omagh: tarred by the same dunnes brush

Omagh Socialist Youth have accused the local Dunnes Store management of blatent discrimination against young people.

By Daniel Waldron

A couple of school students were recently caught shoplifting. As a result school students now have to take their purchases to designated checkouts and we are warned by shop assistants to keep our receipts because there is a high possibility we will be stopped and interrogated by the (oh so inconspicuous) store detectives.

Of course, this might seem trivial but it is harassment of young people. If someone from an ethnic minority was accused of shoplifting, would Dunnes management begin a similar campaign of racism, treating all non white customers with suspicion.

Also, we are expected to take a Dunnes Stores plastic bag even if we've only bought a packet of crisps or a chocolate bar. I fail to see how this really discourages shoplifting. It simply gives the store free advertising while creating more unnecessary, non-biodegradable rubbish. We have taken these issues up publicly in the town and are demanding that Dunnes will abandon these senseless policies straight away.

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This article is from the Feb. 2004 edition of Socialist Voice.

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