Richard Burk
4435 Fairstone Dr. #103, Fairfax, VA 22033-5117

Languages: HTML, Java, C++, Perl, PL/SQL, C,
Bourne/C/Korn Shell, Smalltalk, KQML, Lisp, Ada,
Basic, VBA, Javascript, TCL/TK

Databases: Oracle, MS Access, Sybase, Informix

Productivity Applications: MS Office, Corel Office,
StarOffice, Lotus Smart Suite, Lotus Notes, MS
Outlook, Netscape, IE, Cadre/Teamwork, McCabe,
Rational Rose, Paradigm Plus, Remedy

Operating Systems: Windows NT/98/95/3.x, Sun Solaris
2.x, SunOS 4.x, Java, Linux, Novell, DEC Ultrix, VAX

Courses: Software Installation Technician, Building
and Supporting Your LAN, TCP/IP, Orbix/CORBA,
Advanced Object-Oriented Concepts and Programming in
C++, CADRE/Teamwork, McCabe, World Class
Competitiveness, Graduate course - Compilers

Technologies: System Administration, Artificial
Intelligence, HTTP, FTP, CORBA, CGI, X Windows,
TCP/IP, Object Oriented Concepts, High Level
Architecture (HLA), Run-Time Interface (RTI)

Security Clearance: DISCO Top Secret (expired)

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: INTJ

Superlative Technologies (SupraTech)
September 2nd, 1998: One day job to install Oracle 7.x RDBMS and
associated environment. Completed to customer

Digital Intelligence Systems (DISYS)
November 18th, 1996 - PRESENT:
My roles and responsibilities as a contractor at
Mobil Oil include lights on and discretionary support
and field support backup of the Corporate Treasurers
Department and for the Global Financial Markets
group. This includes the installation of new software
ensuring that it does not break the over 3000+
applications already available to end users.
Additionally, this includes problem identification
and resolution or routing that arises or by
coordinating resources in the resolution of
application outages and problems. I provide data
analysis and clean up of medical information for the
medical department. The main application is OHM. I
support the following financial applications: ATW,
RTAu, Enterprise, RBS, RMM, Kobra, Reuters Graphics
Pro, and WallStreet Systems, SSI, Executive
Workbench, Optirisk, and many more. I use the
following resources to perform my job: Remedy, MS
Office, Sun Solaris 2.x, Sun OS 4.x, Windows NT,
Windows 3.x, DEC VAX VMS 5.x and 6.x, Winstall 5.x,
various system administration tools for Sun Solaris,
Sun OS, Windows NT, and Windows 3.x, Java, C,
Smalltalk, DEC DCL, FTP, Telnet, Visio, Bourne Shell,
C Shell, Korn Shell, Sybase 4.x, Sybase 11.x,
Informix, Netscape, Lotus Notes 4.x, and many
others. After awhile I was assisting everyone in GIS
with problem solving and resolution when speed and
corrctness were issues. This included programming in
Oracle, Perl, various *nix shells, MS Access, and

GRC International (GRCI)
August 1996 - November 15th, 1996:
My responsibilities centered around the development
and implementation of agent technology for the
purposes of searching for relevant data specified by
natural language inputs and categorizing that data
with priorities. The agent software is to support the
data analysis and aggregation needed by the Defense
Logistics Agency in order to produce a smarter
military. In addition I served as the official backup
System Administrator for the Sun Workstations. Mainly
I programmed in Java, C, C++, and HTML. I wrote a
compiler for the KQML language in both Java and C++.
I had an informal class on artificial intelligence
which was used to support the analysis, design,
implementation, testing efforts. In the initial phase
of the project I researched many tools for use in
developing agent technology. These included case
tools for documentation and reusable code for the
coding effort and for idea extraction.

