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:-)                 Smile

;)                 also a smile

:-D               Laughing

:-}                Grin

:-]                 Smirk

:-/                 Scowling

;-                  Wry wink

8^]               Bug-eyed smile

;'-(                Crying

>;-(              Grimacing

{:^)              Neat Smile

=:)               Punk Rock

;-)                Wink

;^)                Smiley in profile

:-(                Frown

8-)               Wide-eyed

:-X              Close

:-o               Oh no!

;+(               Snubbed nose

[] and *:      Hugs and Kisses

:-e               Disappointed

:-@             Screaming

;-p              Sticking the tongue out

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Common Chat Expressions

For more efficient, quick communication, chatters uses a vast array of abbreviated expressions.
For instance:

<bg>                 Big Grin
<lol>                 Laugh OnLine
<rotfl>              Rolling on the floor laughing
<asap>              As Soon As Possible
<bcnu>             Be Seeing You
<kiss>               Keep It Simple Stupid
<imho>             In My Humble Opinion
<imnsho>         In my not so Humble Opinion
<tnx 1.0E6>     Thanks A Million
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