Zzap! Megatape Loader
  info by Fabrizio Gennari 

This loader is used by most (not all) games in Zzap! megatapes.


Threshold: 416 clock cycles

Data endianness: least significant bit first.

Lead-in byte: $80
   Sync byte: $AA


The pilot tone is made up of short impulses. Then lead-in byte, sync byte and
data bytes follow. No checksums are present. The start address is always 2049
($0801). The end address is stored in the loader's header chunk: low byte is
stored at location 855 ($0357) and high byte is stored at location 859 ($038B).

    Source: geocities.com/siliconvalley/platform/8224/c64tape

               ( geocities.com/siliconvalley/platform/8224)                   ( geocities.com/siliconvalley/platform)                   ( geocities.com/siliconvalley)