Audiogenic loader
  info by Fabrizio Gennari 

Used by Emlyn Hughes' International Soccer, Exile, Impact, Loopz, World Class Rugby...

 Threshold: $13F 
 Bit 0: $1A TAP byte
 Bit 1: $37 TAP byte

Data Endianess: MOST Significant bit First

This loader stores data in a sequence of blocks. Blocks can be data blocks,
which contain 256 data bytes and are loaded starting at a page boundary
(address multiple of 256), or empty blocks.
Each block has a pilot tone of $F0 bytes and a sync byte of $AA.
If the first byte of a block is 0, 1 or 2, the block is an empty block. 
Otherwise, it is a data block: the byte is the page where the data are loaded 
(the start address is that byte * 256).Then come 256 data bytes and a checksum 
byte (XOR of the 256 data bytes). A trailing sequence of eight 0 bits ends each 
block. After a 1 block, loading continues but the following data block needn't 
be consecutive. After a 0 block or a 2 block, loading stops
and code is executed. If that block is the very last, the code starts the 
program. Otherwise, it displays the loading screen or does other things then 
jumps to the loader again, so new data is loaded. Note that "empty" blocks (0,
1 and 2 blocks) are not actually empty, they are followed by 256 bytes and a checksum, but those bytes are ignored.

Data blocks are stored consecutively, i.e. the page of a block is the
page of the previous block + 1. Exception: if a block is stored in page $CF
(i.e. at addresses $CF00-$CFFF), it can be followed by a data block starting anywhere.
Typically, such block is the very first data block.

Special Agent/Strike Force Cobra loader
Used by Special Agent and Strike Force Cobra. Very similar to the previous one. Differences are:
* There are three types of pulses. 
                      Special Agent Strike Force Cobra
Bit 0..................~512.........~368
Bit 1.................~1088.........~816
Very long pulse.......~1360........~1448
Threshold 0-1...........712..........594
Threshold 1-very long..1256.........1151

* Every block starts with a sequence of very long pulses (no less than 5 of
them, typically 30-31 of them), followed by 3 normal pulses (0s or 1s). After
that, comes the first byte of the block.
* In Special Agent (but not in Strike Force Cobra), empty blocks cannot start
with a 2 byte, only 0 and 1 are allowed


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