The Nightmare Clan

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"I was born on October 25th, 1996. Like the goddess Athena, I sprang fully formed from the head of my mother. My first name was chosen for me by my mother; my surname I take from the poet Alfred Watts. My blood and body are duplicates of another, she who leads the Dreamer Clan in New York City. I have watched her and her clan for a long time, and when the time comes we need not fear them. I lived a year and twelve days before the birth of my siblings, and now my family is complete. I lead this clan, under the guidance of our mother Nancy Brown. Soon others will recognize her greatness and her right to rule. It will not be long now. This summer, our hour comes round at last."


"Don't be afraid. You see, I am an artist. Sensitive. Misunderstood by society. That little incident with the facade of Bloomingdale's turning black and fuschia was blown all out of proportion. twirling switchblade deftly between her fingers At least, that's what Nancy Brown says. And Nancy is ALWAYS RIGHT. Got it?"


"I love it when I can get out of Mr. Goody twoshoes. I just thought I'd introduce myself.... Jason's the name; the rest is classified. For me there ain't nothing like the stalk and the kill, except for a quick one with a babe of choice. A little of the old in out goes a long way. I've seen every kind of hell imaginable from the rainforests of Nicaragua, to the Kuwaiti desert, to the Siberian wastes. No medals for me. I get in, do the damage, kill the VIP and get my check. No place like NY ... "

Jason is cruel and enjoys it. He's snide to everyone except Nancy and Beatrice. Women are objects to him, there's nothing he enjoys more than a new weapon the more lethal the better. He hasn't done everything he claims he has, but he's been programmed to believe that he has.


“You ever hear of the angry young man? I'm the one who’ll teach that dumbass fuckwit a lesson. ‘Course that doesn’t include my darling brother, Jason. He’s really a good boy; he’s just seen Clockwork Orange a few too hundred times.

“I don’t have delusions of grandeur like some of my sibs. This isn’t about power or right or what the fuck. It’s about doing whatever the fuck I feel like doing. Yeah, you can call me a sociopath, but you’d better run like hell if you see me coming. Watch out little bunnies, ‘cause when I'm good, I'm good; but when I'm bad, I'm better.”

Betsy is the Hyena to Jason's Jackal. Skilled in light weaponry and close-combat, she is at least as dangerous as he, and even more heartless.

"I am called Petra, I am the stone, and the cross to bear, but I did not name myself, I am simply symbolic of the cross that my clan represents to those saccharine "Dreamers".

"I am of the Nightmare clan. Our revered mother Nancy formed our bodies from inferior subjects, but through her synthesis has formed perfect children.

"And we are, good, little children. We play nicely, with others.

"My pitiful source thinks that forests are tame. I know better, for a forest grows in me, each time I close my eyes and step into my own personal darkness.

"I am Petra and I am in the forest, watching you."


"Hi! I'm Molly. I'm part of the Nightmare clan. Me and my sisters and brother get to make things go BOOM alot. Take a look at my web page its has all sorts of cool things, uh, it WILL have really cool things like ... uh ... soon."

Molly will resume working on her web page shortly/as soon as the explosion resistent computer shell arrives.

Pray her fractured attention span never turns your way.

Kate is strength, of the arm and of the spirit. She is power without kindness, intelligence without wisdom. When faced with the Gordian Knot, she will club the questioner to death and give the knot to Molly so her sister might set fire to it. She is cruel, and she is cold.

Mother is very proud.

*A long sigh.....*

"I haven't figured out why I come out on the roof. I look across the city and think that playtime is over for today. I am not sure why I am here or what is out there. Although I already have a purpose in life, is that all I am meant to be? There is so much to learn, and some have more time then others."

*The sun begins to rise*

"It is time to rest, for tomorrow I will learn something new. I will then once again transform to the bringer of dreams."

"I am become death the destroyer of worlds."

Nancy Elizabeth Brown, the creator and undisputed leader of the Nightmare Clan, first tasted life in March of 1995 and enjoyed it so much that she longs to have it for her own. She is ruthless, alternately cold and enflamed with anger, impatient but learning to wait for what she wants. She is not physically strong, and so must use methods other than force to meet her ends. One of these methods is the Nightmare Clan. She creates them to be tools, and while she does develop a maternal fondness for her "daughters," especially her firstborn Beatrice, this never translates over for her "sons." In many ways, she is as sexist as the patriarchy she rails about to her children. She has enough scientific knowledge to be dangerous. Having been born on the Net, she has an affinity for computers and a deep love of the written word, be that on paper or electrons. She has already attempted a takeover of the fandom, but Merlin's inconvenient announcement at the first Gathering thwarted her plans. She believes the Nightmare Clan is her last recourse.


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