Welcome to SK's Home! 

I have built this home brick by brick (using HTML) and it was hard work and lots of fun.

I love making new friends and believe in keeping in touch with them.

I was thrilled when I first got on the Internet (way back in 1994) and things improved with E-mail and home pages like this one. That too free! Who said that there was no such thing as a free lunch? God bless the people who believe in freedom of the NET and give us this oppurtunity to reach out to the world at large and help each other.

I have a collection of articles and other stuff which I have here and I try and update them from time to time. Also I have a link of the best sites I have found so far. Go ahead and check them out if you already haven't. 

Goodies at home

My best collections of excellent articles - A must read

KnowledgeBase at Home

Learn PERL in 21 days
Learn SQL in 21 days

Links to more goodies on the Web

The most comprehensiveRental and Information Guide
Hindi Songs lyrics
Marathi Songs lyrics
India's largest Internet service
Driving directions to go anywhere in the US
Bus routes in the Bay Area
Ganapati and other aartis
The Internet Movie Database

I am trying to keep my home up-to-date and I need your help too to improvise. Please do come again as I am thrilled when friends visit me!