accueilli et créé cette page et ce site qu'il avait dédié à Michelle Pfeiffer. C'est pour cela qu'un lien vers la page de son actrice "fétiche" s'impose !

  Michelle Pfeiffer en bottes

Puisque nous en sommes aux actrices et stars, manifestons notre solidarité de quadragénaires à ces deux superstars dont les charmes font la jalousie de bon nombres de leurs pairs de moitié plus jeunes. Merci donc au administrateurs des pages non-officielles mais bien résumées de Sigourney Weaver et de Rene Russo pour avoir accepter ce lien réciproque (Rappelons que la sublime Michelle citée ci dessus fait aussi partie de cette éminente classe d'âge).

Rene Russo, 45-year Top Model and Movie Star is wearing plateform shoes

Weaver is strong, cool and erotic as Ripley. Walking, running and swimming around in her tight leather outfit, this Ripley moves like a panther. Unlike the sometimes frightened chick in "Alien," or the headstrong, determined gun-totin' mama of "Aliens," this Ripley is colder, more detached from the other humans in the film and seemingly more selfish. At the same time, she's strangely funny. She's a freakin' freak.

Mention spéciale à la superbe Demi Moore en cuissardes Balenciaga (actrice consacrée la plus sexy d'Hollywood plusieurs années consécutives)

Demi Moore bootbabe - Demi Moore in Balenciaga thigh high boots

Femmes Fatales - les ainées : Que dire de la vamp "supranaturelle" toujours parfaite à 70 ans : Joan Collins en cuissardes... Ou encore, la sublime Jane Fonda qui nous à fait réver en Barbarella dans les années 70 et reviens dans les 80s et ce début de nouveau siècle en catwoman en cuissardes...

Joan Collins - sophisticated thighboots - joan collins in Thigh high boots and high heels exclusive pictures...

Jane Fonda - sophisticated thighboots - Barbarella in Thigh high boots and high heels exclusive pictures...

Parmi les plus jeunes, la très jolie tueuse de vampires, Michelle Trachenberg...

Michelle Trachtenberg est membre de Beautés Bottées

Quelques très intéressants sujets de mode...

La mode des gants opéra...

Peugeot Satellis - When Scooter Collides with Fashion...

Et n'hésitez pas à cliquer autant que possible sur les liens ci-après. Ce sont des hit-lists, c'est à dire des annuaires qui attribueront à notre page une place d'autant plus en vue que des clics seront effectués vers ces liens.

l'Annuaire des Vamps et Femmes Fatales, haute couture, cuir, bottes et talons aiguilles...

