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List of my newer websites 2008

  • The Patzer - Blog on my chess improvement efforts
  • GilaChess - my chess website
  • GACC - GACC Chess
  • Andrew Ooi - My personal blog (new)
  • Gila Chess Patzer - My chess blogsite (new)
  • PHP Learning Blog - Collection of what I've learnt from PHP
  • Andrew Ooi-Blog - My personal blogsite (old)
  • GilaChess-Blog - My chess blogsite (old)
  • Maribelajar - E-learning and tuition on Java
  • The Chess Network - Malaysian Chess Federation official website
  • Judit Polgar - Judit Polgar Fan Club
  • Make Money Online - Various ways of Making money online
  • Malaysia - Malaysia Encyclopedia
  • Malaysian Chess Open - Malaysian Biggest Chess Open held annually sponsored by Dato Tan Ching Nam
  • Anya Corke - Anya Corke Fan Club
  • FM Mok Tze Meng - FIDE Master Mok Tze Meng
  • My Chess Wiki - Chess Encyclopedia
  • Andrew's Quiz - My open source quiz program
  • Malaysian Chess Rating - Malaysian Chess Rating

    About Cameron Highlands
  • Cameron Highlands Directory - A directory of Cameron Highlands websites
  • Rosette Cafe - Rosette Cafe, Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands
  • Roselane Cafe - Roselane Cafe, Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands
  • Stats on my websites
  • Andrew Ooi vs 2 Superheroes competition
    BBS and FreeLinks added.


    27th December 2005.

    Wow this page is still alive!! Anyway I am more active in my other websites here:-

  • GilaChess
  • My Blog
  • About Malaysia
  • About Making Money online
  • Judit Polgar Fan Club

    14th April 2001.

    It's been a long time since I last updated this page. Been busy with my other sites at GilaChess, ADCS2000, and Java Learning Center. I wish my students good luck on their coming ADCS exams especially those that took OP217 'lessons'/CS214/CS215/JP219/PHP from me. Study hard and don't disappoint me ok?

    27th October 2000.
    I attend my UOW convocation. I've finally graduated!.
    Here is the link to a picture of me and my girlfriend.

    1st January 2000.
    It's a miracle!! I can walk. After a year of using the crutches I can finally walk on my own two feet.

    1st March 2000.
    After a year of being a network admin (on and off) I'm back to teaching again!

    UOW Students

    Last batch of UOW students graduate!! Congratulations to all who passed with honors.


    Exams and new materials


    ADCS exams are around the corner again. Good luck to all CA208 and AP207 students.

    I'm busy building more web page materials for C++. Stay tune for some C++ goodies.
    Free C++ Compiler

    New domain name.

    You can get to this page by using the address:
    easy to remember right?

    You can email me at


    Checkers program

    Some students have been requesting source code for a checkers program. See if you can beat the computer at checkers here (don't be too proud of yourself though - the program is quite weak).
    Play now.

    New Bulletin Board

    Seems like all the BBS that I have used (3 of them!!) have gone kaputt! I finally figured the problem. Don't ever used free BBS hosted on some other websites. They are unrealiable or lasts only for a few months. My solution is to use a CGI scripts instead. Only problem is the popups from Virtual Avenue. Don't know how to embed the ads as banners on the page yet.

    I remember someone asking about a C or Pascal question regarding binary files in the old bulletin. Can you please repost as I have forgotten that question already?

    Here is my new BBS which I have total control over (I hope).

    Old News

    K U A L A L U M P U R, Malaysia, Oct 30 ,1999.
    Leg and hip operation.

    K U A L A L U M P U R, Malaysia, Dec 21 ,1998.
    Accident while crossing road.

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    Programming discussion board

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    Copyright 1999 Andrew Ooi.
    All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

    Welcome message
    (real audio)