yvBBCode - BBCode extension for Joomla! 1.5
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Download yvBBCode   v.1.1.2, (0.05Mb) last changed: December 12, 2007. What's New, For Developers 
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Short description

yvBBCode is a BBCode extension for Joomla! 1.5. It may replace BBCodes with HTML markup:

In addition with 'standard' BBCodes, this extension has BBCodes to create dynamic links between Articles.

The extension is customizable, so you may choose, what subset of BBCodes to use, what images are used for buttons etc.


To install yvBBCode, you MUST have at least Joomla! 1.5 build 9170 (RC3 dated 2007-10-06) or newer (see the tip). yvBBCode is a "system plugin".

In a case of any problem, please refer to the Troubleshooting section below.


Good luck!

yvBBCode self test results with Debugging mode option set on 
yvBBCode self test results with Debugging mode option set on 

BBCodes to create dynamic links between Articles

Links between Articles ('content items'...) may be created with 'special type of BBCodes' inserted into any content of the Web page and converted to Hyperlinks on the fly. Currently yvBBCode supports one BBCode for this purpose: 'contentid'.
E.g. [contentid=3]Content management[/contentid] is replaced by the link to the Article with id=3.

Administration, configuration and customization

All configuration setting of this extension are set in "yvBBCode Plugin parameters" (Administrator interface->Extensions->Plugin Manager->yvBBCode).

As you may see, "BBCode set" file path is customizable option. So you may create your copy of it (default.xml file) and change something... but, of cause, main processing is in code of BBCodeParser library, that is not so easy to customize...

yvBBCode parameters 

BBCodes for the whole page

  yvBBCode can make BBCode replacements for the whole page ("Enable BBCode replacements for the whole page" option).
  yvBBCode can make BBCode replacements for the whole page

As you can see on the picture above, you may have BBCodes almost everywhere on the page, in every content... So you may have BBCodes even in those extensions, that know nothing about yvBBCode.

BBCodes for text of Articles

yvBBCode may show BBCodes in your Articles (working as content plugin). This option ('Enable BBCodes for the text of Articles') is disabled by default, but you may use it (change to 'Yes'), if you don't like 'BBCodes for the whole page' option, shown above.

You may restrict work of this plugin for Articles, that belong to only some Sections. To do this, type comma (,) separated list of IDs of Sections in the "SectionIDs of Articles" parameter. Leave the field blank to allow replacement of BBCodes with corresponding HTML tags for Articles of any Section.

Additional parameter: "Exclude Sections, selected above (No - include)" helps you to make this list shorter. If you don't want to process BBCodes for only a small number of Sections: set this parameter to "Yes" (i.e. "exclude"), and type (in the "SectionIDs of Articles" parameter) only IDs of Sections to be excluded.

Other settings

By default, yvBBCode uses simple CSS file (/plugins/system/yvBBCode/default.css), that is intended to be used as a start point for customization. If you made your customized css in your template, your have to change setting of "Use default CSS file" parameter to "No".


Currently yvBBCode is translated into these languages: English, Russian.


Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

Future plans and thoughts (ToDo)

 History of changes

 v.1.01 (December 2, 2007)

  1. Added option 'Links to Articles'. If this option is set to 'Yes', links between Articles ('content items'...) may be created with 'special type of BBCodes' inserted into any content of the Web page and converted to Hyperlinks on the fly.
    Currently yvBBCode supports one BBCode: contentid.
    E.g. [contentid=3]Content management[/contentid] is replaced by the link to the Article with id=3.

Information for Developers

When creating yvBBCode, I used yvSmiley extension as a template. So you may find many similarities between the two...

yvBBode uses parser HTML_BBCodeParser library (part of PEAR Package) and BBCode images from Advanced BBCode Box MOD for phpBB.

To use yvBBCode, other extensions don't need to refer to it in any way: they just trigger events, that are intercepted by yvBBCode (if its installed and enabled). If yvBBCode is not installed or is disabled, this doesn't lead to any errors!

yvBBCode always registers itself for two events:

$Form = '';
$mainframe->triggerEvent('onBBCode_RenderForm', array('document.forms.yvCommentForm.fulltext', &$Form) );
echo $Form;
$fulltext = 'Some Text [i]To Be Rendered[/i]';
$mainframe->triggerEvent('onBBCode_RenderText', array (& $fulltext) ); 
echo $fulltext;

As you may see, it is VERY easy to use yvBBCode in other extensions.

You may see example of yvBBCode usage in the yvComment extension.

The license

GPL. Freeware, i.e. at no cost. If you like this extension, please consider donating.

The Joomla! extension is distributed "as is", without any warranties explicit or implied.

(c) 2007 Yuri Volkov, Moscow, Russia