Beautés Bottées

Scooter Girls

PGTS High Heels Links


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La Ferme


ès classe ... des ptits escarpins bouts pointus et à ptit talons, bien porté avec un jean ... Comment s'habiller pour un rencart?" - Tout est dans la question!! j'ai un rencart ce soir, et je ne sais pas si je dois miser sur le confortable (jean + converses + petite chemise noire transparente avec debardeur en dessous) ou sur le sexy (jupe noire courte "a volants"+ bottes (ou escarpins??)+ t-shirt sympa.... a votre avis ?? - sachant qu'il est très "horny" mais qu'on a encore jamais "humhum"...je voudrais pas non plus passer pour une fille facile... QUE FAIRE??... ...Trying to understand designer Narciso Rodriguez is a bit frustrating. He appears to be an exercise in contradictions. And yet he'd probably disagree with that statement. It's not that he's argumentative or difficult -- he's too unassuming to be either of those things. Maybe it's just that he doesn't see things the way other people do. Asked if he'd consider himself a minimalist, and the former Calvin Klein designer says "No, never." He's almost prejudicially adamant about the fact that his strongest design influence is downtown, kids' street wear. And yet, he made probably the most famous dress of the decade (in the U.S. anyway) for Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, new American royalty. Meeting him in a fur salon is equally incongruous. Anne Dee Goldin of Goldin-Feldman, the New York company that makes his furs, quips that he looks like he showed up for our interview in his pyjamas. Certainly, after a sleepless night, Rodriguez would rather nap than answer questions about his style, yet Goldin emphasizes how strongly hands-on he has been in putting together his first fur collection with his own name on it. Clearly this is a man with defined ideas about his life, his designs and the fashion world in general. Take the minimalist label, with which Goldin herself identifies and also seems to think would apply to Rodriguez. "I don't believe that anymore," he says. "I think it's more about being clean, but I don't think these coats are minimal at all. There's a lot of thought that goes into the seaming and the shape and the color and the fabric, but it's not minimal. Minimalism is stick straight, square. To me, that's not where I want to go with this. This is more about shape and silhouette." Sufficiently chastised, anyone can look at one of the beautifully tailored, perfectly shaped jackets he's making and get the point. Yet there is still something pure in form about them. Asked if he'd agree with a magazine's description of his last collection of clothes for Cerruti -- "classic tailoring in luxe fabrics with just the right amount of spice" -- and he says it's a perfect way to describe it. Yet he seems to disdain the word classic in general. He concedes that maybe five percent of his new furs will be classic, but Goldin interjects, "It's all in a way classic, it's just modern. Can't you be modern and classic at the same time?" Rodriguez says pointedly, "I think classic has gone hand-in- hand with good taste for so long, and the avant garde or funky has gone hand-in-hand with maybe bad taste or young or gimmicky. I've tried to do something that's not either. It is modern and it is young, but it isn't gimmicky. And it's not classic." If he seems hard to pin down, it shouldn't be surprising. He received rave reviews for his fall '97/98 Cerruti collection, then flew the coop. Reportedly, he couldn't come to terms with the house over the length of his contract. Rodriguez refuses to discuss that situation at all, and doesn't want to even mention the name Cerruti. He appears puzzlingly unaware that it has become common knowledge in the fashion world that he was designing for Cerruti. As for his non-fur plans, he says, "I'm working on different things right now. Part of the way I'm structuring my life and my career is very much the same way that I've built this collection. I want it to be a little bit more free, a little more gypsy-like. I want to work in different places on different things and not necessarily have my own design house on Seventh Avenue or Avenue Montaigne. At the moment, anyway. I mean, things change. What I'm focusing on is doing this in a new way, so I don't have to stay in one place for too long. I've become a little bit of a gypsy. I don't think you necessarily have to have a company to have a collection. I had a collection with Cerruti and it wasn't my company. I like that idea. We'll see if it works." (In case you didn't notice, he just said the "C" word, right after he practically forbid Goldin from talking about it. Another interesting contradiction.) So far, his