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Andy's JavaScript resources

topbul1a.gif (462 bytes)  JavaScript Kit- A superb JavaScript technology center featuring free scripts and tutorials on many aspects of JavaScript. I credit most of my JavaScript knowledge to this site.

topbul1a.gif (462 bytes)  Dynamic Drive- Quite an amazing JavaScript site with advanced JavaScripts/DHTML scripts you can simply cut and paste onto your site to intantly add magic to your site. I must have used at least a dozen of them on my personal site already...

topbul1a.gif (462 bytes) Tutorials and tips on PHP, JavaScript, CGI, CSS, and more!

topbul1a.gif (462 bytes)  Find web hosting: Looking for a web host with features such as PHP, message board, and counter etc for your site? Find them all at

topbul1a.gif (462 bytes)  DevEdge- Complete Java whitepaper and documentation, from Netscape.

topbul1a.gif (462 bytes) Updated! This site claims to be a one-stop guide to everything Java on the net. Java, as you may recall, is completely different from JavaScript. Anyhow, this is a good site on Java (not JavaScript), with links to everything Java on the net.