Beast Enders Real Time Interactive Show

The Newsletters & Interviews

Page Contents

Information about Beast Enders
Beast Enders Fan Club Newsletter #1
Beast Enders Fan Club Newsletter #2
Beast Enders Fan Club Newsletter #3
Interview held by e-mail with Eviem... May 96
Interview held by e-mail with Arclight... May 96

Information about Beast Enders


Beast Enders has sadly come to an end. The organizers Arclight and Eviem have moved onto other things. I have listed here the few Beast Enders Newsletters I produced and the interviews I held with Eviem and Arclight.

Beast Enders Fan Club Newsletter #1


Hi everyone

First things first... I am using a new mailing system to distribute this newsletter, if it does not work my apologies... I will just have to try something else and fire my mail administrator.

The intention for this newsletter is to establish a link between the people who organize Beast Enders and those that do the harder job of appearing in it. If any of you would prefer not be informed about things happening with Beast Enders then please send me a mail and I will remove your name from the list... and your spirit from my soul *sob*

I am afraid that I do not have the time (or skill) to make this witty so I will just raise a few points and hope that you find the time, energy, sympathy, pity, disgust, anger to responded.

1) If any of you know someone that should be on this mailing list and is not could you please ask them to e-mail me so that they can be included. Ask them first... unwanted birthday presents that clog up the shelves or mailboxes are one of my pet hates.

2) A home page for the Beast Enders Fan Club is under construction, I will be asking for suggestions when it has progressed to the stage where I will not die of embarrassment to show you it. Nancy has already made many suggestions... no... none of them was rude... yes all of them are good and I will discuss further when I have the groundwork in place.

Amongst the things I wish to include will be details of the actors that perform in Beast... can I have permission to publish your e-mail addresses & Homepages (just write and let me know).

3) The current list of actors and characters is given below... many are missing or incorrect. I would appreciate if any, or all, of you could supply any missing actors or characters and corrections to this list.

Eviem - Countess
Hart - Count_Hart
Cricket - Jenny Armour
Albie - Riffraff
Nancy - Magenta
Chip - Alienfiend
Loulou - Loulou
Traci - Jennys_Evil_twin
Cinderalla - Evil_shadow
Minx - Lolita
Judie - Scarlet_o_tear
Sweetlips - Traveller
Noxas - Salesman, New_age_freak, Knight_good, Heckler
(Eviem says that anyone not accounted for is probably me *g*)

4) Albie has suggested that we have a competition for the best Beast Enders Logo... I think it is a great idea. It has one slight problem... which leads me on to my competition.

I will give a prize to the person that makes the best suggestion as to what can be given as a prize to competition winners. The winner will receive whatever prize they suggested (assuming that it is possible and not to illegal).

My competition will run until I get a suggestion that will not cause long-term damage, I can spell, and that I like.

I propose that Eviem and me judge Albies competition with Alan acting as final judge if Eviem and me can't agree... as if that would happen *smile*. Send entries to me, I warn you though I am going to ask Alan to put them on public display in the database. If possible we may have a democratic vote amongst you all for the best logo... democracy is alive and kicking on the net.

Well I hope that I did not bore you too much, don't forget that Beast is currently running at 18:00 Biz Time on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Be there or you will be a ... a ... a ... (I think that another competition may be called for)

Yours and mine


Beast Enders Fan Club Newsletter #2


Hi everyone

I hope that all of you have heard the news... Beast has moved from MicroBiz to Firefly ( This is possibly a temporary move... more details will be mailed and posted on the homepage of the Official Beast Enders Fan Club.

This leads me on to my next news... the Beast Enders Fan site is up and running. It still needs a whole lot of work... and a whole lot of help from you. I have being working hard in a darkened room whilst you have been playing in the sun... if you have not been playing in the sun then why not?

The URL is ""

Please come and visit Cricky and me there... and enjoy such delights as the origins of Beast, Eviem's desperation for a date, Arclight's problems with being understood, Alan's personal details and Cricky's country love songs.

Let me know what you think of the site... please... please... please be honest... it is my first attempt but I think that you will enjoy it *grin*. If you do like... then tell your friends... better yet tell your friends to tell their friends... smile.

