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Brightnes curve.

Nova M31_2000_4 in the Andromeda galaxy

R.A. = 00h 43m 56.08s Dec. = +41° 28' 09.3" ( Position by Hitoshi Yamaoka )

Discovery image

South up and East to the right.

Mag. 17.8

Exposure time :
3 X 4 minutes
0.61m f/3.8 MX516
Date : 31.Oct 2000
Time : 21.10 UT.

Animation with reference image.

Fainter than 19
( Full moon )

Exposure time :
3 X 5 minutes
0.61m f/3.8 MX516
Date : 11.Nov 2000
Time : 18.37 UT.

Exposure time :
3 X 8 minutes
0.61m f/3.8 MX516
Date : 25.Nov 2000
Time : 19.38 UT.

Approx. mag 21
Exposure time :
3 X 10 + 3 X 5 minutes
10"SC LX200 f/10 + ST7E
Date : 21.Nov 2000
Time : 17 UT.

Image by
Alf Jacob Nilsen


No sign of the nova ( ? ). The image below is the sum of 2 exposures taken 18 and 19 december 2000. Exposure time : 2 X 5min ( R filter )

Image by James Bauer, University of Hawaii
2048^2 Tektronix CCD 2.24m telescope Mauna Kea. ( Fits header )

Digitized Sky Survey ( Color )
Main Astronomical Index.