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 Almost Everything You Need to Know About Your Packard Bell Computer
Diamond Stealth II S220
Part 2

These pages are about the Diamond Stealth II S220 which I installed on my system, it is divided into 3 sections because it is heavy on the graphics.  Since I can not write about video improvements without showing pictures.

Video Upgrade
1) First Things 
2) Stealth II S 220 
3) Performance
Part 1

Rendition Ready
4) 3D Performance 
5) Overclocking 
6) Game Sampler 
Part 2
7) Installation 
8) Reviews 
9) Related Links
Part 3

3D Performance -
Hardware vrs Software 3D Acceleration
Software 3D Hardware 3D
 800 X 600 75Mhz Refreshrate

Overclocking -

Game Sampler -

Go back to Part 1
Go on to Part 3

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