There's a bug in my "modisasm". Fixed version is here.
PS2 Linux 用の BIOS ぶっこぬきユーティリティー欲しいかたはどうぞ。1422bytes あ、拡張子がへん。tgz に変えてください。
PS2 Linux 日本語ページをつくってみました。
Found how to generate ECC used by PS2-MemCard!HERE.
さらに久々に更新。TSG さん作の PS2 メモカ吸出し法について
久々に更新。いろんなこと。modchip と PAR のこと、かな。
PSDIS のキーアサインをまとめました。
PAR3.1 と 3.2 の通信方法の違いが分かりました。

YES! YES! YES! Napalm did it!

This is what I've been waiting for a long time! Now you can load and execute PS2 programs via USB!!
Go to
It actually works!!
If there is a Datel(Thesycon) USB driver on your system, try replacing it with pl2301.sys from the Control Panel-System. With Datel's driver, Both PS2 and PC recognize USB connection, but they don't work correctly.

Use PS2DIS to browse PS2 executables.

I wrote a disassembler for PS2. Currently a few translation has been done. Go to PS2DIS page.

Linux for PS2 will be available in Japan

PS2 Linux Kit is only available in Japan
Petition for the public Release of Linux for the PlayStation2

PS2 has been released in Japan.

KEI's CyberRoom/hardware
PC Watch(Japanese, but many pictures!)

'UnDatel' .enc decrypt/encrypt utility is now available.

Sorry, I close it because decrypting may be illegal in Japan. I'll research if encrypting files to .enc format is legal or not...

I wrote a Reflash Tool for Action Replay 3(GS PRO).

2000-02-15 had corrected my bad English. Please take a look at the document. That's what I just want to say about AR3 reflash tool.
My AR3 programs for DOS are based on the documents at THUMP!.Also, THUMP! has ya development tools for Action Replay. (Most contents were written in Japanese)




Download new 0.32 tools(58,417bytes, MSDOS executables only). The communication protocol in 3.2ROMs has a little bit of diference from 3.1ROMs. These executables allows you talking with 3.2ROMs and also no problem with 3.1ROMs. Please replace old executables with this.
(2000-02-02 Probably you can do this with any ROMs, I think.)
When you ask 3.2ROMs to download from 80000000 to 8000ffff,
just type
	ar3read 80000000.bin a0000000 10000
Also it's a good idea to download from 1f000000,
	ar3read 1f000000.bin 9f000000 60000

2000-01-30 ar3read and ar3write are compatible with ver3.1 roms. NOT compatible with Ver3.2 roms, It seems...
Ver0.30 has some more useless functions such as switching banks, hexdump, disasm, bug, bug, bug...
Ver 0.30 (461,653bytes)
previous version 0.20 (362,426bytes)


I didn't assumed that people may write caetla into AR3 cart... I tested if the Reflash Tool can write caetla. And the result is yes and no. Yes, the tool can, but ROM is still set to BANK-1.
(This problem is now fixed.)
Action Replay 3 has 2 sided roms that are both assigned at 1f00000 to 1f03ffff. ReflashTool writes BANK-0 then write BANK-1. The tool doesn't switch ROM to BANK-0 after flash.

I uploaded small programs that allow you to change the bank manually.
ar3exec ar3bank0.psx to change bank to 0.
ar3exec ar3bank1.psx to change bank to 1.
It may cause problem flashing to other than Action Replay 3 roms.
Thank you.
Can someone please tell me how to ignore any kind of interrupt???


[ Action Replay 3(GameShark PRO) Reflash Tool Ver0.20 ]

Thank you for your downloading my worthless and useless program,
I disclaim any complaints though...

[ What is this for? ]

To hack Action Replay 3, I had to burn CDs each time when I want
to make an experiment. For example, "I think it must be RAM from
1f040000, Oops, I have to burn CD to get evidence!".
So I made it. This allows you to run PS-X EXE using Action Replay 3.
Also supports backing up or flashing the ROM.
 Well, This tools supports,

With Action Replay 3:
	Downloads RAM to PC using AR3READ.EXE.
	(Allows only 8001000 to 801fffff and 1f800000 to 1f8003ff.)

