This is my first completed game to use DirectX. The rules of the game are basically the same as they are for the original Elimination. Each player is given ten marbles at the beginning of the game. Each players' goal is to remove all of the other players from the board by jumping over them. Whenever a marble is removed from the board by an opponent, an 'F' is placed in its spot. Any player who lands on the 'F' will get a new marble. Throughout the board, there are invisible sink holes that will swallow up any marble that lands on them.

The major difference between the original Elimination and this version is you can have up to four players instead of two. With more than two players, you are able to play on teams of one vs. two or two vs. two.

Like the original Elimination, the music was written by Joel Wenzel, you can visit his web sight here.

Last Updated: December 20, 2000