Prove Us Wrong About Shimadzu.... Get 20,000 Japanese Yen!

We pledge that all of our facts about Shimadzu are in order
....and we'll back that claim up with real $money$

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Since the inception of this homepage back in January of 1997, we have stated unequivocally that "the factual information on our homepage has been researched and found to be authentic.... it speaks volumes!" Simply put, we have never knowingly concocted any untruths/falsehoods about Shimadzu, their deceptive business practices or their inferior product offerings! Then in September 1998, a group of independent medical reviewers representing a prestigious online search engine concluded that the factual information on our "professionally oriented website was 100% accurate." Hence, the Shimadzu Consumer Alerts homepage at now sports a "4 star rating" award.

In spite of these declaration(s) and award(s), there are a few belly-aching malcontents who are still non-believers. (We can't make you see the light if you're wearing blinders!) And let's not forget the brainwashed misfits who labor at Shimadzu on a daily basis. In an effort to quell these malcontents, dispel those misfits and open the eyes of the non-believers, we initially agreed in January 1999 to put our money where our mouth is by offering 10,000 Japanese yen to back up our claims regarding the other side of Shimadzu! Now we've upped the ante yet again.

If anyone supplies/forwards us any indisputable/incontrovertible evidence by email which contradicts any of the factual information on our website (opinions exempted), then we will pay the first contributor reporting any such untruth/falsehood the equivalent of 20,000 Japanese yen in the form of a money order forwarded by snail mail to your attention. (Unfortunately, Shimadzu has been unable to make a similar offer by rebutting the facts on our homepage!) This good-will offer is open to everyone (including all Shimadzu employees worldwide). Please note that we will have final say whether any presented evidence is indeed indisputable/incontrovertible.

n.b. Since January 1999 (1 U.S. dollar = ~150 Japanese yen), no one has taken us up on our most generous offer.... the truth is very compelling stuff!

n.b. We have absolutely nothing to gain by fabricating or publishing untruths/falsehoods. On the other hand, Shimadzu has everything (starting with your money) to gain by resorting to the flagrant, deliberate and intentional use of lies and denials!

n.b. Let it be known that no Shimadzu official, figurehead or troll has ever questioned and successfully challenged the veracity of the information on this website at any time. The truth hurts.... just ask the habitual prevaricators at Shimadzu!

Question: Will Shimadzu admit to the facts found on this homepage and come clean or will they simply persist with their propaganda depicting full-blown lies and denials?

Shimadzu.... Degrading the Art of Science for 125 Years (and Beyond!)

For more information about Shimadzu, call 1-800-LIARS

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This page was last updated.gif (379 bytes) 12/31/00

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