	Uploads file to PSX using AR3WRITE.EXE.
	Display version string using AR3VERS.EXE.
	(Useless too...This is only for test the connection.)

With CD:
	Downloads RAM to PC using AR3READ.EXE.
	(No limitation. If you try to read illegal area, PSX will
	be hunged up.)
	Uploads file to PSX using AR3WRITE.EXE.
	(After 801f0000 is used by the ReflashTool, so don't upload
	to this area.)

	Display version string using AR3VERS.EXE.
	(Useless...This is only for test the connection.)

	Backup ROM of Action Replay cart. using AR3BKUP.EXE.

	Flashes ROM of Action Replay cart. using AR3FLASH.EXE.

	Executes PS-X EXE file using AR3EXEC.EXE.

[ Files ]

	README written in Japanese.
	This file.
	Loadable modules for MS-DOS.
	Programs in the CD image.
	My ugly source codes for PC and PSX. Except libsys.a.
	This library includes _start() and syscall.o that
	are floating around.
	CD Image and cue sheet for CDRWIN. Burn it.
	!!! WARNING !!!
	This image is made for Japan area, so please override the
	territory-sectors using PSXISO or something.

[ Usage ]
	All commands accepts -p2 to use LPT2, but I think no one has
	LPT2, so don't care.

With Action Replay:

All numerals should be specified in hexadecimal. PS must be in game. ar3write
All numerals should be specified in hexadecimal. PS must be in game. ar3vers No arguments. PS must be in main menu. With CD: Modchip is required. When you start this CD, please push the button of Action Replay 3 and then turn on the PSX. Keep pushing till Logo of Action Replay apeears. As screen say, please push the button of Action Replay again. If the menu of Action Replay is displayed, please turn off the PSX and try again, or give it up. You can return back to main menu by pushing button of AR3 once more. (Version0.30 or above) ar3bkup You can back up the ROM image of Action Replay 3 cart. ar3flash You can crash uh, flash the ROM. ar3exec Executes PS-X EXE. RAM area after 801f0000 is used to communicate with PC, So this program can't execute some modules that use this area. [ PS ] I want to know if the program on PSX runs on SCEE's console. Mail me please.

Modchips UK 12C50[89]NoYesYes
R.E.I. Project 12C50[89]NoYes?
MOD (Japanese) 12C50[89]YesYesNo
General Protection Fault (Japanese) 16[CF]84NoYesNo
Game Giken (Japanese) UnknownNoNoYes
REVUE (Japanese) 12C50[89]NoNoYes
MOD CHIP Laboratory (Japanese) 12C50[89]NoNoYes
--- Mod-Chip ---(UPDATED) 12C50[89]NoYesNo
Smart???(Japanese)CLOSED? 16[CF]84YesNoNo
ELM: Stealth MOD Atmel AVRYesNoNo
Channel Technology 16[CF]84NoYesYes
I.Q. Final TrialSCEIUnknown (1998-11)
Pocket Muu MuuSCEI1999-02-04
Final Fantasy VIIISQUARE1999-02-11
Silent HillKONAMI1999-03-04
Global ForceSCEI1999-03-11
Chocobo RacingSQUARE1999-03-18
UmJammer LammySCEI1999-03-18
dancing blade Katte ni Momotenshi II -Tears of Eden-KONAMI1999-03-18
Magical Tetris Charange featuring MickeyCAPCOM1999-03-18
Saga Frontier 2SQUARE1999-04-01
Spyro the DragonSCEI1999-04-01
Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series Vol.3 Tabidachi no utaKONAMI1999-04-01
Dance Dance RevolutionKONAMI1999-04-10
Bust a Move 2 Dance Heaven MixENIX1999-04-15
Omega BoostSCEI1999-04-22
Konami 80's Arcade GalleryKONAMI1999-05-13
Beat Mania Append GottamixKONAMI1999-05-27
Lord of MonstersSCEI1999-06-10
Exceed My CorpseSCEI1999-06-17
Ape's EscapeSCEI1999-06-24
Justice Academy 2CAPCOM1999-06-24
Metal Gear Solid IntegralKONAMI1999-06-24
NOTE:Only Japanese versions are protected.
Last update:1999-06-27 (Japan Standard Time)

Caetla Ver0.34 is now available.

