This is my historical fiction essay answering the question: If nothing sticks to Teflon, how do they make Teflon stick to the pan? I had to connect it to 13 people/events that we studied in AP European History.

Alchemists discovered Teflon while melting gold during the Age of Expansion. Their discovery of gold in foreign land brought back a thin layer of Teflon on the surface of the gold. Also, mercantilism helped bring in the gold. However, once man touched it, it would be rubbed off due to oils in his skin. So, mercantilism also ruined some of the Teflon. But still, the brand new gold made it possible for the discovery of Teflon. The alchemist that discovered this was called Teflon, so that is why we call it that.
When he came up with the idea for the 95 Theses, Martin Luther had just started using this new Teflon, but of course he was not allowed to touch the surface of the pot with his bare hands. He was cooking one day when he realized that the slipperiness of the pan caused the food to be just as unstable as the Church. Also John Calvin realized that just as Teflon was pre-destined to not ever let any food stick, God had also pre-destined who would enter heaven. The Peace of Augsburg then allowed the free use of Teflon along with religious freedom.
Gutenburg’s Printing Press spread the word of Teflon, and how you cannot touch it. Eventually, someone in the scientific revolution found that if you mix the vaccine for smallpox, discovered by Edward Jenner, with the Teflon surface when you heat it up, it will stick to the surface even when touched by the oils in your hand. The age of imperialism brought the new discovery to Africa and Asia. Finally, the invention was perfected during the Cold War, when Big Science took over the world. They found new stuff that is not at all the same as the original, but we still call it Teflon.

BTW, I turned this in and got an A!!!! :-D