There are many reasons to get educated but let's frame the word education itself.  Education is the institution, which crosses all cultural boundaries.  The education does not only mean getting qualified by going to school.  However, everyone has its own way of getting educated or gaining knowledge.  Education provides the means whereby individuals can process information and acquire the right knowledge, skills and mindset to be able to perform at their optimum level.


I believe that having the right level of knowledge is the key to achieving optimum effectiveness.  Therefore, its valuable knowing how to transform that knowledge into outside skills, as well as how to apply those skills in a more effective and productive way.  After all, education is not just about what you learn, but how it is applied. 

So, let's go back to our title, which is why, get educated?

In my opinion, to be educated would be mean that ones knowledge, mind and character are developed by some form of instruction, schooling, or teaching by someone who has already been educated in some way themselves and has been passed it on to you.  I also feel that when you get educated then you will know many different areas of life.  Its important to get educated because, education is the way people pass along their life experience to their loved ones.  So, they can benefit themselves, from the mistakes and also the good things that they have done for themselves.  People need to be educated at an earlier age about certain things in order to survive in the real world.  You can get educated in many different ways by using many different resources.

Eventually, I feel someone who is educated is well informed in many areas of study, life as well as cultural. Getting educated means expanding the capacity of your brain memory.