List of Spells with Exact Directions!

36) Aggravation (player-vs-player only) - Deathknights - Level: 10 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, S, Go Portcullis.

20) Blast (players/monsters) - Brute - Level: 60 - W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, N, Go Gate, W, W, W, W, W, N, N, N, W, W, N, E, E, N, W, W, N, N, N, N, N, U, N, Go Cave, N, N, D, N, W.

28) Bringing (other players) - Archdemon - Level: 38 - W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, S, E, S, Go D, Go S, S, S, U, U, Go G, N, N, Go Trap, S, E, E, N, N, W, S.

24) Circle (self) - Were-Jaguars - Level: 40 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, N, Go Gate, W, W, W, W, W, S, W, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, S, W, S, W, S, W.

40) Curse (other players/monsters) - Darkling - Level: 45 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, E, S, S, Go Path, W, S, Go Door, Go Tiny Crack.

30) Dispel_magic (other players/monsters) - Witchdoctor - Level: 21 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, S, E, S, Go Dock, Go Sailboat, S, Go Shipping Lane, S, E, E, Go Beach, W, W, W, W, W, S.

10) Elicitation (monsters/players/items) - Rector - Level: 19 - From the Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, N, W, S, Go Wooden Door, N, N, D, N, N.

8) Enchant (weapons/armor/shields) - Succubus - Level: 23 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, E, S, S, Go Path, W, Go Opening, Go Staircase, E, S.

26) Enhancement (weapons/armor/shields) - Piratelord - Level: 43 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, S, E, S, Go Dock, Go Sailboat, S, Go Lane, S, E, S, S, W, W, Go Beach, W, W, Go Gate, S, Go Door.

42) Exhaustion (players/monsters) - Slith - Level: 37 - W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, S, E, S, Go Dock, Go Sailboat, S, Go Lane, S, S, E, S, S, S, S, W, W, S, W, Go Beach, N, N, Go Panel, W, Go Conduit, D, Go Vortex, D, D, Go Portal, E, E, S.

5) Fear (monsters/other players) - Vampire - Level: 48 - W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, S, E, S, Go D, Go S, S, Go L, S, S, E, S, S, S, S, W, N, N, N, O, E, Go W, D, O, E, E, E.

41) Fireball (players/monsters) - Gasgiant - Level: 75 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, E, S, S, Go Path, E, S, E, E, Go Gate, E, Go Door, E, Go Slit, U, U.

34) Haste (self/other players) - Aciddragon - Level: 65 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, S, E, S, Go Dock, Go Sailboat, S, Go Shipping Lane, S, S, E, S, S, E, S, S, S, S, S, E, N, N.

3) Healing (self/other players) - Firedragon - Level: 39 - From the Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, N, E, Go Door, N, D, D, S, S, Go Altar, D, E.

6) Invisibility (self/other players) - Apparition - Level: 71 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, E, S, S, Go Path, E, S, Go Crypt, W, D.

22) Invulnerability (self/other players) - Siliconite - Level 32 - From Newsstand: N, N, W, W, N, N, N, E, Go Clanhouse, N, N, Go Door, D, Go Panel, Go Dias, Go Altar, S, N.

12) Key (special exits) - Xainth - Level: 5 - From Newsstand: N, N.

2) Languor (monsters/other players) - Darkelf - Level: 24 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, N, Go Gate, W, W, N, W, W, W, N, N, W, W, N, E, E, E.

18) Levitation (self) - Shade - Level: 36 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, N, Go Gate, W, W, N, W, W, W, N, N, W, W, N, E, E, E, E, Go Tree, Go Trap, E, E, S, S.

17) Lightning (players/monsters) - Angel of Death - Level: 42 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, N, Go Gate, W, W, N, W, W, W, N, N, W, W, N, N, E, E, N, W, W, N, N, N, N, N.

13) Magic_key (special exits) - Glowgiant - Level: 17 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, S, E, S, Go Dock, Go Sailboat, S, Go Shipping Lane, S, S, E, S, S, S, S, W, N, N, N, N, W, N, Go Crevice, D, E, N.

