The description of my page is:

U may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday U'll join us

I am currently working with Infosys ,Bangalore for Nortel.

Have lots of fun going through these links to a variety of sites

Techie Stuff

Here is an interesting site for Synchronous Optical Network

A C++ Tutorial A useful page with C++ Tutorial Chapters.

Here is a collection of several Asynchronous Transfer Mode related sites.

For the people who like UNIX Network Programming - Richard Stevens' Home Page

Fun Stuff

Cricketing Home Page You get live scorecards for all ongoing matches.

I am a great fan of Dilbert.Get to know your manager from the Dilbert Zone

Have a nice laugh at the Laugh Web

Misc Stuff

Want to look up for a word in the dictionary? Go to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

If you have a literary bend to your mind,then go to this very good Book Store

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