collaboration with Goldin-Feldman is proceeding successfully. Rodriguez and Goldin have a real rapport, which they originally struck up several years ago, when he was designing for Anne Klein, and Goldin-Feldman held the Anne Klein fur license. "That was a lot of fun for both of us, so when this opportunity came along, it was perfect," says Rodriguez. After Anne Klein, he moved to Calvin Klein, then Tse Cashmere and Cerruti. Rodriguez was born in Newark, New Jersey, educated at Parson's School of Design in New York City and grew up with a distinctly New York design sense. He feels that working in Europe has helped to alter that slightly. Also, his gypsy lifestyle doesn't seem out of place in today's world of continent-hopping fashion designers. "There's really such a change in attitudes world-wide," he says. "The Asian market is so big now for designers. All the European designers are coming over here -- I mean, they've been here for years, but they are more and more. And now the Americans are going to Europe in such a big way. All of the boundaries are being crossed. You have people like me working in France and Italy, and now [Americans] Marc Jacobs [at Louis Vuitton] and Tom Ford [at Gucci] of course. Look at [John] Galliano at Dior and [Alexander] McQueen [at Givenchy]." Rodriguez became interested in fur again a year ago, while he was still at Cerruti and began to feel a return to fur fashion. For the past few seasons, "You see it on everybody's runway, whether it's fur-trimmed leather or linings or whatever, it's there." So, while he was deciding what to do with his ready-to- wear alliance and whether or not to go ahead with this license, he put some furs in his fall collection, which recently premiered in Paris. "For fall, the sportswear collection that I worked on was very sexy. I think it's time for a little bit of that new glamour and shape and femininity. I'm excited about what we're doing with this fur collection, because it's not your typical fur collection. It's not so precious. It's treated a little more casual, like a sportswear collection. It's about great little jackets that aren't so serious. It's about short little sweaters. I love knits -- we all wear t-shirts and sweaters. There's a big portion of the collection that's treated like a great cardigan jacket with a good collar or a little blazer, as opposed to a full sweeping mink. It's much younger than I think you're used to seeing fur, a lot more relaxed. But then again it's still very tailored, which is what I love to do." He sees fur as just another textured fabric, in which to create his feminine shapes. He wants to throw off the old ideas about furs and start over. "Since furs are coming back, let's look at it in a new way, not so precious and not so lady," he says. "They don't have to be that way." Goldin has introduced him to some new finishes, and he loves the idea of working with non-traditional furs, or at least making them look non-traditional. Shearling is "micro-sheared" as flat as velvet. A mid-length curly lamb looks a bit like kalgan lamb but isn't. Long-haired shearling is the new fox. All of the pelts are reversible, hide-out or unlined, and many have unfinished edges. Natural brown mink is reversible to suede dyed aubergine, as is persian lamb. Rodriguez prefers classic colors and dark colors, like black, purplish browns, vicuna, camel and a range of off-white tones. The collection is set to premiere with a show at Goldin- Feldman/Group Panache on May 22, and is expected to include about 45 pieces. "I adore the persians," says Rodriguez. "When you think of persian you usually think of something so lady and so heavy and so precious, and these are just like little reversible cardigan nothings." "And don't forget the sable," Goldin reminds him. As if anyone could miss it. In the middle of a wall posted with small bits of dark, flat sample furs, a hunk of fluffy sable is smacked right in the center. The key to the entire collection, however, is the tailored shape. Goldin tries on a canvas of a simple (classic, dare I say?) bathrobe coat, and it becomes clear why Rodriguez decries the label minimalist. Perfectly cut panels are sewn together to create gentle curves and a strictly disciplined, shaped drape. To most furriers, the idea of a fitted coat is positively hair-raising. But when it's accomplished like this, it looks like the most obvious thing in the world -- and like a favorite wardrobe essential to wear every day. "It's all about the shape, the proportion of the shoulder," says Rodriguez. "It's not a big, heavy skirt or top or big, huge sleeves. It's much more streamlined, much cleaner, with all the seam interest and stitching." He says his designs are all about celebrating the beauty of