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The Place
The Map
Game End

The Place

From CPU MSX, by André Luiz Anciães dos Santos, Marcos R. Tavares and Eduardo R. Tavares

This former lost world is composed by 87 rooms, that are connected by doors, elevators or teletransports. Inside this rooms, you'll find weird and dangerous monsters, and a lot of holes that causes your death. Be careful.

The Map

From CPU MSX, by André Luiz Anciães dos Santos, Marcos R. Tavares and Eduardo R. Tavares

To complete your mission, the first step is get the five parts of the staff, so you can pass to the second part of the map.
You must take care with the holes. Jump carefully.
The energy doors must be used to rechage your energy, reload your gun and recharge your flashlight battery.
Your energy is the most important item. So, recharge it always, or you'll not survive on this game.
You will lose your energy always you touch a monster. The flashlight is used so the screen stay bright. If your flashlight battery is over, the screen will become all blue, and you'll understand WHY is important recharge the flashlight. (-:
Using your bullets, you can destroy all monsters, but the big one, that cannot be destoyed. You can explode the UFOs too. To destroy something, aim the object and fire. When the bullet is over the target, push the button again. The bullet will explode and destroy the target.
When you destroy a UFO, a animated picture will appear. One give you more bullets and another will recharge your flashlight. Choose one of them and jump to get it.
When you had got all the five pieces of the staff, go to the teletransport. But if you go there without the 5 pieces, you'll die.
When you enter in the teletransport, you'll exit in another part of the cave. Now you must find the computer to destroy it.
When you arrive there, DO NOT TRY JUMPING THE HOLE! It's impossible. Stop before the hole.

Game End

From CPU MSX, by André Luiz Anciães dos Santos, Marcos R. Tavares and Eduardo R. Tavares

When you destroy the computer, a countdown will be started. When the countdown reachs 0, the cave will explode. So, a single mistake may cause your death, now.
Stay to the right of the screen (as right as possible), so you can exit faster from it. Aim the gun (it must be loaded) to the computer. If your gun is unloaded, there is a energy door near you. Look at the map).
Now, caution! After you fire, while the bullet is crossing the screen, turn to the right BUT DO NOT EXIT THE SCREEN YET. Wait until the bullet hit the computer and them push the button. The screen will shake.
When the screen stops to shake, don't spent time. Run to the exit of the cave. It'll be wise to memorize the exit way, because there is no time to see the map. The time is shown in the upper right of the screen. If you could reach the cave exit, congratulations! If not... Try again. Sorry! (-:



From CPU MSX, by André Luiz Anciães dos Santos, Marcos R. Tavares and Eduardo R. Tavares

This loader will make you invencible, but the holes will kill you... So, be careful even if you are using it.

Last update on August 28, 1999.
Author's E-mail:
Daniel Caetano
User #since August 26, 1999.