Sine and cosine function

The SIN(X) function for any numeric X (in radians) is computed by the formula


where FACT is the factorial function. It computes the sine until the last computed term is less than the tolerance value. Likewise the COS(X) function is computed by the formula


We will use the following formulas for computing the sine or cosine function:

pro X z (Pi,2*Pi)
pro X z (Pi/2,Pi)


Unit: internal function, external function without procedure statement
Parameters: a number X (radians), a positive number P - number of significant digits of result, default is 9
Interfaces: PICONST for P<=200, for P>200 we can use the PI function
Returns: sine and cosine of X

SIN: procedure
parse arg X, P
if P = "" then P = 9; numeric digits P
Pi = PICONST(); Signum = 1
if X < 0 then do; Signum = -1; X = -X; end
Pim2 = Pi * 2; X = X // Pim2; Pid2 = Pi / 2
if X > Pi
  then do; X = X - Pi; Signum = -Signum; end
if X > Pid2 then X = Pi - X
Term = X; Xsup2 = X * X; Sum = X; F = 1
do J = 3 by 2
  Term = -Term * Xsup2 / (J * (J - 1))
  NewSum = Sum + Term
  if NewSum = Sum then return Signum * Sum
  Sum = NewSum



COS: procedure
parse arg X, P
if P = "" then P = 9; numeric digits P
Pi = PICONST(); Signum = 1; X = ABS(X)
Pim2 = Pi * 2; X = X // Pim2; Pid2 = Pi / 2
if X > Pi
  then do; X = X - Pi; Signum = -Signum; end
if X > Pid2
  then do; X = Pi - X; Signum = -Signum; end
Term = 1; Xsup2 = X * X; Sum = 1; F = 1
do J = 2 by 2
  Term = -Term * Xsup2 / (J * (J - 1))
  NewSum = Sum + Term
  if NewSum = Sum then return Signum * Sum
  Sum = NewSum



Wirth N., Systematisches Programmieren
- 2nd ed. B.G Teubner, Stuttgart, 1975

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last modified 1st August 2001
Copyright © 2000-2001 Vladimir Zabrodsky
Czech Republic