a woman's body. Trends aren't important. He practically goes ballistic when questioned if these furs will fall in line with fall's '80s flashback. "No. That's not my thing. I could never do that look. That's a little bit misogynistic and not where I'm at right now." Misogynistic? Here we go again. Just when all of the fashion editors are talking about fall's '80s images as the type that make a woman look like she's in control, this media darling disagrees. He leaps, "Do you want to walk around with football shoulder pads again, or in a heavy black leather dress? Do you want to go back to the '80s? We just left the '80s. I've got news for you, it wasn't that interesting. And anybody who wants to go back there, go. I'm looking toward the future and something more beautiful than that. I don't believe in gimmickry. I think it's much more flattering for a woman to just put on something really beautiful and feel really confident, and that's it. It's very easy. It doesn't have to be so intellectualized, so short or so long, or the shoes so heavy you can't walk. There comes a point where enough is enough, and I think we've reached that point in fashion." Which might seem like fashion anarchy but ring like a mantra to a lot of women trying to get dressed in the morning. So, forget the contradictions, the low-key mannerisms and sudden vehemence, the debate about what's classic and what's minimal. What it all comes down to with Rodriguez is clean lines cut to skim a woman's curves and make her look beautiful. That was sharply obvious on Sigourney Weaver and Claire Danes in their Cerruti dresses at the Academy Awards, and it's equally so in his new fur collection. - Skin tight clothes at Cannes - By NATASHA STOYNOFF -- Toronto Sun - CANNES -- Leaning against the bottom of the red-carpeted staircase where movie royalty like Sharon Stone, Winona Ryder and Sigourney Weaver have trod, a French teen stands poised in a peek-a-boo halter top, skin-tight hiphuggers and towering platform sandals. She looks like a Lolita playing dress-up in her mommy's naughty boudoir, but her aspirations are much loftier. With Cannes bombarded by cigar-puffing, big-name movie producer-types during the annual Festival de Film, she is hoping -- like countless other girls fresh off the Eurotrain amidst this celluloid cesspool -- to be discovered. Longing to ascend this famous staircase herself one day, she carelessly hooks hand on hip, pouts, then lowers her shades to see if anyone has noticed. "The girls here definitely dress to be noticed," says L.A. screenwriter Gregory Graham, also at the Festival to capture the attention of film execs hungry for new talent. "There is a lot of mesh and midriff floating by." It's always been de rigueur for the smoldering Riviera sun to dictate a provocative dress code and hedonistic joie de vivre. The code this summer of the young and starry-eyed includes "grosses chaussures -- beeg shoes," says Cannes native Ophelie Midot, 16, in broken English, "tight pants or short-short skirts, a petite shirt, and lunettes de soleil." The style is most apparent along the Croisette, the town's beachfront boardwalk, where girls like Ophelie stroll slowly or rollerblade quickly by in packs. "The style is very superficial," says Elhadje Seck, 19, a local waiter-actor who managed to nab a ticket to this year's closing night party for Godzilla (he's got a buddy working the door) and is primed for his 15 minutes of near-fame experience. "And during the Festival, it gets more so. Bigger. Crazier." Case in point: One mother-daughter duo -- now fixtures on the Festival circuit -- show up every year searching for party and premiere tickets wearing the same leopard catsuits for 10 days straight. But in their desperate quest to have fame thrust upon them, Festival hangers-on who prowl the party circuit and strut the boardwalk do not end up mimicking Bardot or Deneuve, but a more cartoonish, Americanized version of their classic French sex sirens. "Everybody wants to look like Pamela Anderson," admits Aline Copin, 18, a high school student in Cannes, "not like the French actresses." And it's those clumping, clomping, four to six inches of rubber-cork footwear that embody this 'Regardez-moi!' attitude. If Cannes were a shoe like Italy is a boot, it would be a showy platform wedge topped with a splash of mesh. "We call them Buffalo shoes," says Copin, taking a drag on her cigarette as she stretches out her slender legs and chunky shoes on her boyfriend's car fender. "They are very sexy, non?" And dangerous, in more ways than one. At John Turturro's beach party for his Festival flick, Illuminata, girls teetered and tripped about on the dance floor, not only because they were trying to get near Illuminata star