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NGC 2320 in Lynx
Mag. 12.9
Size : 1.4' X 0.8'
Distance : 300 mill l.y. ?
SN2000B is @ mag.16.0
( USNO-A2.0 Red mag. stars. )

Exposure time : 4 X 3 minutes
0.61m f/3.4 MX516 CCD
Date : 18. Jan 2000
Time : 23.53 UT.

NGC 2320 in Lynx
SN2000B is @ mag.15.7

Exposure time : 4 X 5 minutes
0.61m f/3.8 MX516 CCD
Date : 26. Jan 2000
Time : 20.54 UT.

NGC 2320 in Lynx
SN2000B is @ mag.16.4

Exposure time : 4 X 5 minutes
0.61m f/3.7 MX516 CCD
Date : 4. Feb 2000
Time : 22.30 UT.

NGC 2320 in Lynx
SN2000B is @ mag.18.2

Exposure time : 4 X 8 minutes
0.61m f/4 MX516 CCD
Date : 24. Feb 2000
Time : 21.08 UT.

SN2000B is approx. mag.18

( The star indicated with red. mag.17.6 has also a blue mag. of 18.0 )

Exposure time : 4 X 4 minutes
0.61m f/3.7 MX516 CCD
Date : 7. Mar 2000
Time : 21.28 UT.

Is SN2000B visible ?

Exposure time : 3 X 4 minutes in each RGB.
0.61m f/4 MX516 CCD
Date : 18. Mar 2000
Time : 20.50 UT.

SN2000B is approx. mag.18.3

Exposure time : 4 X 5 minutes
0.61m f/6 MX516 CCD
Date : 24. Mar 2000
Time : 20.13 UT.

Main Astronomical Index ( bottom ).