PAVLODA (Penetrator version)
Info by Fabrizio Gennari (

Can be found on Penetrator (actually, Penetrator has one short block in old Pavloda format,
the rest uses this loader)

Endianess: MSbF

Theoretically, there are 6 types of pulses

Type              Threshold (clock cycles)  TAP byte
very short        0xf2  (242)
short             0x1a6 (422)               $2c
medium            0x258 (600)               $41
long              0x358 (856)               $57
very long         0x50c (1292)
extremely long

Each pulse is shorter than its threshold, and longer than the previous one's threshold.
Actually, only 3 pulse types, Short, Medium and Long, are used.


Pulses have a different meaning, depending on the current "Status" :

When in Status 1...
Pulse  | Bit pattern | New Status
Short  | 1           | 1
Medium | 00          | 2
Long   | 01          | 1

When in Status 2...
Pulse  | Bit pattern | New Status
Short  | 0           | 2
Medium | 1           | 1
Long   | 1           | 1

Initial status = 2.



At the start, there is a repeated pattern of pulses like:
(M=medium, S=short)
If initial status is 1, it decodes to 00111111, and the final status is 1
If initial status is 2, it decodes to 10000000, and the final status is 2

When looking for sinchronization, if the byte $3F (00111111) is encountered,
status is forced to 2. This causes the synchronization to the right status, before
synchronizing on the right bit.

Lead-in byte : $08 (00001000) (no less than 255 of them, typically 1280)
Sync byte    : $55

2 bytes : Start address (low,high)
2 bytes : End address (low,high)
n bytes : Data (n = End address - Start address)
1 byte : Checksum (sum of all n data bytes + n) & 0xFF.

In other words you need to add all n Data bytes and add 1 for each of them.


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