API OpenSave Demo by John Percival , VB-World.net 12k S/C
This program demostrates usage of the Show/Save dialog boxes without referencing the comdlg32.ocx file. Instead of distirbuting the bulky ocx ,you can manipulate the dialog boxes with API .
MultiUndo demo by Bart Lorang 12k S/C
This example program will show you how to integrate unlimited undos and redos into a RichTextBox control in Visual Basic 4.0 . This example DOES NOT account for Colors, Fonts, alignments, or bullets, but it could be easily modified to do so.
DirectSound Demo 26-4-98 309k S/C
A program demonstrating the use of DirectX (DirectSound) to play multiple wavs in VB.This is made possible by the type libraries Patrick Scribe created.Check out his awesome VB site here .
AnyShape S/C
This nice program demonstrates creation of non-standard shape forms .The source code is quite clear and can be easily used in your own programs.
Rotating Cube DEMO 8k S/C
A program that plots a 3 dimensional rotating cube is considered to be the "hello world" of 3D programming... This task involves some linear algebra and a good knowledge of 3D geometry, check out the commentary for a detailed explanation. You may rotate the cube both clockwise and anti-clockwise and also adjust the angular speed of rotation by moving the mouse cursor towards the edges of the form.
3D Block DEMO 8k S
A humble attempt to create a 3D world and allow the user to move an object within it. You may move the red cube within the green cube towards all 3 dimensions .Use the cursor keys to move on the XY plane (paraller to the screen) and Shift + cursor keys for movement along the Z axis.
3D Starfield DEMO 8k S / C
Here's my version of the popular 3 dimensional ride through space. I'm not that familiar with Z coordinates and stuff so I guess I took the long way around,at least the result if fairly realistic :) This was built as a submission to the Monthly Programming Challenge of The Game Programming MegaSite.
Push Them Funky Buttons S / C
This is a silly - and I mean SILLY - button popping program I submited to the Visual Basic Explorer's March contest,and what do you know! It won first prize! This project may have no usefulness at all,but it's a great example of how you can use Timers ,MouseUp ,MouseDown and MouseMove events to make your app's look alive.

ShooterDemo 208k S / C
This is a tutorial-project on how to make demos for your games,meaning how to emulate a real user playing them.

This project also uses Olivier Lapisque's ModPlug Plug-in to play a MOD file through VB.

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*All these need VB's runtime library Msvbvm50.dll in your Windows/System folder
*Hoover the mouse over the disk icon to see the size of the ZIP archive.
*S indicates that the ZIP includes the source Visual Basic files .
*C indicates that the source code is well commented.