Contents of the
November 2005 edition
of the Socialist the paper of the Socialist Party in Ireland

Can George Galloway build an alternative? By Ciaran Mulholland
Joe Higgins Column - Racism, National Question.
The Ferns report - Separate Church and State NOW! By Fiona O'Loughlin
Sinn Fein embraces capitalism - By Councillor Mick Barry
Riots expose inequality and racism in France
Northern Ireland - 19% rate rise + Water Charges..You're not on! - By Gary Mulcahy
13 Migrant workers Abandoned on island - By Garrett Mullan
Belgium - Successful general strike against anti-worker attacks By Laura Fitzgerald
Roches Stores staff replaced by cheap labour By Anthony Hetherington
For international trade union action to STOP SLAVE LABOUR at Irish Ferries
Firefighters say: Hands off our pensions By Tony Maguire, N.I. Regional Secretary, FBU
Doyle Concrete / Steelite "We've crossed the point of no return"
Cork strikers threatened with jail By Councillor Mick Barry
Classroom assistants will need to strike again by By Padraig Mulholland, NIPSA Branch 517
Civil Service Pay Dispute - by Carmel Gates.
Britain & Ireland Workers move into action - Fight neo-liberalism - defend workers' rights
Sri Lankan presidential election - CWI offers socialist alternative
Asian earthquake disaster - Workers & poor suffer most By Cillian Gillespie
Reports on Socialist Youth campaigns - on Kashmir Eathquake appeal, Hoodies, Omagh hospital and students.
FIGHTBACK Against low pay and exploitation By Daniel Waldron
Education Privatisation and Dundonald: Children's safety put at risk
Water Charges - Consultation sham!
Hains budget means Higher taxes and worse services By Gary Mulcahy
Socialist Party exposes Estate management fees rip-off By Councillor Ruth Coppinger