Youth against the war and Anti war activity in Fermanagh and Derry, March 5th.

Fermanagh Against the War

The local group set up to build opposition to War against Iraq held a successful meeting on 20 February in the Railway Hotel. Weekly meetings are now being held every Thursday at 8pm in the Hope Centre beside the Erne Hospital and all are welcome.

The Group will be in Enniskillen’s Diamond today, Wednesday 5 March, as part of a Day of Action throughout Northern Ireland. A stall with leaflets, petitions and posters will be held from 11pm throughout the afternoon. Anyone interested in opposing the war are invited to come down sign the petition and give whatever support they can.

The antiwar coalitions throughout Britain and Ireland are preparing for a day of widespread protests if the War on Iraq is launched. Plans have been drawn up for a lunchtime rally in the Diamond on this day known as Day X. Workers, students, the unemployed, pensioners and all opposed to war are asked to gather from 12.30pm to show the depth of opposition to this action.

From their activity in the County, Fermanagh Against the War are convinced the vast majority of Fermanagh people are against the war and do not want killing in their name. If you want to help take petitions or organise local meetings in Fermanagh, phone Paul.

Fermanagh Herald 5th March 2003.

Fermanagh Herald letters page, March 19th 2003

Public urged to protest against war

It now appears that war in Iraq is imminent. Despite a distinct lack of support from British and Irish people, George Bush will have the backing of Blair and Aherne when he sends troops in. The battles and missiles that will be launched could claim the lives of tens of thousands of ordinary Iraqi people. The scenario in Baghdad alone, a city of 5 million people, will be horrific.

We in the ‘Fermanagh against the War’ have been campaigning in the county and are convinced that the vast majority are against this action. The Stop the War Coalition believe this size of opposition is repeated throughout N Ireland. If this war is launched, town and cities throughout Britain and Ireland will stop for lunchtime protest. In Enniskillen we are asking people to join us that day at 1pm in the Diamond. Come out of work, schools, college, homes and shops for only half an hour.

This will be followed by a massive demonstration in Belfast on the Saturday following military action. We are joining with millions around the world to oppose the war. Fermanagh against the War will run buses from Enniskillen that day to bring people to Belfast. Please phone Colin at 0787 639 5496 or Paul at 07980 99 78495 to book your seat.

We are meeting this Thursday 20th March n Enniskillen Library at 7.30pm to discuss organising more protests- everyone is welcome – see you there.

Raymond Maguire, Dylan Quinn, Colin Harding and Paul Dale.

Fermanagh Herald March 19th 2003

Council to debate war on Iraq

Sinn Fein will be asking council to declare its opposition to impending war.

As the countdown towards war with Iraq continues, Fermanagh Councilors are due to meet this evening in the Townhall, Enniskillen (6.30) to debate a Sinn Fein motion opposing the conflict. The party will be asking the Council to declare its opposition to the threat or use of armed force against the people of Iraq and to call on the UK and the US governments to desist from their present course of action.

[This report went on for 4 more paragraphs. Continues..]

The special Council meeting will have a particular interest for the Fermanagh Against the War group who will more than likely picket the Townhall to press their views n Councilors arriving for the meeting. The group has asked housewives, employees, students and shoppers to assembly at the Diamond at Enniskillen at 1 o’clock on the day war with Iraq begins to register their dissent. It will also be organizing buses to Belfast for a demonstration on the Saturday of the week hostilities commence….[report went on about local Assembly members.]

School walkout planned over war

School students across Northern Ireland are preparing for walkouts from school today (Wednesday) as part of an international day of school strikes against war in Iraq.

Schools in Londonderry, Belfast, Lisburn, Newry, Bangor, Omagh, Coleraine and a number of other areas will be affected. The walkouts have been called by Youth against the War and so far the response to the call has been overwhelming, according to organisers.

Youth against the War spokesperson, Chris Loughlin, commented: “Our members have been organising support in their schools and have had a huge response. During the last week hundreds of school students have joined Youth against the War and pledged that they will be taking action on Wednesday. In most cases the schools have been sympathetic and have given support.

“However there have been a number of exceptions. Some of our members have been called before their principals and threatened with disciplinary action if they walk out.”

Londonderrry Sentinel March 5th 2003

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