D*I*G*I*F*R*I*E*N*D*S* Part V-Conclusive decisions

-Note, this is going to be the last episodes (at least for me), : ( , if anyone has ideas for another episode go ahead and send your story or idea to me and stuff. I?ll try to make this story have not as much grammatical and total screw-ups like my previous ones were, maybe I should proof read (uh hum, I have MSWorks-no gram checker :(!!!!! I bet my tense is all screwed up too!!!!!)!!!!!!!

In the previous episode, the calamity began to calm down. But as of the lst second of the last story we see Tai and Sora passionately kissing!!!

-Sora and Tai storyline-

After their lips depart from each other

Sora: (disorientedly and softly) Tai?

Tai: Uh-

Sora: (now fully aware of the situation) Tai what the bejilikers was that for!!

Tai:(shyly) I?m sorry Sora, I didn't mean to do it.

Sora: (When she heard that he was sorry for doing that, she felt a bit sad) Well, lets just say that never happened, ok Tai. No one needs to know about that,um, accidental sorry kiss.

Tai: (still in the hallway) Sora sorr...

Sora: Enough said (she closes he door on his face, but not really shutting it, just lightly closing it.)

She feels sorry about her action, but she wished Tai would have said something else about the kiss. She perhaps wished he immediately said he loved her. Now she leans on the door and slowly falls to the ground , crying. Tai is still outside the door, now touching Sora's door, wishing he made something better of the situation. He then sits on the ground hoping that Sora would open the soon. After an hour, Kari and T.K (snuggling ^-^) arrive to the hallway of her apartment.

T.K.: (surprised) What are you doing out here Tai?

Kari: What did you do!?

Tai: Nothing! NOTHING!

Kari: Your being really emotional, please tell us what you did.

Tai: I kissed her, and then said sorry.

Kari: Why did you say SORRY! Your suppose to say, like "I love you, or "marry me!?That's what a girl wants to hear!
Tai You could have told me that earlier!!!

T.K.:Chill, man!

Kari: I'll talk to Sora, but you hav-

Tai: Don't bother. She won't want to be with a loser.

Kari:Tai Kamiya! You must fight for something you love...

Tai: I've lost. (Then he walks off with a tear in his eye)

Kari: Ta...

T.K: Let him off.

Kari: Fine, but I'm going to have a talk with Sora!

T.k.: That sounds good.

Tai then walks to the central perk cafe (open conveniently 24 hours a day)He sees Matt there.

Tai: Hey Matt.

Matt: What did you? You look so down the gutters.

Tai: Totally blew it with Sora.

Matt: Grr! Tai what the bejilikers is your problem, you always screw things up.

Tai: (very SADLY) Sorrr...oh I hate that word!

Matt: Why?

Tai: That's the last word I said to Sora.

Matt: Man, you are a loser!

-Back to Kari's/Sora's apartment-

Kari finds Sora sleeping on the couch. She sees her snuggled up and sleeping with a large teddy bear that Tai won for her when they were dating.

T.K.: (silently) Maybe I should just go.

Kari: Wait. I'll make you some cocoa! (a little bit to loud said)

Sora: (waking, and said slurring) Did I hear cocoa?

Kari: Good morning Sora.

Sora: It's morning?

Kari: I was joking. Hey, you still have that bear!

Sora: Huh? Ohh, it's old, I don?t even remember where I got it. Well, I'm going to go to my bed. Ok? G'night. (Goes into her room ,and closes her door.)

T.k.: Why are they so stubborn?

Kari: Born that way?

T.K.: Probably.

-Next Morning-Setting Central Perk-

Everyone was chatting within each other, however in this morning Sora's and Tai's relationship, if it can be even called that now, was more strained then ever.

Kari: Hey ya guys, do you want to have a picnic today? It?s already a nice morning!

Everyone out of sync: Sure, ya.

Tai and Sora say it at the same time:Sure. (They turn their faces away from each other with disgrace, they are sitting far from each other, btw.)

Kari: OK! (hesitating) Um, lets all meet at our usual place at Central Park. I'll take care of the food, etc. Sounds good?

Everyone nods.

-Almost everybody are at the usual place for the picnic. However, Tai is the only one missing.

Kari: Where the bejilikers is my brother.

Sora looks a little sad, due that she was expecting Tai. She now wanted to patch some things up. She still wanted to be at least friends with him.

---Meanwhile--Tai went the Flower Boutique. He decided that today was the day he stopped being stupid, and decided to buy flowers to Sora, to see that he really meant to be sincere, not jerk.

When Tai came into the view of the picnic ground, Sora blushed, she saw the flowers, and she knew that they were for her. She didn't know what to do exactly. Should she except them,and say thank you, and blush like crazy? Or should she turn them down, and be mean? No! She decided she should stop being mean, and start being sincere. When Tai saw Sora, he suddenly hesitated, and with out thinking gave the flowers to his sister, and told her it was a thank you gift for the wonderful picnic. Sora was enraged! Inside she wanted to burst and shout to Tai why he didn't give her flowers! However, she realized by the way she was acting yesterday night she did not deserve any flowers, and settled down. Tai felt stupid for making that stupid mistake. He wondered why he hesitated. The picnic finally came down to the end, it was a good time for everybody else but Sora and Tai, who did not speak a word to each other since last night. It was now getting dark, and what was worse it started to rain!!

