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- Like World Wide Pager, but uses email instead of form.
- Download this great program! Free!

Get Red Alert map authoring template - Template of level text description.
Download The Great One - rules.ini patch with lots of features.
Log-A-Dude - A program to monitor when your PC was on.
Red Alert cheat codes!!! - Virtual Ted lied to us!
IRC- Talk
Maps `n` levels - Duke 3D, RA, C&C, maps, e.t.c.
WareZ FTP client. - Lets you to get into hidden dirs.
CDNOW - Buy CDs online!
LINKS - KewL linx!

Don't get mad. Get Even.
Get Cheat Machine!
Cheat machine is one of the darn best things I`ve ever seen!

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Created by Eug.