
This is my first attempt at a X-com web page. On this page in the near future, I will include research, information from UFOpedia, etc. I will also post the story of X-com 2 soon, maybe... I am resuming work on this page today (1/21/99).
Okay, long time since an update. So sue me. Anyways, I fixed the form below. Even with that form really bad, I managed to get several dozen responces. This is my most popular part of my web site, so I'll start with this as an update. Looking at the date, I can't believe how busy I've been... I've moved, started a part time job and college, and quite a few other things since then. I'm just starting to get settled, so I'll get back to my web page. I have beaten X-com TFTD, and UFO too. Even the third one, apocolapse it is. I plan to finish the research tree and get some tips, mostly bugs that help you a little bit. But give me a few weeks. And if you don't have anything, start bugging me. I'm going to be going to a class dedicated to web programming in the next month or so, so I'm going to use that class to better this and a few of my other pages. (07/07/00)
Now I have been unable to update the site, I didn't have the chance to improve this site too much... But this is still my most popular site, so I owe you all a few occasional updates. And most definatly an update of the research tree, I must finish that. (01/01/01)
Hmmm.... Yet another spill of inactivity. Well, let me just say I am in college, what can you expect? I try to update as often as I can, but I do sometimes have problems, and for my X-com page, well, it's gotten a bit neglected... I'm sorry all of you out there who really like this site. Well, I'm trying, what can you expect. Anyways, I'm getting better. If anyone out there really wants me to update this site, either email me or sign my guestbook and I'll force myself to.
(07-31-03) Well, this may just be the end of this website. I am unfortunately going to have to leave this website for at least 2 years, maybe forever. There's a good chance it'll go inactive during this period of time. That means no more emails, unfortunatly, I won't be responding to them. You still have 2 weeks to email me about any questions you may have. I'm going to try to work on an FAQ, it might just answer some questions that many of you have, but it will probably be far from perfect. Anyways, I've really enjoyed working on this site, and I hope you all have enjoyed it as well. This site gets around 250 hits a month, and the number is always increasing, keep up the good work! I'll try to leave you all with an updated website as my final legacy.
I have Research and information.
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X-com:Terror from the deep starts out with you selecting a place for a floating base. You must decide where to put it. I recomend around the sea of Japan or gulf of Mexico or Artic region. Then you start one of the best games there is. You can research new technology, manufacture things, build on to your bases as well as build new ones,and preform the following types of missions:
1. Crash alien subs
2. Investigate alien crash sites.
3. Stop alien terror sites.
4. Stop alien Artifact sites
5. Destroy Alien colonies
6. Destroy T'leth, the aliens base.

The X-com series is a very good series, and takes a long time. I have now beaten the game once, and am close to a second time. It took me over 200 hours to beat the game the first time. To research some things, you need to research others. You start out with poor weapons, but can reseach others It is a very realistic alien combat game. It was made by Micropose.
Here is the scoop for some basic tips. I've had somewhere over 30 emails relating to X-com, and most of them have a similar basis. The best way to now get a hold of X-com is to go to an abandonware site, such as The Abandonware Search. Most of the rest have to do with research tips... Since I never did finish the research tree on my web site, I'm up to giving a few tips here.

1. First of all, DO NOT RESEARCH A LIVE DEEP ONE UNTIL YOU HAVE RESEACHED MAGNETIC NAVIGATION!!! There is a game bug, and if you do that, you CANNOT beat the game.
2. Second of all, it is often useful to have more than one squad of men. Towards the end of the game, it is quite common to have a very large surplus of cash. This is the time to get multiple ships. The reason for this is to have only your best guys at T'leth.
3. Keep your Lobsterman Commanders until one of 3 things happen, or better yet, they happen at the same time. If you have researched either the Hammerhead ship or The Ultimate Threat.
4. I do have maps of the alien ships and (Far less common), T'leth, but I can't scan them... Sorry. I'm looking for a way I can now, I'll upload them when I have the chance.
5. On T'leth part 2 just before going to part 3, SAVE!!! There is no save for T'leth part 3, so be warned. 6.If you need more tips, feel free to email me using the form below. I usually check my email every week or so, because it's not my main email that the forms are sent to, and I haven't had time to try to figure out anything different... But you will be answered, and it sometimes can pay for help, reguardless of the time.

Here is a form to contact me, you can also e-mail me at
Fill out all blanks but URL, or it won't send. It will take you to my index page.