Cheerleaders - 2001

Many thanks to the Selinsgrove Wrestling Cheerleaders. Your enthusiasm has made it a special season. Special thanks to Amanda Lingle for the great job you do singing the National Anthem.
We are Proud of you!


Amanda Lingle


Jami Varner


Amanda Lingle
Rowena Levin
Tyler Ziants
Renee Walter
Amanda Varner
Sabrina Burrows
Sara Bailey
Amanda Slater


We are the Seals
We are the best
Come on crowd
Yell it loud

Yell S - H - S


Red, blue, and white
Our colors shine through
So get to your feet
You know what to do.

Yell Red blue and white

Red blue and white

Our destination is victory
There is no doubt
So stand up Seal fans
And lets hear you shout



Roll him over
Pin him flat
Put his shoulders
To the mat

Roll him over
Pin him flat
Put his shoulders
To the mat

Roll him over!

Seals wrestling cheerleaders  doing a stunt

Many thanks to the cheerleaders who helped out at the Holiday Tournament. You are the best!


Go Seals. Show 'em the lights!

red and blue line
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Updated 2/05/02, Posted 12/01
©2002 Cindy O'Hora
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