Christopher Walken, but because they just can't walk, never mind dance, in these elevator shoes. Canadian actress Lenore Zann, here for the Director's Fortnight screening of the film Babyface, had already mastered the walk before arriving in Cannes. But for those who get off the plane in Nice in typical North American grungewear, you learn pretty fast to sex it up. Zann's co-star, baby-faced Elisabeth Rosen, 21, went understated in a sweater, loose slacks and sensible shoes at her first cocktail party. But by her press conference the next day, she was walking taller. By about five inches. "It's fun to dress up like this," says the Edmonton native. "It feels like a hoot." One former Parisian fashion model, also recently taken with The Look, agrees: "Women here dress to amuse, provoke and seduce," says the coltish brunette. "They live their lives in public, and they dress for that role." So when an actress of significant proportions dons une style certaine, there is a ripple effect. French actress Beatrice Dalle arrived at a recent Festival party in period costume -- breasts lifted and squeezed like Raquel Welch in The Three Muskateers. The next day, dozens of fashion victims rang up Morgan on rue Classe -- the hippest shop in Cannes -- demanding the same bondage gear. "The movies, they are a big influence," says one saleswoman at the store. Indeed, at the red-carpeted premieres each night, gawkers set up chairs from early morning to get a look at what the stars are wearing. This year, Sharon Stone wore a strappy gold number. But the French will probably find a way to make what any American star wears, even Stone, seem even more ... naked. "French women have a beautiful sense of themselves," says former Torontonian Leah Hanes, a talent agent in L.A. "They wear their clothes like a second skin. It is totally distracting. I've been mid-conversation with men doing business, and they've apologized because they had to stop and watch some girl go by," she shakes her head. "I have to watch, too." Feeling right at home in this milieu is Las Vegas porn star Serenity, who donned a petite silver shirt and tight leather pants for the Seinfeld party at the American Pavilion. "Cannes is sexy, so you have to dress that way," says Serenity, star of the film Sex On The Riviera and here to promote her latest skin flick, Pornogothic. "Besides, it's good for publicity. I've had a few offers and readings for feature films. It's a step in a different direction." As for the sexy clothing, Serenity says, "I love it here because it's more liberated. They are not afraid of sex. But it's not like they do it in the streets or anything." Just in case, though, they are prepared. On any street corner in Cannes you can find a bright yellow condom dispensing machine that will shell out protection for 10 francs... The Boot Lickers Gallery .jpg 41K .JPEG 56K .MPG... Laetitia Casta Lainie Kazan Lalita Ahmed Lamya Jezek Lana Turner Lanei Chapman Lani Billard Lara Flynn Boyle Lara Jill Miller Laraine Day Larenz Tate Lari White Larisa Oleynik Laura Albert Laura Bertram Laura Branigan Laura Campbell Laura Dern Laura Herring Laura Innes Laura Kightlinger Laura Koffman Laura Leighton Laura Linney Laura Moss Laura Prepon Laura San Giacomo Laura Wright Lauralee Bell Laurel Cronin Laurel Goodwin Lauren Ambrose Lauren Bacall Lauren Eckstrom Lauren Graham Lauren Holly Lauren Hutton Lauren Koslow Lauren Lane Lauren Tewes Lauren Vélez Lauren Woodland Laurence Ashley Laurie Beechman Laurie Fortier Laurie Holden Laurie Metcalf Lauryn Hill Lea Thompson Leah Ayres Leah Lail Leah Purcell Leah Remini Leann Hunley LeAnn Rimes Lee Ann Womack Lee Armstrong Lee Meriwether Lee Purcell Lee Remick Leelee Sobieski Leeza Gibbons Leighanne Wallace Leila Arcieri Leilani Sarelle Lela Rochon Lena Headey Lena Horne Lena Olin Leonor Varela Lesley Ann Warren Lesley Boone Lesley Duncan Lesley Woods Lesley-Anne Down Leslie Bibb Leslie Caron Leslie Charleson Leslie Danon Leslie Easterbrook Leslie Grossman Leslie Mann Leslie Stefanson Lewis Stone Lexa Doig Lexi Randall Liddy Clark Liddy Holloway Lil' Kim Lila Kedrova Lili Taylor Lilli Palmer Lillian Gish Lily Tomlin Lilyan Tashman Linda Blair Linda Cardellini Linda Carol Linda Dano Linda Darnell Linda Evangelista Linda Evans Linda Fiorentino Linda Gray Linda Hamilton Linda Harrison Linda Hunt Linda Kelsey Linda Kozlowski Linda Lavin Linda Park Linda Purl Linda Ronstadt Linda Stirling Linda Wong Lindsay Crouse Lindsay Frost Lindsay Hollister Lindsay Korman Lindsay Price Lindsay Sloane Lindsay Wagner Ling Bai Linnea Quigley Linzi Hateley Lisa Ann Hadley Lisa Arturo Lisa Barbuscia Lisa Bonet Lisa Boyle Lisa Brenner Lisa Cerasoli Lisa Chappell Lisa Darr Lisa Dean Ryan Lisa Edelstein Lisa Gay Hamilton Lisa Hartman