Subset-Sum Problem
Exponential-time exact algorithm

In the subset-sum problem we wish to find a subset of A.1,...,A.N whose sum is as large as possible but not larger than T (capacity of the knapsack).

Unit: internal function
Global variables: array A.1,...,A.N of positive integers, array A. is not changed
Parameters: a positive integer N, a positive integer T
Returns: largest sum of subset <=T

EXACT_SUBSET_SUM: procedure expose A.
parse arg N, T
L.1 = 0; P = 1; Sentinel = 1E+100
do I = 1 to N while A.I <= T
  do J = 1 to P
    LP.J = L.J + A.I
    if LP.J > T then leave J
  R = J - 1; K = 1; L = 1
  P = P + R; Pp1 = P + 1
  L.Pp1 = Sentinel; LP.J = Sentinel
  do M = 1 to P
    if L.K < LP.L
      then do; M.M = L.K; K = K + 1; end
      else do; M.M = LP.L; L = L + 1; end
  do J = 1 to P; L.J = M.J; end
return L.P


For N=100;T=25557 and the array A. created by statements:

Seed = RANDOM(1, 1, 481989)
do J = 1 to N
  A.J = RANDOM(1, 1000)

I compared the algorithms for solution of the Subset-sum problem and my algorithm DIOPHANT for solution of the diophantine equations.

I halted the EXACT_SUBSET_SUM after 30 minutes of computations. For APPROX_SUBSET_SUM I used the value Epsilon=0.5


Subset-sum problem - Comparison of Algorithms
Algorithm Subset sum Seconds
GS 25554      0.05 
DPS 25557   240.24 
APPROX_SUBSET_SUM 25436    12.31 
DIOPHANT 25557      0.82 


EXACT_SUBSET_SUM is suitable only for N<20. For N=15,16,17 function required 4,30,144 seconds.


Cormen T. H., Leiserson Ch. E., Rivest R. L. Introduction to Algorithms
The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1990

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last modified 8th July 2001
Copyright © 2000-2001 Vladimir Zabrodsky
Czech Republic