
Here are some good tongue twisters. How fast can you say them without making a mistake?

1. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,
Where's the peck of pickled pepper,
That Peter Piper picked?

2. She sells sea shells on the sea shore.

3. Red lorry yellow lorry.

4. The sixth sheikh's sixth sheep's sick.

5. Old, oily Ollie oils oily autos.

6. Tim the thin twin tinsmith.

7. Round and round the rugged rock the rugged rascal ran.

8. Does your shirt - shop stock short socks with spots?

9. An old scold sold a cold coal shovel.
And finally, for those of you who thought that those were easy;

10. The Leith Police dismisseth us,
I'm thankful, sir, to say;
The Leith Police dismisseth us,
They thought we sought to stay.
The Leith police dismisseth us,
We both sighed sighs apiece,
And the sigh that we sighed as we said goodbye,
Was the size of the Leith police.