Lisa Howard Lisa Jakub Lisa Kudrow Lisa Loeb Lisa Marie Lisa McCune Lisa Nicole Carson Lisa Niemi Lisa Pelikan Lisa Peluso Lisa Raye Lisa Rieffel Lisa Rinna Lisa Robin Kelly Lisa Ryder Lisa Stahl Lisa Wilcox Lisa Zane Lita Ford Liv Tyler Liz Vassey Liza Huber Liza Minnelli Lizabeth Scott Lois Chiles Lois Maxwell Lola Albright Lolita Davidovich Loni Anderson Lorelei Lanford Lorena Velázquez Loretta Chandler Loretta Devine Loretta Lynn Loretta Swit Loretta Young Lori Hallier Lori Heuring Lori Loughlin Lori Nelson Lori Petty Lori Singer LoriDawn Messuri Lorissa McComas Lorna Luft Lorrae Desmond Lorraine Bracco Lorraine Pilkington Lorraine Toussaint Loryn Locklin Lotte Lenya Louanne Louise Beavers Louise Brooks Louise Fletcher Louise Lasser Louise Siversen Louise Sorel Louise Wischermann Lu Leonard Luana Anders Luana Patten Lucille Ball Lucille Bremer Lucy Alexis Liu Lucy Bell Lucy Lawless Lucy Liu Luis Alberni Luise Rainer Lupe Velez Lyla Graham Lynda Carter Lynda Day George Lynn Herring Lynn Redgrave Lynn Whitfield Lynne Adams Lysette Anthony M Mabel Albertson Mabel King Mabel Normand Mackenzie Phillips Madchen Amick Maddie Corman Madeleine Carroll Madeleine Stowe Madeleine West Madeline Kahn Madhubala Madhuri Dixit Madonna Mae Clarke Mae West Maeve Quinlan Mag Ruffman Maggie Cheung Maggie Lawson Maggie Peterson Maggie Smith Maitland Ward Majandra Delfino Majel Barrett Roddenberry Mamie Van Doren Manisha Koirala Manju Warrier Mara Corday Marcela Kloosterboer Marcia Cross Marcia Gay Harden Marcia Mitzman Gaven Marcia Strassman Marcia Wallace Marcy Walker Mare Winningham Maren Jensen Marg Helgenberger Margaret Colin Margaret Dumont Margaret Hamilton Margaret Lindsay Margaret O'Brien Margaret Rutherford Margaret Sullavan Margot Finley Margot Kidder Marguerite Clark Marguerite Moreau Maria Alba Maria Bello Maria Callas Maria Canals Maria Conchita Alonso Maria de Medeiros María Félix Maria Ford Maria Friedman Maria Grazia Cucinotta Maria Montez Maria Schrader Maria Shriver Maria Socas Mariah Carey Mariana Hill Mariann Aalda Marianne Faithfull Marianne Jean-Baptiste Marianne Koch Marianne Sagebrecht Maricel Soriano Marie Dressler Marie Matiko Marie Windsor Mariel Hemingway Mariette Hartley Marilu Henner Marilyn Chambers Marilyn Dodds Frank Marilyn Maxwell Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Sokol Marina Sirtis Marion Davies Marion Lorne Marion Ross Marisa Coughlan Marisa Pavan Marisa Ramirez Marisa Tomei Mariska Hargitay Marisol Nichols Marisol Padilla Sánchez Marissa Dyan Marissa Ribisi Marj Dusay Marji Martin Marjorie Main Marjorie Monaghan Markie Post Marla Gibbs Marla Sokoloff Marlee Matlin Marlene Dietrich Marley Shelton Marliece Andrada Marlo Thomas Marne Patterson Marsha Mason Marta Kristen Martha Burns Martha Byrne Martha Coolidge Martha Hackett Martha Hyer Martha Plimpton Martha Raye Martha Reeves Martin Balsam Martine Carol Martine McCutcheon Martita Hunt Mary Alice Mary Astor Mary Beth Evans Mary Beth Hurt Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio Mary Frann Mary Grace Canfield Mary Jane Croft Mary Jo Randle Mary Kay Adams Mary Kay Bergman Mary Kay Place Mary Kornman Mary McCormack Mary McDonnell Mary Nash Mary Page Keller Mary Pickford Mary Regan Mary Scheer Mary Steenburgen Mary Stuart Masterson Mary Treen Mary Tyler Moore Mary Vivian Pearce Mary Wickes Mary Wilson Mary Woronov Maryam D'Abo Mary-Louise Parker Marzena Godecki Mathilde Seigner Maud Adams Maura Tierney Maureen Edwards Maureen Flaherty Maureen McCormick Maureen O'Hara Maureen O'Sullivan Maureen Reagan Maureen Stapleton Maurine Watkins May Britt Maya Angelou Maya Deren Maya Rudolph Mayim Bialik McKenzie Westmore Meg Foster Meg Ryan Meg Tilly Megan Follows Megan Gallagher Megan Mullally Megan Ward Megyn Price Meighan Desmond Mel Harris Melanie Griffith Melanie Lynskey Mélanie Thierry Melina Kanakaredes Melina Mercouri Melinda Clarke Melinda Dillon Melinda McGraw Melissa Bell Melissa Etheridge Melissa George Melissa Gilbert Melissa Joan Hart Melissa Manchester Melissa Michaelsen Melissa Reeves Melissa Sue Anderson Melody Patterson Melody Perkins Melora Hardin Mena Suvari Mercedes McCambridge Mercedes McNab Mercedes Ruehl Meredith Baxter Meredith Bishop Meredith Monroe Meredith Patterson Meredith Salenger Meredith Scott Lynn Meret Becker Merle Oberon Meryl Streep Mia Farrow Mia Kirshner Mia Korf Mía Maestro Mia Sara Michael Michele Michele Carey Michèle Laroque Michele Lee Michele Pawk Michelle Bauer Michelle Burke Michelle Dimaso Michelle Forbes Michelle Huirama Michelle Johnson Michelle Kwan Michelle Nicastro Michelle Pfeiffer Michelle Phillips Michelle Reis Michelle Thomas Michelle Williams Michelle Yeoh Miguel Ferrer Mili Avital Milla Jovovich Millie Perkins Mimi Lesseos Mimi