C&C: Red Alert

Warning: This game may offend people.

Red Alert is an awesome game set in the times of World War II. An experiment after the war sends a man back in time to kill Adolf Hitler. Although it seems that all is better, this allows Josef Stalin of the Russians to take over for Hitler. This is where the game begins. You can either work for the Allies or the Russians. This real-time game is the second Command & Conquer, and although I've never played the first, this is most likely a big improvement.

This game is excellent. It has wonderful graphics, a great plot, and it isn't MOTS (More of the Same) from Command & Conquer. It has excellent cut scenes between missions, and your choices actually make a difference in the game, which is better than most games. I may finish this later, I am at a writer's block. Sorry.

A screen shot: