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Hi, my name is Lim Koy Kwong, my hobbies are outdoor activities, stamp and coin collecting, listening to music etc.

A humble beginning...My first cry was on 16/11/1973. Below is one of my first pictures. Looks kind of cute right?

This bed is comfortable, can I have this instead of the small one behind....


Soon, I attend my first graduation ceremony.... from Mountbatten kindergarten.

Hmm... can guess which one is me?

After which I spend the years to come at Mountbatten English School, which later renamed as Mountbatten Primary School. Most of my classmates were there too. But sad to say, only one whom still is in contact. Too bad I do not have any photo of that time. Those of you who happens to be one of the "graduates" above, kindly drop me a mail.

As I am those "slow learners", I was streamed into normal stream at Chung Cheng High School (Branch). Almost every year my class is on the blacklisted list. I have so much good time during these 5 years, but soon, all has to come to an end when I took my 'O' levels in 1990. Glad that the class still has annual gathering every year.

I'm on the second row, first one on the left. That's our form teacher, Mrs. Yeo, in red.

I made it to Temasek Polytechnic, and spend 3 wonderful and fruitful years there. I was a committee member of the Martial Arts Society, which started off with only about 10 members attending the first Teakwondo lesson. Today, the society has grown to have hundreds of members and many different types of martial arts.

That's the class of E31B. I'm the fourth from left.

I was enlisted into the Army as a Communication Technician at 3DSMB. A pretty relaxing vocation. But too bad the camp is located at the far western end of Singapore. After O.R.D. I worked in a technical support department. I have to listen to customers' complains on the phone and face some unreasonable customers for a year. And at the same time servicing the faulty products.

I left the company and further my studies at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. I'm taking Electrical and Computer Engineering. It's tough getting back to the books again, after so many years of idle life.

After graduating from QUT, I spend about 3 months looking a job, end up in a manufacturing industry. But after nearly 3 months there, I find my immediate supervisor have a terrible management skill, about 5 colleagues have left or are going to leave in my short stay there.

Coming July, I'm joining a large local software house as a Software Engineer. Hopefully, I can really set up a career in this company.

Enough of my intro. Have a look on my photo album. \(*o*)/


To view more photo, please go to my photo album.

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