Rogers Mina Badie Mindy Bell Mindy Burbano Mindy Sterling Ming-Na Wen Mink Stole Minnie Driver Mira Furlan Mira Sorvino Miranda Richardson Mireille Darc Miriam Hopkins Mitzi Gaynor Mitzi Kapture Moira Harris Moira Kelly Molly Culver Molly Ringwald Molly Shannon Molly Stanton Momo Yashima Mona Freeman Monet Mazur Monica Bellucci Monica Keena Monica Potter Monica Serene Garnich Monica Vitti Monika Schnarre Monique Parent Monique van Vooren Morgan Brittany Morgan Fairchild Morgane Moré Muriel Landers Musetta Vander Mylene Farmer Myrna Loy N Nadia Bjorlin Nadia Rinaldi Nakia Burrise Nana Visitor Nancy Allen Nancy Carroll Nancy Hower Nancy Kelly Nancy Kovack Nancy Kulp Nancy Kwan Nancy Kyes Nancy Marchand Nancy McKeon Nancy O'Dell Nancy Olson Nancy Schroder Nancy Sinatra Nancy Travis Nancy Walker Nancy Wilson Naomi Campbell Naomi Judd Nastassja Kinski Natacha Régnier Natalia Cigliuti Natalie Cole Natalie Imbruglia Natalie Morse Natalie Portman Natalie Radford Natalie Raitano Natalie Schafer Natalie Wood Natalie Zea Natanya Ross Natascha McElhone Natasha Gregson Wagner Natasha Henstridge Natasha Little Natasha Lyonne Natasha Richardson Nathaniel Lees Nedra Volz Neve Campbell Nia Long Nia Peeples Nichelle Nichols Nicholle Tom Nicki Aycox Nicola Charles Nicole Ari Parker Nicole Bilderback Nicole de Boer Nicole Eggert Nicole Garcia Nicole Kidman Nicole Sullivan Nicoletta Braschi Nicolette Krebitz Nicolette Sheridan Niesha Trout Nikki Cox Nikki Schieler Ziering Nina Foch Nina Meurisse Nina Shipman Noel Neill Noelle Parker Noreen Corcoran Norma Aleandro Norma Bengell Norma Shearer O Odete Lara Oksana Baiul O-Lan Jones Olga Fabian Olivia Burnette Olivia d'Abo Olivia de Havilland Olivia Hussey Olivia Newton-John Olympia Dukakis Ophelie Winter Oprah Winfrey Orla Brady Ornella Muti P P.J. Soles Paget Brewster Paige Rowland Pam Grier Pamela Anderson Pamela Curran Pamela Franklin Pamela Kosh Pamela Reed Pamelyn Ferdin Paris Jefferson Parker Posey Pascale Bussières Patricia Arquette Patricia Collinge Patricia Ford Patricia Heaton Patricia Ja Lee Patricia Neal Patricia Richardson Patricia Routledge Patricia Tallman Patricia Velazquez Patrika Darbo Patsy Kensit Patti Brady Patti LaBelle Patti LuPone Patty Duke Patty Hearst Paula Abdul Paula Cole Paula Devicq Paula Jane Ulrich Paula LaBaredas Paula Marshall Paula Poundstone Paula Prentiss Paulette Goddard Pauley Perrette Paulina Porizkova Peggy Ann Garner Peggy Cass Peggy Lee Peggy McCay Peggy Trentini Penelope Ann Miller Penelope Cruz Penny Cook Penny Marshall Peri Gilpin Persia White Pert Kelton Peta Wilson Petra Jared Petula Clark Phoebe Cates Phylicia Rashad Phyllis Diller Phyllis Yvonne Stickney Pia Zadora Pier Angeli Piper Laurie Piper Perabo Pippa Haywood Pola Negri Polly Bergen Polly Holliday Pooja Bhatt Poppy Montgomery Portia de Rossi Preity Zinta Priscilla Lane Priscilla Lee Taylor Priscilla Presley Prunella Scales Q Queen Latifah R Rachael Beck Rachael Blake Rachael Leigh Cook Rachel Blakely Rachel Blanchard Rachel Cronin Rachel Griffiths Rachel Hunter Rachel Miner Rachel Ward Rachel Weisz Rachel Wilson Rachel York Radha Mitchell Raelee Hill Rain Phoenix Raj Kapoor Rani Mukherjee Rani Mukherji Raquel Welch Rashida Jones Raveena Tandon Reba McEntire Rebakah Louise Smith Rebecca Broussard Rebecca Budig Rebecca Callard Rebecca Cartwright Rebecca Cross Rebecca De Mornay Rebecca Gayheart Rebecca Gibney Rebecca Herbst Rebecca Hobbs Rebecca Holden Rebecca Jenkins Rebecca Romijn Rebecca Romijn-Stamos Rebecca Schaeffer Rebeccah Bush Reese Witherspoon Regina Carrol Rena Mero Rena Sofer Rene Russo Renee Jones Renee O'Connor Renee Sands Renee Zellweger Reta Shaw Rhea Perlman Rhona Mitra Rhonda Aldrich Rhonda Fleming Ricki Lake Rie Tomosaka Rita Hayworth Rita Moreno Rita Rudner Rita Wilson Robbi Chong Robbie Lee Robert Townsend Robia La Morte Robin Mattson Robin Strasser Robin Tunney Robin Wright Roma Downey Romy Haag Romy Schneider Rosa Nevin Rosalind Allen Rosalind Ayres Rosalind Russell Rosario Dawson Rose Marie Rose McGowan Roseanne Roselyn Sanchez Rosemary Clooney Rosie O'Donnell Rosie Perez Rosie Taravella Roxann Biggs-Dawson Roxie Roker Rue McClanahan Rutanya Alda Ruth Buzzi Ruth Chatterton Ruth Gordon Ruth Livier Ruth Roman Ruth Warrick S Saachiko Sabrina Ferilli Sabrina Lloyd Sacha Horler Sadhana Saffron Burrows Salli Richardson Sally Field Sally Kellerman Salma Hayek Samaire Armstrong Samantha Eggar Samantha Fox Samantha Mathis Sammi Cheng Sandra Bernhard Sandra Bullock Sandra Dee Sandra Ferguson Sandra Gould Sandra Hess Sandra Huggett Sandra Oh Sandra Smith Sandra Speichert Sandy Dennis Sara Barrett Sara Gilbert Sara Montiel Sara Rue Sarah Aldrich Sarah Ann Morris Sarah Bellomo Sarah Bernhardt Sarah Brown Sarah Buxton Sarah Chalke Sarah Jessica