A Modernist House

FIRST POST: October 2000


These pictures are the latest incarnation of Our_House, this time styled in the Modernist fashion. During the '30's, '40's and '50's the Modernist Movement in architecture produced many stunning and elegant homes, apartments, commercial and public buildings. Like many of my generation I felt that this vision of the future was THE vision of the future. The works of Richard Neutra, Frank Lloyd Wright and others of the Modernist or International Movement made deep impressions on the imagination of our generation. Movies and graphic arts still relie on this school of architecture to invision the "Future."
Remember Dr. Mobius's home in "Forbidden Planet"? StarFleet HQ? the set designs in "The Shape Of Things To Come"? the comic book art of Carmine Infantino? or, in a humorous vein: the Jetson's or the Brady's home?
Even though few purely Modernist buildings were done since those years, many influences of the style crept into commercial and residential architecture. The Moderist open-plan interior can be seen in many homes built in the last three decades of the 20th Century even if the exterior retained a traditional American look. The commercial world has made more use of this style over the decades: been to a mall recently? did somebody say McDonald's?

The gallery below has a few new images done in the last year and some of the older ones re-shuffled. I'm hopeful that there will be a few new ones this month, or, at least, before the end of the year.

And one note about this house, and the others, for that matter...
My conception of what I am doing in this series is rendering the image of an architect's model of a house, sitting on a table, outdoors, NOT the image of a real house!

This gives me some leeway in the renderings: every corner of every room does not have to be precise to the fraction of an inch, every detail of the interior need not be a photo-realistic rendering of a real object, and the plants can be seen as miniature mock-ups of shrubry, thus saving the agony of rendering half a million leaves!

...October 2001...
posted pictures of the Kitchen (west room) interior...
and a new master shot of the re-worked house!

NOTE...December 2002...
posted new Beauty Shots of the House...
added a some shruby and tweaked the house a bit.
This should be the LAST re-model of the exterior.
On to the interior design and decorating (at last!).

A click on most pictures will show you a large size, +q9 render.

A Modernist House...the Current Beauty Shot
Hopefully, the FINAL exterior version, with some landscaping added.

And the view at night.

A Modernist House
( click on pictures for larger, +q9 view )

The Original Concept

Revised frames & floors

Upstairs looking southward

The Front Entry.

Interior from East Room towards the west

Interior, from east toward west

Eye level from the north east

A fly-by from the south east

From NE towards SW

Most current image

West room kitchen: from NE

Kitchen Interior

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