Fake Spring 2004

Otherwise known as: March

Because "spring" in Massachusetts is a joke- one has to grab what time outside one can. We had a few really nice days (above 30 degrees) in late February and early March and folks around here and we really took advantage of them. Because right around the corner, lurked more snow....

(Click the Pictures for Enlargements)

Amanda is loving the idea of swinging outside!

Who's that on the see-saw with the kids???

Amanda is back in the swing and having a great time.


Jake is showing off his new swing jump move at the park- notice the twist at the end.


Hanging in the backyard with Dad- Jake practicing for his first season Post T-Ball...and Amanda in her excersaucer! Mike is very creative when he wants to do something, he makes it work for Amanda too. :)



Jake practices his "cool" look (foreshadowing??)

Amanda is SOO excited to have hold of that cat!!!
(Oscar wasn't so excited...)

It's March 15th - Amanda's seven months old!!
(yes, that's her gravity defying hair)

 Hmmm, looks like somebody had a busy day--