Parker Sarah Lassez Sarah Marshall Sarah Michelle Gellar Sarah Mitchell Sarah O'Hare Sarah Paulson Sarah Polley Sarah Silverman Sarah Thompson Sarah Wynter Sasha Alexander Schae Harrison Schuyler Fisk Schuyler Grant Sean Young Sela Ward Selma Blair Selma Diamond Senta Berger Shabana Azmi Shae D'Lyn Shae Marks Shalane McCall Shannen Doherty Shannon Elizabeth Shannon Lee Shannon Sturges Shannon Tweed Shannon Whirry Shannyn Sossamon Shar Jackson Shari Belafonte Sharon Case Sharon Lawrence Sharon Leal Sharon Stone Sharon Tate Shaun Robinson Shaune Bagwell Shawn Batten Shawnee Smith Sheena Easton Sheeri Rappaport Sheila Kelley Shelley Duvall Shelley Fabares Shelley Hack Shelley Long Shelley Winters Sherilyn Fenn Sherry Jackson Sherry Rooney Sherry Stringfield Sheryl Lee Shilpa Shetty Shiri Appleby Shirley Bonne Shirley Booth Shirley Hemphill Shirley Jones Shirley Knight Shirley MacLaine Shirley Temple Shiva Rose Sigourney Weaver Sigrid Thornton Sigrid Valdis Silvana Mangano Simmone Mackinnon Simone Buchanan Simone Lahbib Simone Signoret Sinéad O'Connor Sira Chae Sissy Spacek Sofia Coppola Sofia Vergara Soleil Moon Frye Sonali Bandre Sonali Bendre Sonia Satra Sonia Todd Sonja Henie Sophia Loren Sophie Aldred Sophie Dahl Sophie Heathcote Sophie Marceau Spice Williams Spring Byington Sridevi Kapoor Stacey Dash Stacey Williams Staci Keanan Stacie Randall Stacy Haiduk Stacy Kamano Stefanie Powers Stefano Dionisi Stella Stevens Stepfanie Kramer Stéphane Audran Stephanie Cameron Stephanie Cole Stephanie March Stephanie Seymour Stephanie Zimbalist steven cardenas Stockard Channing Sue Lyon Sugar Cain Sully Diaz Summer Altice Summer Phoenix Sung Hi Lee Susan Anton Susan Barnes Susan Batten Susan Dey Susan Diol Susan Egan Susan Flannery Susan Haskell Susan Hayward Susan Lucci Susan Misner Susan Oliver Susan Olsen Susan Saint James Susan Sarandon Susan Tolsky Susan Walters Susan Ward Susanna Hoffs Susannah York Suzanne Somers Swoosie Kurtz Sybil Danning Sydney Penny Sydney Sturgess Sylva Koscina Sylvia Field Sylvia Kristel Sylvia Miles Sylvia Sidney T Tabu Talia Shire Talisa Soto Tallulah Bankhead Tamala Jones Tamara Beckwith Tamara Brinkman Tamara Clatterbuck Tamara Mello Tamara Tungate Tamara Walker Tamera Mowry Tamlyn Tomita Tammin Sursok Tammy Blanchard Tammy Grimes Tammy Lauren Tammy Lynn Michaels Tammy McIntosh Tane McClure Tangi Miller Tantoo Cardinal Tanya Boyd Tanya Roberts Tara Charendoff Tara Fitzgerald Tara Moss Tara Reid Taryn Manning Tatjana Patitz Tatjana Simic Tatum Dagelet Tatum O'Neal Tatyana Ali Tava Smiley Tawny Kitaen Taylor Anne Mountz Tea Leoni Teresa Wright Teri Garr Teri Hatcher Teri Polo Terri Garr Terri Nunn Terry Farrell Teryl Rothery Tessie Santiago Tetchie Agbayani Thandie Newton Theda Bara Thelma Ritter Theresa Merritt Theresa Randle Thora Birch Tia Carrere Tia Mowry Tia Texada Tiffani-Amber Thiessen Tiffany Brissette Tiffany Helm Tilda Swinton Tina Aumont Tina Caspary Tina Fey Tina Louise Tina Turner Tina Yothers Tippi Hedren Tisha Campbell Toni Collette Toni Scanlan Tonie Marshall Tonie Perensky Tonya Harding Topher Grace Tori Amos Tori Spelling Tracey Gold Tracey Needham Tracey Ullman Traci Adell Traci Bingham Traci Lords Tracy Hyde Tracy Kay Wolfe Tracy Lynn Cruz Tracy Middendorf Tracy Pollan Tracy Scoggins Tracy Tweed Tracy Vilar Traylor Howard Trina McGee-Davis Trini Alvarado Trudie Styler Tsianina Joelson Tuesday Weld Twiggy Lawson Twinkle Khanna Tyne Daly Tyra Banks U Uma Thurman Una Merkel Urmila Matondkar Ursula Andress Ute Lemper V Vahina Giocante Valarie Rae Miller Valeria Golino Valerie Bertinelli Valerie Harper Valerie Landsburg Valerie Vernon Vanessa Angel Vanessa Demouy Vanessa L. Williams Vanessa Marcil Vanessa Paradis Vanessa Redgrave Vanessa Williams Vanna Bonta Varen Black Vendela Kirsebom Venesa Talor Venetia Stevenson Véra Clouzot Vera Farmiga Vera Miles Vera-Ellen Verna Felton Veronica Blume Veronica Lake Vicki Lawrence Victoria Abril Victoria Clark Victoria Pratt Victoria Principal Victoria Silvstedt Victoria Tennant Victoria Wyndham Viktor Lazlo Virginia Gregg Virginia Madsen Virginia Mayo Virginia Weidler Virginie Contesse Virginie Ledoyen Virna Lisi Viveca Lindfors Vivian Chow Vivian Vance Vivica A. Fox Vivien Leigh W Wallace Kurth Wally Kurth Wanda Acuna Wanda Ventham Wendie Malick Wendy Benson Wendy Braun Wendy Crewson Wendy Hughes Wendy Makkena Wendy Malick Wendy Richard Wendy Schaal Whitney Houston Whittni Wright Whoopi Goldberg Wing Chen Winona Ryder X Xenia Seeberg Y Yancy Butler Yasmine Bleeth Yeardley Smith Yolanda Andrade Yvette Freeman Yvette Mimieux Yvonne Craig Yvonne de Carlo Yvonne Niami Yvonne Reyes Z Zasu Pitts Zena Grey Zienia Merton Zita Johann Ziyi Zhang Zoe McLellan Zoe Tay Zoe Trilling Zooey Deschanel Zsa Zsa Gabor