Bon's CGI Freebies
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Random Text
Include random text information or quotes on your web site with one script!

Quote Machine
This is a small script that allows you to make customized random quotes that you can display in your webpages. It allows you to have unlimited quotes that you add simply by editing a text file.

Tip of the moment
This script is extremely useful if you want to have random proverbs, random images, or random tips displayed each time a visitor loads the page. It also includes a admin script. You can add, delete and modify any messages easily.(SSI required.)

Tip of the moment
This script is extremely useful if you want to have random proverbs, random images, or random tips displayed each time a visitor loads the page. It also includes a admin script. You can add, delete and modify any messages easily.(SSI required.)

This is a random quote program that comes with a small database of inspirational quotes. The program can be used with a database of site updates, company news, or anything else you can think of. Each time a web page is loaded that has this program included, a new line from the file will be displayed in random order. The program will automatically adapt itself to the size of your database file. The program is intended to be used with SSI.

Random Text
Random Text
is a program which takes a plain text file, which contains a series of phrases, quotes, lines of text, html tags, etc... and a delimiter (the character(s) which separate each entry) and will randomly choose one of the phrases and display it on your web page. This scripts does require the use of Server Side Includes.

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Site created by Bon Ragget 1999