
These are my friends from Columbus Ga. I try to keep in touch with them but it is hard to do. I will see them ALL when I go back soon. Now my bestfriends are Denise and Elena. I still keep in touch with them!

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These are the people I ate lunch with. In order from left to right: Elena, Laura, Keitha, Pauline, Lance, Denise.

Elena giving me a kiss!

Robb is in the back, Casey and Mandee are up front. You dont want to know what Robb is doing!!!

Robb eating lunch. Notice the stain on his shirt! Robb is a badass!!!

Robb's newly painted Mustang. The shag mobile.

Robb and Casey. Two badasses walking to class.

Casey and Mandee.

Melissa and Jenny. Melissa is on the left and Jenny is on the right.
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