September 1995 - July 1996:
As a programmer on the Joint WARfare Simulation
(JWARS) project I worked with the following
technologies: Common Object Request Broker
Architecture (CORBA), High Level Architecture (HLA),
and the Run-Time Interface (RTI). I worked with the
following languages: Smalltalk, C++, C, and ADA. I
used the following software for research,
requirements, analysis, design, implementation, and
testing: StateMate (simulation tool), Paradigm Plus
(case tool), Smalltalk by Parc Place, Envy
(configuration management), Sun Works C/C++
environment, MS-Office Professional, eXceed by
Humming Bird, Windows NT, Sun Solaris 2.X, TACWAR
(war simulation), and MIDAS (transport simulation).
My job responsibilities include research,
requirements, analysis, design, implementation, and
testing. This was accomplished by acquiring a vision
of what JWARS is to be. After learning of this I
wrote up the requirements for the project. I then
provided my analysis, design, and a prototype design
written and tested in ADA. I pushed the envelope of
innovation as far as possible. It was a wonderful
design. In addition most of it was approved for
implementation. The implementation occurred in
Smalltalk. Part of the goal was to show that the
above listed technologies all worked or did not
work. We proved that all of them worked to varying
degrees. CORBA worked exceptionally well. HLA and
RTI were not well designed or implemented though the
ideas were excellent. The HLA and RTI did not work
well for simulations destined to run mostly
independently with some interaction in which the
interactions must be synchronized. The gist of what
was accomplished is that we created a potentially
multi-million user version of doom in which a war
could be simulated and quantitatively measured from
the action to the economic cost.

June 1995 - September 1995: My responsibilities for
the GRC M&S 2000 Overbudget project were to learn
CORBA in less than two weeks and then use that
knowledge to save part one of the M&S 2000 project.
Part one of the M&S 2000 project included completing
the implementation phase of a demo designed to win
the JWARS project. In this demo I demonstrated that
CORBA can be used to combine independent legacy
simulation systems into a single synergistic
simulation that combines the strengths of both
simulations. The demo included modification of
FORTRAN, C, and C++ code. The vision for the demo
was to demonstrate a static interaction of two legacy
systems working together in a predetermined way.
While the demo was being pitched to the DOD
representative, I paid close attention to what the
DOD representative wanted and left the meeting and
proceeded to implement in less than 10 minutes an
interactive part of the demo that no one had thought
about previously. After implementing and testing it I
returned to the meeting. I informed everyone at the
meeting of what I had done. Then a while later I
demonstrated the demo to the client. He was
impressed. Not too long after that (about 3 months)
GRC won the JWARS contract due to this demonstration.
Over the span of three months GRC won a contract that
normally would have taken one to two years to win. I
felt great, and the raise and bonus I received was
worth it. For part two of the project it was my task
to further develop the virtual reality component of
another demonstration. I worked with a piece of
software called VR Creator. It is made by VREAM. This
was a fun experience. At first I needed to learn what
had been done before me. I then cleaned up the code.
Next I developed an algorithm to generate a
representation of the military hierarchy in a visual
format. I needed to show the military hierarchy in a
format that allowed the user to view the military
from any level of resolution from company level to
army level. Once I completed this I then implemented
in Ada 95 and C++ the algorithm to generate the VREAM
script so that I would not have to spend large
amounts of time programming in VREAMscript.
VREAMscript is wordy. The wordiness enhances
readability but slows quick production of virtual
worlds. I programmed the demonstration to interact
with a keyboard, mouse, joystick, glove, head-mounted
display, and other hardware devices. The
demonstration was much fun but I was pulled off in
order to work on the JWARS project being that I had
become GRC's CORBA guru. Lastly I was the unofficial
backup System Administrator for the Sun Workstation;
and de facto System Administrator for it.

May 18th, 1992 - June 1995: As a technical team
leader on the Reserve Component Automation System
(RCAS) program, I assisted other programmers in
programming applications as well as implementing six
full applications and about a dozen pieces of other
applications. The RCAS project was tasked with
providing office automation software for the Army
Reserve and National Guard. This meant that RCAS
managed over 1500 database tables in an Informix
database running on and across Ultrix and SCO-UNIX.
For the entire project all applications were
programmed in Ada. We used a product called TEAMWORK
that focused on the creation of requirements, the
analysis of requirements, the design of the
applications, the implementation of those
applications, testing of those applications, and the
maintenance of those applications. It was a general
goal of the RCAS program to generate reusable code. A
reuse team was formed to accomplish this goal. I
volunteered for this team and assisted in the review,
implementation, and approval of dozens of reusable
pieces of code. The tools that we used to enforce the
software lifecycle include Teamwork by Cadre
(software lifecycle management) and McCabe by McCabe
(software defect measurement). Teamwork provided for
the analysis, design, and implementation phases of
applications. McCabe provided for the measurement and
testing of the software. McCabe was used in order to
prove that the software works as stated and measured
the number of defects that the software contained. It
was an excellent tool. Through the use of this tool I
was able to write a 10,000 line application that
contained less than 10 defects of which I fixed them
all and thus provided software with 0 defects. Other
responsibilities that I performed on while on RCAS
were hands-on training of new hires and the
presentation of technical materials to large audiences.

George Mason University: B.S. in Computer Science