Yours and mine


Beast Enders Fan Club Newsletter #3


Hi everyone

I am afraid this will be the last newsletter you receive from me... *sigh*.

After discussing with Arclight and Eviem... I have decided that I would prefer to only appear in the show and will no longer be involved with organizing any aspects of it. So the competitions, interviews and this newsletter will be done by someone else (possibly Arclight or Eviem).

The show must go on... and in deed does go on *smile*... contact Arc or Eviem with any of your ideas and suggestions or for any information regarding the show.

The Official Beast Enders Fan Club has closed but a section on Beast Enders is still being maintained at Cricky's and my City Apartment (

Pop in and say hello if you are ever in the neighborhood... thank you for your input and suggestions... it was fun creating the Fan Club and I hope you liked it.

Yours and mine


Interview held by e-mail with Eviem... May 96


I want to add some details about yourself to the Official Beast Enders Fan club... just supply me with the facts and I will write it up into something that you will be ashamed to show your mothers *g*

I suggest that it should have as a min... answers to questions like these;

Where born: Aberdeen, Scotland.
What you do for fun: Chat on the net.
What you do for money: Work.
How old you are: A gentleman shouldn't ask a ladies age, but since you're no gentleman.........I'm 36.
Who you are dating: No-one *sigh*.
Who you would sooner be dating: I don't want to appear too desperate by saying 'anyone', so I guess I should say 'Mel Gibson' *G*.
Who you would never ever date: Noxas!!
Who you regret dating: My husband. [see Eviem's note below]
Who regrets dating you: My husband. (probably one of the few things we agree on *g*)
What your philosophy of life is: Philosophy? what philosophy? No one told me I was supposed to have one - where's the read-me file when you need it? *pout*.
What your favorite food is: Chocolate.
What your least favorite food is: Liver.
What do you think of being asked lots of stupid questions: ?#~@$%&*! rest of expletive deleted.
What you think of someone that asks you lots of stupid questions: Now, you don't really need me to answer that do you? *Eviem looks at Noxas threateningly.....*.
What the most stupid question you have ever been asked is (not including this one): Will you marry me.
Where you went to school, if you went to school: Turriff Academy in Scotland, Aberdeen University.
What you did at school: As little as I could get away with.
What qualifications/skills you have: 1.7 degrees, can take a PC apart and put it back together again with no bits left over and it will still work!
What you parents said you would turn out to be: Rich enough to support them in their old age.

[Eviem's note] I've just re-read it and think it would be best if you change the 2 references to husband to ex-husband: after all, I want any single males to realize that I'm available *g*.

Interview held by e-mail with Arclight... May 96


Do you have a homepage other than the updates: Nox I only have that one site... I'm not that interested in a personal homepage *g*.
Where born: I was born in the smoking ruins of an Industrial New town in the bleak south west of Scotland.
What you do for fun: I run the edge, live for thrills go bungeeing, diving into small containers of burning petrol from very high places and I collect stamps.
Who do you regret dating: I regret dating Angela Tills. She's one of those people you see years later and you wonder what possessed you.
Who regrets dating you: People that regret dating me include the girl that ended up paying for everything cos I forgot to go to the bank and it was Sunday(pre-cash card days) and my last three ex-girlfriends. (that's why they're ex's)
What your philosophy of life is: Freedom through beastliness and handcuffs. (I don't write the plot for Beast Enders for nothing *g*)
What your favorite food is: Anything wickedly spicy, in particular chicken Tikka masala.
What your least favorite food is: Shoe polish I think.
What you think of being asked lots of stupid questions: I'm used to it I teach English for a living.
What you think of someone that asks you lots of stupid questions: Usually I don't think about it I just emanate pity.
What the most stupid question you have ever been asked is: When I say I live in Florence on-line and the reply is "is that Florence Nebraska or Florence Arkansas?".
Where you went to school: Most notable place was Perth Academy, my secondary was something out of "Good-bye Mr. Chips" was there that my lifelong rebellion against my culture was born.
What qualifications/skills you have: An unfinished degree in communication science, I am a really good teacher, an even better writer, and I'm very modest.
What your parents said you would turn out to be: Well I think the words "useless" and "waster" were the two most frequently used terms in my house. I'm proud to think that I didn't disappoint them *g*.