You know, Caetla is the most powerful ActionReplay ROM replacement programmed by K-Comm. New Ver0.34 features, Anyway if you have a cheat cart. and Comms-Link, download it with following step, (If you're using cart. for enable the swap method, don't upgrade to caetla!)
  1. Access to Deaf Dumb Blind.(If you are using Netscape, disable JavaScript.)
  2. You'll see the word 'caetla version 0.34XXXXXXX(4/28)'.
    (XXX are Japanese characters, it means RELEASE.)Push it.
  3. You can see '--- English page is here. ---'. Push it.
  4. There are 3 buttons, 'Installation','Controls' and 'Exclusive cheat-code format'. (You should read all of them.) Choose Installation to get caetla.
  5. Read the description carefully then answer questions in the bottom of the page. It's easy:)
  6. Push 'SEND' button and you can download caeflash, caetools and caetla ver0.34!
  7. You may have to download LHA archiver from somewhere to extract these files...
Don't use to upgrade your cart. Use instead. And update it AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Caetla and other tools are NOT freeware. Reprinting is as follows,
These files are "NOT FREEWARE". These are "K-Wares". K-Wares are made for all developers for DEVELOPMENT USE ONLY. Do not download these programs for any use OTHER than for DEVELOPMENT. These files are NOT to be distributed outside of this official site!
And this is a wish from me, please don't ask rude questions to K-Comm.

How to upgrade your cart.

At first, you may have to backup ROM or cheat codes. To backup ROM, type
caeflash -B
Answer some questions then power PSX on. Now you can backup AR2/GS2 ROM without burning CD!
To backup cheat codes, run,
codedown code.bin
Now it's time to upgrade. Simply type "caeflash" and read the description. You may type "caeflash caetla.bin" when you're using Comms-Link and its I/O address is 320.

How to upload cheat codes

Space for cheat codes in caetla v0.34 is less than 32KB. If the size for cheat codes is 32KB, you should reduce it before upload. This is how to reduce it.
  1. Download PSXCODE from CO HOMEPAGE. Oh, it's inside caetools!!!
  2. Type following command in DOS prompt,
    psxcode -d code.bin code.txt
  3. Then type
    psxcode -c code.txt reduced.bin
  4. If reduced.bin is 32KB, you should edit code.txt and retry.
  5. type "codeup reduced.bin", then turn power on your PSX.
You can get translated versions of caetools from here.(Go Memory Card section.)

I wrote a disassembler for PIC12C50X.

Download MODIS011.ZIP(Includes source code)
 *	COPYRIGHT(C) 1999 Hanimar
 *	This program can be freely distributed.
 *  Revision History:
 *	1999-04-21 Ver0.0001
 *	1999-04-24 Ver0.1	supports full instruction set.

New ANTI-MOD protection seems to came out!!

(I'll buy it today and report it's details, ASAP!)

"Dance Dance Revolution" from KONAMI has a very strong protection.
First, if you're using ActionReplay/GameShark, it aborts, even if it's an original black CD and you don't own a modchip!
The executable is COMPRESSED and ENCRYPTED and HAS CHECKSUM not to change the protection codes!
This may have a Medievil like protection!(I'm not sure.)
(1999-04-10 02:30 AM JST)
Stelths works! both originals and backups.(04-10 16:00)
The code checks if the EDC code in a sector is exactly zero.CD-Rs that corrects EDC may fails to burn it.(04-10 21:00)

New 7-wired Mod(that can run FF8)appears.

You can get a new STEALTH MOD code for PIC12C509 from here.
There are some versions of HEX file. I tried its oldest one(nm509w6b.hex),and it works fine!
The author says there are not stable yet, so DO NOT COMPLAIN TO HIM(OR TO BBS).

