Definitions of Dag



see quote 1933

1933 Acland: Dags, dags hard or soft dung hanging from the breeches of a sheep. cutting this off is called dagging.

1878 G.H. Gibsonsouthernly busters 174 : Im able to shear 'em clean/ and level as a die;/ but I prefer to ' Tommy Hawk' and make the daggers fly.

1899 W.T Goodge Hits! Skits! and Jingles! 42 : with leathery necks and dags galore,/ A bad machine and a slippery floor,/ and how could a shearer ask for more?

1971 Frank Hardy the outcasts of Foolgarah 2 : Sir Percival Dagg, the sheep millionaire


A would-be dashing and stylish fellow [the sense replaced by 'lair' q.v.]; a humourist, wag, eccentric

1916 the Anzac book 47 : Yes 'Enessy was a dag if there ever was one!

1918 Aussie 18 Jan 14 : The Dag on leave [ cartoon of a nattily turned out soldier with a self satisfied expression

1924 Truth 27 April 6 : Dag a funny fellow

1932 Leanard Mann Fleah in Armour 57 : Johnny Wright, a solicitor from a country town, now a bit of a dag, with the habit of going on a real bender now and again. Ibid 229: They could imagine that whimsical grin. There he was, just the same old dag.

1937 Vance Palmer Legend for Sanderson 33 : 'he was a dag, ol chris'

1946 Kylie Tennant Lost Haven 351 : : he had to be the Alec who was ' a bit of a dag', who always had a joke.

1963 Hal Porter the watcher on the cast iron balcony 110 : Partly to give Uncle Y, the wit, the funny-man, the sad case, the dag, the trimmer, one never-lost-for-a-smart-come-back, a further opportunity to set them giggling and squealing.


A conventional Youth ' a square'

1975 National Times 13 Jan 40 : The surf has a glamour the ordinary boy lacks. 'They're dags', says collen Field, of Kellyville, of ordinary boys, despite the repulsive tag, dags are the sort of boys every mother would like her daughter to bring home. At least she knows, by the medium long haircut, that he is a boy. his clothes are tidy, he wears shoes and is known to wear a tie

from Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms G.A Wilkes 1978

I guess and equivilent american word for Dag, would be, nerd, or geek. I think you get the picture

Well I guess now that you have read the definitions of dag, you will understand this joke, a favorite from my early childhood

Would you go to a party up a sheeps arse?
No? well you would be one of the dags hanging around outside

Daggy Trent Index