37) Mania (self) - Jubilex - Level: 55 - From Newsstand: N, N, N, E, N, Go B, E, E, D, E, E.

9) Mesmerization (players/monsters) - Redlady - Level: 70 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, N, Go Gate, W, W, N, W, W, W, N, N, W, W, N, N, E, E, N, W, W, N, N, N, N, N, U, N, Go Cave, N, N, D, N, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, N, E, N, N, W, W, N, N, N, E, N.

11) Pass_door (special exits) - Skavens - Level:25 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, E, S, E, N, Go Manhole, D.

16) Protection (self/other players) - Bishop - Level: 20 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, S, E, S, Go Dock, Go Sail, S, Go Lane, S, S, E, S, S, S, S, W, W, N, Go Pier, O, W, N, N, E, E, N, N, Go Door, N, W, U, E, S.

7) Purification (self/other players) - Wight - Level: 14 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, N, Go Gate, S, S, S, Go Island.

31) Return (self) - Hellion - Level: 41 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, N, Go Gate, S, S, S, Go Island, D, D, D, W, W, Go Crack, E, E, Go Boat.

15) Restoration (self/other players) - Bard - Level: 62 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, S, E, S, Go Dock, Go Sailboat, S, Go Shipping Lane, S, E, S, S, S, W, S, W, Go Beach, E, N, Go Door, U, O, E, E.

39) Revelation (area affect) - Acolyte - Level: 6 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, N, W, S, Go Door, N.

32) See_invisible (self/other players) - Mystic - Level: 16 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, N, Go Gate, W, W, W, W, W, S, W, S, S, Go Footbridge, N, W.

21) Seeking (other players) - Hobgoblin - Level: 33 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, N, Go Gate, W, S, S, S, S, W, Go Cave.

29) Shield (self/other players) - Poltergeist - Level: 49 - From Newsstand: N, N, W, W, N, N, N, E, Go Clanhouse, N, N, Go Door, D, Go Panel, S, Go Panel.

4) Sleep (area affect) - Siren - Level: 46 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, S, E, S, Go Dock, Go Sailboat, S, Go Shipping Lane, S, W, They're in the Doldrums...Look around! :)

38) Spying (other players) - Windworker - Level: 4 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, S, E, S, Go Dock, Go Sailboat, S, Go Shipping Lane, S, S, E, S, S, S, S, W, W, N, Go Pier, O, W, N, N, E, E, E, S, S, S, S, W.

35) Stealth (self/other players) - Skelosian - Level: 54 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, S, E, S, Go Dock, Go Sailboat, S, Go Lane, S, S, E, S, S, S, E, Go Beach, E, E, Go Trap, Go Staircase, D, W, W, N, E, Go Door, O, Go Barrier.

23) Strength (self/other players) - Ogre Shaman - Level: 35 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, N, Go Gate, S, S, S, W, S, Go Skiff, Go Overhang, S, W, W, S, S, S, S, E, E, E, E, Go Passage, N, O, O.

25) Sturdiness (self/other players) - Chimera - Level: 22 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, S, E, S, Go Dock, Go Saliboat, S, S, U, U, Go Gateway, N, W, Go Ladder, Go Watchtower, U.

33) Summoning (area effect) - Firebeetle - Level: 50 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, N, Go Gate, W, W, N, W, W, W, N, N, W, W, N, N, E, E, N, W, W, N, N, N, N, N, U, N, Go Cave, N, N, D, N, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, W, N.

14) Teleportation (self/other players) - Mage - Level: 31 - From Newsstand: N, N, W, W, N, N, N, E, Go Clanhouse, N, N, Go Door, D, Go Panel, Go Dias.

1) Vigor (self/other players) - Kirin - Level:28 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, W, N, Go Gate, W, W, W, W, S, S, S.

19) Visioning (direction) - Phantasm - Level: 7 - From Newsstand: W, S, W, S, E, S, S, Go Path, E, S, E, E.

27) Weakness (monsters/other players) - Witchking - Level: 34 - From the Newsstand: W, S, W, S, W, W, S, W, N, E, Go Wooden Door, N, D, D, N, E, N, W, W, N, N.

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