Technique: Universal Unit

Assume the following task, we wish to find the median of the B. array of size N=10001. We can't use the straightforward solution, for example the code of the MODIFIND function because it works only with the A. array.

We rewrite the code of the MODIFIND function for work with B. array. The program PROGRAM1 displays on the screen the result 0.698 seconds and values of medians. In practice we could write a program for automatic changes of identifiers.  

/* PROGRAM1 */
N = 10001; K = 5001
Seed = RANDOM(1, 1, 481989)
Total = 0; S = ""
do 10
  do J = 1 to N
    B.J = RANDOM(1, 100000)
  call TIME "R"
  Total = Total + TIME("R")
say Total / 10 "seconds"; say S
MODIFIND1: procedure expose B.
parse arg N, K
L = 1; R = N
do while L < R
  X = B.K; I = L; J = R
  do until J < K | K < I
    do while B.I < X; I = I + 1; end
    do while X < B.J; J = J - 1; end
    W = B.I; B.I = B.J; B.J = W
    I = I + 1; J = J - 1
  if J < K then L = I
  if K < I then R = J
return B.K


First of all we will copy the B. array into the A. array and then call the original MODIFIND function. The PROGRAM2 displays 0.912 seconds. In this case we have to reserve the A. array for passing parameters.

/* PROGRAM2 */
N = 10001; K = 5001
Seed = RANDOM(1, 1, 481989)
Total = 0; S = ""
do 10
  do J = 1 to N
    B.J = RANDOM(1, 100000)
  call TIME "R"
  do J = 1 to N; A.J = B.J; end
  Total = Total + TIME("R")
say Total / 10 "seconds"; say S
MODIFIND: procedure expose A.


The name of the array is stored in the Stemv variable. In this case we have to reserve only one variable for passing parameters - the Stemv variable. The PROGRAM3.1 using interpret statement displays 0.793 seconds. It is really effective but hard to code solution. PROGRAM3.2 using the VALUE function displays 0.962 seconds. In this cases is the program code almost unreadable.

/* PROGRAM3_1 */
N = 10001; K = 5001
Seed = RANDOM(1, 1, 481989)
Total = 0; S = ""
StemV = 'B.'
do 10
  do J = 1 to N
    B.J = RANDOM(1, 100000)
  call TIME "R"
Total = Total + TIME("R")
say Total / 10 "seconds"; say S
MODIFIND3_1: procedure expose (StemV)
parse arg N, K
L = 1; R = N
'do while L < R ;',
  'X = 'StemV'K; I = L; J = R ;',
  'do until J < K | K < I ;',
    'do while 'StemV'I < X; I = I + 1; end ;',
    'do while X < 'StemV'J; J = J - 1; end;',
    'W = 'StemV'I; 'StemV'I = 'StemV'J;',
    StemV'J = W;',
    'I = I + 1; J = J - 1;',
  'if J < K then L = I;',
  'if K < I then R = J;',
'return 'StemV'K'


/* PROGRAM3_2 */
N = 10001; K = 5001; Stemv = "B."
Seed = RANDOM(1, 1, 481989)
Total = 0; S = ""
do 10
  do J = 1 to N
    B.J = RANDOM(1, 100000)
  call TIME "R"
  S = S MODIFIND3_2(N, K)
  Total = Total + TIME("R")
say Total / 10 "seconds"; say S
MODIFIND3_2: procedure expose Stemv (Stemv)
parse arg N, K
L = 1; R = N
do while L < R
  X = VALUE(Stemv || K); I = L; J = R
  do until J < K | K < I
    do while VALUE(Stemv || I) < X
      I = I + 1
    do while X < VALUE(Stemv || J)
      J = J - 1
    W = VALUE(Stemv || I, VALUE(Stemv || J))
    T = VALUE(Stemv || J, W)
    I = I + 1; J = J - 1
  if J < K then L = I
  if K < I then R = J
return VALUE(Stemv || K)


This is the first really general solution. MODIFIND4 can be an internal or external function. For special parameter passing, we use the external data queue. The PROGRAM4 displays 3.449 seconds.

/* PROGRAM4 */
N = 10001; K = 5001
Seed = RANDOM(1, 1, 481989)
Total = 0; S = ""
do 10
  do J = 1 to N
    B.J = RANDOM(1, 100000)
  call TIME "R"
  do J = 1 to N; queue B.J; end
  Total = Total + TIME("R")
say Total / 10 "seconds"; say S
MODIFIND4: procedure
parse arg N, K
do J = 1 to N; pull A.J; end
L = 1; R = N
do while L < R
  X = A.K; I = L; J = R
  do until J < K | K < I
    do while A.I < X; I = I + 1; end
    do while X < A.J; J = J - 1; end
    W = A.I; A.I = A.J; A.J = W
    I = I + 1; J = J - 1
  if J < K then L = I
  if K < I then R = J
return A.K

The modification of the PROGRAM4 with the external function MODIFIND4 displays 3.328 seconds.


Suppose the elements of B. array are words. Then for passing parameters, we can use a string as shown in the following program. It is second general solution. Also, the MODIFIND5 function can be coded as an external routine.

/* PROGRAM5 */
N = 10001; K = 5001
Seed = RANDOM(1, 1, 481989)
Total = 0; S = ""
do 10
  do J = 1 to N
    B.J = RANDOM(1, 100000)
  call TIME "R"
  String = ""
  do J = 1 to N
    String = String B.J
  S = S MODIFIND5(N, K, String)
  Total = Total + TIME("R")
say Total / 10 "seconds"; say S
MODIFIND5: procedure
parse arg N, K, String
do J = 1 to N
  parse var String A.J String
L = 1; R = N
do while L < R
  X = A.K; I = L; J = R
  do until J < K | K < I
    do while A.I < X; I = I + 1; end
    do while X < A.J; J = J - 1; end
    W = A.I; A.I = A.J; A.J = W
    I = I + 1; J = J - 1
if J < K then L = I
if K < I then R = J
return A.K

This program displays 12.825 seconds; with the external version of MODIFIND5 displays 12.885 seconds.



Comparison of Method
Method External? Tool for transferring Time Disadvantage
1 no none 0.698   one routine for every array
2 no array A. 0.912   copy into A.
3.1 no variable + INTERPRET 0.793   unreadable code
3.2 no variable + VALUE 0.962   unreadable code
4 yes external data queue 3.328   slower
5 yes string 12.825   slower, lexical analyse


Tobias Herp - the solution PROGRAM3_1


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last modified 30th July 2001
Copyright © 2000-2001 Vladimir Zabrodsky
Czech Republic