cartoon clipart, graphic design, clipart,funny drawings,cartoons,web page design

nside these pages lie an exciting collection of original clipart cartoons. They are all created by me and are free for you to use to help spruce up your personal webpages. As well as using them for websites you can use them in any non-commercial way that you see fit: greeting cards, letter head, arts and crafts or anything else you can think of. Please remember that they are free for non-commercial applications.
There is also a section devoted to web page graphics; buttons, dividing bars, backgrounds and an assortment of other things. The same principal applies, they too are free to use on any non-commercial site.

Cartoon clipart from Dave's Place

These are all my original creations and as such they copyrighted by me, all I ask in return of their use on your pages is to credit me David Crane and provide a link to I love getting email from people who have used my artwork on their site. If you have used something from Dave's Place, send me a note and let me know.

Cartoons Web page graphics Graphic Design Home

© Feb 20 2000 by David Crane

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