Pin assigns

(for SCPH-1000 and probably 3000)
(for SCPH-5500,7000 and probably all models)
1. VDD
2. Clock
5. for kill original signals
6. for output SCEx signals
8. GND
1. VDD
2. Clock
4. Memory card
5. for kill original signals
6. for output SCEx signals
8. GND
FF8 and PocketMuuMuu access to MemoryCards just before Anti-Mod detection. So, newer codes catch these signals and stop sending SCEI signals. The latest code also stops sending signals by timer in order to run Poporogue.
!!!Caution!!!:Newer codes send SCEI signals only.
And all codes don't support RESET switch.

If you have any technical suggestion/information, please write to MOD BBS.

(I'm still waiting for REI's new code.)(1999-02-14)

OUCH!!! I'm sure there is a "Pocket Muu Muu" type protection on FF8!

Some people have already obtained a product edition of FF8, so this news is reliable. (1999-02-09)

Protection on FF8 looks almost same as Pocket Muu Muu's, but... When I started Pocket Muu Muu on my obsolate SCPH-1000,with damaged Lens unit, that started normally. You know Poporogue sometimes mistake detecting Modchip on SCPH-1000. I thought Sony couldn't detect Modchip correctly on SCPH-1000 so when doubtful it might run normally. But on FF8, the protection code never quit checking until it get conviction.

It seems evolving...
NOTE:FF8 checks Modchip on start up, and also after reading Memory cards. (1999-02-13)

Related Sites
FF8 Anti-piracy Lockout (

Anti-Modchip Protection Returns!!!

"Pocket Muu Muu" released on Feb 4 1999 from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. has a protection against Modchip. It says "Abort! PSX might be customized." on your PSX!

Related sites
Protected titles BBS(Japanese)

I succeed in recovering a ActionReplay(GameShark) which ROM was broken.

You need Comms Link and another ActionReplay that can work.
  1. Download the ActionReplay update program from DATEL.
  2. Rename AR.ROM to AAAAAR.ROM
  3. Plug the ActionReplay that can work.
  4. Run upgrade.bat and execute UPGRADE.
  5. Turn on the PSX. (Program will abort.)
  6. Change ActionReplay for broken one.
  7. Rename AAAAAR.ROM to AR.ROM
  8. Run upgrade.bat and execute UPGRADE.

The game is over.

Sony Gave up protecting againt Modchip in Japan!

This protection has a critical bug. On older PSX(SCPH-1000), it sometimes act as if it has a Modchip. Now POPOROGUE was recalled And the I.Q Final for sale doesn't have a protection. (You know, the trial version of I.Q Final has a protection.) This means Sony gave up protecting!

Prepare for another protection.

See more informations
You can see this information at this site.
And now you can get the "MOD INSIDE" image. (62,178bytes)

Final Fantasy 8 will be available on Feb 11 1999.

I saw its commercial film for the first time on Dec 23 1998 in Japan.
Snap shots (140kbytes)

PSX Memory Card Read/Writer for PC

It's a great hack. Now we can read/write PSX memory cards on PC via a parallel port. You don't have to buy costy cards any more.
Author Windows Help File written in English
Description(Japanese only)
Special connector
We can also buy it's kit at AKIZUKI Denshi in Japan.

Go to Thailand, Get the cheapest PSX titles in the world!

We can buy PSX titles by only 40 BAHT(1.5 US$) for one CD at a major department store.(A game that contains 2CDs costs 80BAHTS!:) Of course there are pirated and Modchip is needed to play.
And the media may crude, sometimes...
#I have never visited to Thailand, but my friend has lived there for business. DO NOT ASK ME.

There is FF8 that has no protection sold in Thailand. It costs only 140Baht! Go to 6th floor of TOKYU Department Store in Bangkok. You can buy any PSX games in the world for 35Baht(ONLY 1US$)!!!




New PlayStation Lockout System
R.E.I Project (has modchip sources)
The Playstation Copy Discussion Forum
Daz's Playstation Pages
EMPiRE's World of HardWare:: GameCopyWorld PSX Backup World
nasoftz psz stuff and stealth pic(Stealth MOD,AR replacements, etc.)
Playstation Zone

Japanese below.

Caetla を X-Terminator にいれたときの通信方法(1999-05-13)

JAP Links

TAYAN's Page
Epson's NAZO
Game Lab.

Last update: 2000-07-16 JST