Shimadzu LC-MS is a Cheap Product Offering

....cross Shimadzu off your vendor list for all the right reasons!

We received the following email on 24 November 1998:

From: identity withheld
Subject: Shimadzu LC/MS

I found out about your site when I queried [the search engine] Altavista for Shimadzu. I saw an advertisement about a LC-MS by Shimadzu (in the LC-GC magazine) and wanted more information. Any info on the LC-MS from Shimadzu?

There are many variables to consider before purchasing a LC-MS system with the Shimadzu logo attached thereon. First, we would recommend that you peruse the dialog which has appeared previously on our homepage ( enumerating the horrors of using a Shimadzu GC/MS and GC-MS crashes. It is important to keep in the back of your mind that a researcher has already noted that "Shimadzu manufactures mass spectrometers of questionable value."

Second, the Shimadzu GC-MS (aka QP-5000) has been on the US market for about six years now while hardware and software bugs still abound. The Shimadzu LC-MS (aka QP-8000) was introduced to the US market during Pittcon '98. Like virtually all other product offerings imported from Japan, we'd wager that its full of bugs too. If Shimadzu tells you otherwise, then you should dangle that "lying and denying" thing in front of their long faces!

Third, the Class-5000 software which drives the Shimadzu GC-MS is an agonizing conundrum. It is anything but intuitive.... expect more of the same (i.e. struggling, frustration, down-time) with the Class-8000 software which reportedly controls the Shimadzu LC-MS (American Laboratory, August 1998). This software offering (just like its predecessor) is a Japanese developed and supported product. If you have ever had the misfortune of reading a Shimadzu translated Japanese manual, then you know all about punctuation, grammar and language usage errors. Nobody (and we repeat NOBODY) murders the English language better than Shimadzu!

Finally, Shimadzu will tempt you with a low price for a complete LC/MS system. But remember that you will get what you pay for.... and maybe not even that! If you buy crap, you will have crap and then you can tell all your colleagues that you own crap (give that some serious thought). BTW: Can you say SHIT-MADZU?

n.b. Can you risk spending $100,000 for something that may never get the job done properly, consistently and/or efficiently? The low price and compact size of Shimadzu's LC-MS is certain to disappoint.... don't be conned by those smooth-talking Shimadzu sales people!

n.b. Besides the punctuation, grammar and language usage errors, how about important terms/concepts/meanings which are lost during the Shimadzu translation process? Problems like these will (no doubt) translate into down-time and loss of productivity if you bring this inferior LC-MS product offering into your lab!

n.b. The Shimadzu LC/MS package is a deal worth missing. Only Shimadzu could pump you full of so many promises. Forgo this vexing value.... you can thank us later!

Remember.... "Shimadzu manufactures mass spectrometers of questionable value"

You'll go BLIND if you rely on Shimadzu's 20/20 hindsight!

For more information about Shimadzu, call 1-800-LIARS

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