Sora: (Thinking)Grr! Why does it have to ran on me!!! Better yet, why didn't I bring an umbrella! Grr, I guess I have to set buying a gift to my mom another day!

She starts heading home. All of the sudden when she was hurrying home, she sees the most perfect gift in a display window. She goes into the store and finds out that the perfect gift cost $500! She however bought it because it was perfect! (The perfect gift was a small glass sculpture with two diamonds in the dolphins eyes. She now was walking home once again, the rain seemed to stop, so she was glad. However, the worst thing happened, a taxi was accelerating quickly and then it passed Sora with a splash! It soaked her and better yet, the sculpture fell out it box and bag and shattered! Sora was about to cry. She didn't want to be seen crying so she just decided to cry at home. This all happened right in front of Tai's apartment building, so he saw the whole thing. He felt really sorry for his love, and decided to do something good, and promised himself he would not chicken out!

-at Kari's / Sora's apartment-

Sora: (sobbing her eyes out!) Why di-di-did that have to happen! It was the last small one! And it was the most perfect gift! All-alal I wanted to do was to impress my mom with a great gift!!!

Kari: Don't worry, there are other GREAT gifts left in this world!

Sora: No-not as perfect as that one!!!!!

door knocks-

Sora: Can you get it? I'm afraid that it'll be Tai again!

Kari: Fine.

She opens the door and finds a mid-size box at the door.

Kari: It says it's for you.

Sora: (sarcastically) Oh goody. (She picks the box up, and finds it heavy.)Hey, the box says it's from the place I got my gift! Could it be?

Kari: Open it!

Sora: Oh my gosh--

Kari: What is it?

Sora: Look! It's the same sculpture, but only like three times bigger. Dude that one cost like $10,000. Who would give me that?

Kari: (silently) I bet I know.

Sora: Huh, what?

Kari: Nothing!

Sora: No, what?

Kari: (with a false voice) I bet you won some sweepstakes or something!!!!!!!

Sora: No!

Kari: (Walking out of her apartment) You should know then.(Now is out of her apartment)

Sora: Kari, wait! (thinking to herself) Who could have done such a nice thing? I guess I have a guardian angel?

Kari: Opening the door quickly: Damn it girl it was TAI (then shuts the door, she's still out of her place)

Sora: Tai? Why would he do such a nice thing? I doubt it! Well, it gives me a reason to visit him.

Sora now goes out seeing Kari in the hallway/.

Sora: Are you sure?!?!?

Kari: Positive (saying it giving her a wink)

Sora walked out of apartment building, and headed off towards Tai apartment (a five minute walk She know was at front of his door. For some reason she wished he wasn't home. She drew a huge breath and knocked.

Tai: (voice muffled by the door) coming! (opens the door), he becomes dumbfounded) Sora!?!?

Sora: Hi Tai.

Tai: What are you here to more let-downs?

Sora: Look, I know, well at least I hope I know what you did.

Tai: (knowing what she was talking about) I didn't do anything!

Sora: The Sculpture! I know it was you who bought it for me? Why?

Tai: What? What sculpture?

Sora: Tai Kamiya! That's what I hate about you, you're so oblivious and such a bad lair!

Tai: What?

Sora: Please don't ruin what we already have: a good friendship.

Tai: So we're friends now?

Sora: weren't we always?

Tai: That's not what I thought, Sora. You really hurt me.

Sora: What! Me! Your the who broke up with me!

Tai: No it was you!

(they were getting closing to each other, and were bickering for a while, when all of the sudden they looked straight to their eyes, and then shared one long deep passionate kiss!)

Pulling away from each other, they both looked startled)

Sora: Tai, I um better go.

Tai: Uh. OK. (Sora nears the door) Wait, Sora we need to talk about us.

Sora: No, another time, please Tai!

Tai: What other time? We have all the time of the world now!

Sora: (feeling guilty, goes back towards the middle of the room) fine.

Tai: It hurts me knowing that we can?t be together, please tell me we can be!

Sora: Tai, are you implying you want to start dating again?

Tai: That would be lovely Sora! Please tell me we can!

Sora, I don?t know what to say.

Tai:Say, yes!

Sora: If we did, would you promise never to hurt me?

Tai:That's a promise!!

Sora: Then I have nothing to say but, yes.

(They hug and kiss each other ^-^)

On the next day, they come in together into Central Perk.

Kari: Finally.

Mimi: Yea!!!!!!

Matt: Your not a loser anymore Tai!

Tai: Shut up!

Tai sits down and Sora sits on his lap.)

Sora: Thanks you for everything Tai.

They kiss, everyone goes aww!!!!)

Tai thinking:I am so happy now!.