More Easy Pickings


Send your answers for the top, middle, and bottom pictures of this stellar group via email here.  Remember that the identities will not be given for awhile.  I want to see how many of you will send in correct answers.

Those who gave correct answers are: (Add your name to the list even if someone else has already answered.

TOP - 1. Don Piveral,  2. Mick Snider, 3. Paul Boltauzer, 4. Vic Munn

MIDDLE - 1. Steve Ludwig;  2. Don Piveral,  3. Mick Snider, 4. Paul Boltauzer, 5. Vic Munn, 6. Larry Berg


BOTTOM - Seems to be a tough one?? 1. Paul Boltauzer, 2. Clyde Blanchard

1.When Paul Boltauzer came to DPI from the GE Computer Department
he was assigned to write the code for the Magnetic Tape Driver in
the first release of DCOS.  And he rewrote it for just about every
release after that.  He probably still does it in his sleep.

While writing that first version, he requested a new status line be
added to the hardware but was told it could not be done.  Next he
requested a hardware class for all the programmers so they would
better take advantage of what was there.  About mid-way through
the Mag Tape Controller class, he handed the hardware Engineer
a marked up logic diagram to change the hardware to give him the
change he had first requested.  We always listened to him afterward.

When young Pete Coble made the leap from a Manufacturing
Test Technician to become an Application Programmer in the days
before AIDE was invented, who would have thought that someday
he would be responsible for hooking up the heaviest terminal ever
connected to one of our Data Collection Systems
it happened about '93 or '94.  The system was the DCF package
on the TOWER and its successors).  About the time of this picture,
he wore very short ties.
John Shore is another of the many GE Computer Department people who
came to DPI in the early days.  He also loved his sailboat and many
a DPIer was taken sailing on the beautiful Monterey Bay on nice
weekends.  While they had lots of fun, the reports always seemed to
include getting stuck on a sandbar!  Wish I knew where he was so
he could defend himself from this slander.  He read the Wall Street
Journal every day.  One day he read an article about a test to prove
whether or not you were an alcoholic.  After doing the test, he was
able to say "I am not an alcoholic!"

Other Pictures
| DPI Very Early | Three Directors | Easy pickings | Hail to the Chiefs | More influential folks |
| The Trio Show | The AudienceFirst Guess Who's | A Motley Bunch | Two in Dayton |
| More old timers | Well known three | SIDBOP works | Old man almost young |

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